MPSC WIC MIS System CS 6 Clinic Services Food Package – Food Benefits Screens
Detailed Functional Design Document
CS 6 Clinic Services Food Package – Food Benefits Screens
Revision Date: March 23, 2017
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Revision Date / Updated By / Requested By / Description of Revision8/2/2013 / Ciber Team / MPSC / Amendment 7 Updates
10/28/2013 / Ciber Team / MPSC / Release 3.06 Updates
4/29/2014 / Ciber Team / MPSC / Release 3.07 Updates
3/23/17 / CDP Team / MP User Group / Cover page, header, and footer mods for new M&E contractor
Table of Contents
1 Food Package 5
1.1.1 Food Package Effective Date 5
1.1.2 Formula/Medical Food Documentation 5
1.1.3 Prescribing Foods for a Participant 5
1.1.4 Food Package Grid (FI Only) 6
1.1.5 Food Package Grid (EBT Only) 6
1.1.6 Card Benefits Display (EBT Only) 6
1.1.7 Direct Shipping Food 6
1.1.8 Food Package Screen 7
1.1.9 Food Package Documentation Pop-Up 30
2 Returned Formula 34
3 Issuance Summary 41
4 Food Benefits (FI Only) 48
4.1 Food Benefits 48
4.1.1 Signature Capture– FI Issuance Pop-up 63
4.1.2 Paper FI Output (Static) 64
4.1.3 FI Detail Pop-up 69
4.1.4 Participant Detail Pop-up 78
4.1.5 Reprint FI Pop-up 79
4.1.6 Void FIs Pop-up 82
4.1.7 Mail FIs Pop-up 84
4.1.8 Signature Capture – Voiding Lost / Stolen FIs Pop-up 86
4.2 FI History 87
5 Food Benefits (EBT Only) 92
5.1 Card Operations 93
5.1.1 Signature Capture – Replace Card Pop-up 101
5.2 Food Benefits 102
5.2.1 Displaying the Screen 102
5.2.2 Issuing and Processing Food Benefits 103
5.2.3 Changing Food Packages During an Issuance Period 105
5.2.4 Mailing Benefits 105
5.2.5 Prorating Benefits 105
5.2.6 Moving a Child Between Families 106
5.2.7 Screen 107
5.2.8 Participant Detail Pop-up 134
5.2.9 Signature Capture – EBT Issuance Popup 139
5.3 Audit Trail 140
5.3.1 Food Benefit Listing (Static) 162
6 Farmers’ Market 164
6.1.1 Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Receipt (Static) 169
6.1.2 Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Receipt Mockup 169
7 Manual FI (FI Only) 171
Appendix: EBT Foods Screens Comparison 176
Appendix: Automated Food Package Update Algorithm 178
Appendix: Food Benefit Alert Algorithm 180
Appendix: Benefit Calculation Rules 182
Appendix: Proration Rules 186
Appendix: Participant Profile Assignment Rules 192
March 23, 2017 Table of Contents Page 3 of 3
MPSC WIC MIS System CS 6 Clinic Services Food Package – Food Benefits Screens
1 Food Package
The Food Package screen allows the user to record prescription information related to special diet needs, record that specific foods are needed for a religious reason, and allows the prescription of food items. Historical Food Package screens are accessed by using the record selector.
1.1.1 Food Package Effective Date
The Food Package Effective Date is the date the user wants this food package to first be available for issuance. For example, if the user wants the food package first available on 4/1/08, then they should set the effective date for 4/1/08. The default for the Food Package Effective Date is today’s date because it is expected that the date that a user is prescribing the Food Package is the first date that they want it available for issuance in most cases. This Food Package stays effective until a user makes another Food Package.
1.1.2 Formula/Medical Food Documentation
Documentation related to a Formula/Medical Food or a food need related to a religious reason is captured on a pop-up off of this screen. For Medical Documentation, Rx Expiration Date, medical diagnosis, and a designated authority are required for any food package with food items that are designated as “Special Diet.” If state or local policy dictates, the paper prescription can be scanned into the system using the Scan Document function accessed from the File menu. For more information on scanning documents, see CS 0 Clinic Services Overview.
1.1.3 Prescribing Foods for a Participant
A user can create a single food package or multiple food packages. A food package defines the food benefits for a participant for an issuance period. Generally the user selects a food package from a list of model food packages. If something other than the model package is desired, the user tailors the package as desired. A food package must be validated before it can be used to issue food benefits. This validation process compares the food package to the food rules that have been entered into the system in the Food Management functional area. Food rules are associated with participant profiles. A food package that fails the verification process is marked “unverified” and can be saved in the database, but cannot be used to issue food benefits. For more information on Model Food Packages, Food Rules, and Participant Profiles see FM 1 Food Management Screens.
Most participants have a single food package that is used for all issuance periods within the issuance cycle. For example: A child is prescribed the model food package C-30-60 months/2 gallons. This same package is used to produce food benefits until a new food package is created by the user or by the system when a milestone date is met.
Multiple food packages can be created for a participant, each with a future Effective Date. Multiple food packages are often created for special diet needs where different formulas are prescribed for different issuance periods or when the user is trying to issue current issuance period benefits that may be less than what is desired in future issuance periods. For more information on Milestones, see FM 1 Food Management Screens.
A verification process also occurs before Food Benefits are issued. During this process, the system checks to see if a participant reaches a Milestone age during the food issuance cycle. If yes, the system creates a new food package with the default food items for that participant profile. It is possible for the user to lock a food package so that the system continues a special diet food package rather than creating a new food package at defined milestones. (This may be used when the participant is receiving a specific food package because of a continued condition such as PKU or when the participant is not developmentally ready to progress to other foods along with their peers.)
