For all our Branch disciplines, a Team Manager should be appointed to organise training and the entries into team events.

Please note that the Team Manager’s role is purely ADMINISTRATIVE.The role does NOT involve the selection of team members; this is always delegated to the relevant Team Trainer and/or Instructor.

Set out below are the main responsibilities of a Team Manager:

Publication of Team CompetitionDates
All local competition dates for the year will be found on theArea 13 section of the PCUK website under “Calendar.” Please note that the Calendar is updated frequently, as Branches can issue dates and schedules at any time , so it is good practice to check the Calendar very regularly, particularly in the early months of the year when arrangements are being finalised.

As soon as a date is publicised, the Team Manager should let the relevant members know and ask for expressions of interest.

It is usually clear from the