1.1.4 Food Package Grid (FI Only)
For FI states, the Food Package grid displays Food Items by Category and Item Description. There is one column for entering quantity for each FI that is to be printed. Not every FI has a quantity for every food item. Additionally, the user must assign if the food item is to be used in all months, odd, or even months. As part of the tailoring process, food items can be added or removed from the grid.
1.1.5 Food Package Grid (EBT Only)
For EBT states, the Food Package grid displays Food Items by use of Category, Subcategory, Quantity, and UOM. The user also selects if the food item is to be used in all months, odd, or even months. As part of the tailoring process, food items can be added or removed from the grid.
1.1.6 Card Benefits Display (EBT Only)
If desired, the current issuance period card balance can be presented in the information panel so that the user can see what is currently on the card. To accomplish this, the user inserts the card into the card reader and selects the Benefit Inquiry menu item. For further details about the Benefit Inquiry menu item, see CS 0 Clinic Services Overview, Card Activities Menu.
1.1.7 Direct Shipping Food
A system parameter allows a state to choose whether to direct ship food items which are typically specialized formulas or medical foods. Direct shipping varies slightly from state to state, but it represents giving food to participants outside the normal process of redeeming food benefits at vendor stores. Direct shipping may be set up where the clinic stores and distributes these food items or it may be that the food is directly shipped to the participant from a manufacturer. This is based on contractual arrangements. Directly shipped items are issued (inside the system) but are not produced on food instruments (paper FIs or EBT cards). These foods are identified as candidates in the food management screens so that on the food package screen the user can check which foods are to be handled as directly shipped.
1.1.8 Food Package Screen
For FI states, the Food Package grid displays the Food Items by Category and Item Description. The item description is the print that appears on the printed paper FI. The grid allows the user to see how the foods are distributed across the paper FIs. As part of the tailoring process, food items can be added or removed from the grid. FIs can be added to the grid or removed from the grid. System parameters determine the maximum number of food items and food instruments that can in the grid.
FI Screen (FI Only) (System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI”)
NOTE: The food package displayed belongs to a three year old child.
> Foods > Food Package
<Family Header (See CS Overview)>
Participant Sub-Header (See CS Overview)>
EBT Screen (EBT Only) (System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “EBT”)
NOTE: The food package displayed belongs to a breastfeeding woman with a partially breastfed infant.
> Foods > Food Package
<Family Header (See CS Overview)>
Participant Sub-Header (See CS Overview)>
Note: See Appendix: EBT Foods Screens Comparison in this document for a matrix showing the purpose, the level of data, the length of data span, the ability to update, what data is managed, and the dates covered on this and other EBT Foods screens. (EBT Only)
Control / Description /Effective Dates / This is the date that a food package becomes effective to be used in the system to produce food benefits. The drop-down and spin control allow selection of historical food package data. When New is clicked, this date defaults to today’s date. It can be updated by the user. If another food package already exists for the participant with Food Package Date = today’s date, then the Food Package Effective Date must have an effective date other than today’s date entered by the user. The Effective Date is the first day that a food package can be used for issuance.
Type / Record Selector
Contents / Dates
DB Column / ParticipantRX.EffectiveBegDt
New / Clicking the New button creates a new Food Package record. The Food Package Effective Date is set to today’s date by default but can be updated.
If a Food Package already exists with today’s date, the Food Package Effective Date of the new package must be changed by the user to a date in the future.
If a new food package is created and there was an existing food package with a valid effective date, the previous package is given an end date of the day before the new package’s Effective Date.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + N
Edit / Clicking the Edit button enables all fields on the Food Package screen for update.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + T
Delete / The Delete command button is used to delete the displayed Food Package. If the food package is deleted and there was a previous food package the end date is removed so that the previous package is now in effect.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + D
End Date / The date that a food package stops being effective. This food package can no longer be used to produce food benefits. This field is inquiry-only and not enabled for update. When a new food package is created the end date of the previous package is set to the day before the effective date of the new package. If the current food package is deleted then the previous food package end date is removed and the food package is once again the effective package.
Type / Text Box
Required / NA
Length / NA
Validation / Mask of mm/dd/yyyy
Display Only / Yes / Calculated / Yes
DB Column / ParticipantRX.EffectiveEndDt
Do Not Auto-Update / This checkbox is used to lock a food package for use. If locked, future milestone based on automated food package selection is disabled (which in effect overrides the automated food package selection). This is based on matching against system defined participant profiles.
Type / Checkbox
DB Column / ParticipantRX.LockUseofPkgIn
Part Profile Info / Additional participant profile information that is not available in the participant header or on the food package screen is displayed above the Documentation link:
1. The WIC Formula level is displayed for Infants, Breastfeeding women, and Pregnant women with Question 4g = Yes on their most recent Nutrition Interview.
2. Multiples is displayed for Breastfeeding Women with more than one infant in the Infant(s) Born From This Pregnancy list of the most current pregnancy, Pregnant Women with a Multifetal gestation for the most recent pregnancy, and Pregnant Women with Question 4g = Yes on their most recent Nutrition Interview and two related infants with Breastfeeding Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl/No F Pkg, or Prim Excl/Comp.
Type / Text Box
Required / NA
Length / NA
Validation / NA
Display Only / Yes / Calculated / Yes
Food Package Status / This is a display-only information message that identifies a food package as verified or not.
Type / Text Box
Required / NA
Length / NA
Validation / NA
Display Only / Yes / Calculated / Yes
Verify / The Verify button is used to force the application to perform the verification process on the displayed Food Package. If no errors are detected, the Food Package Status message is changed to “Verified.” If errors are detected, a list of edits that failed is displayed and the Food Package Status message is changed to “Unverified.” A food package that is not verified may be saved to the database but cannot be used to issue food instruments.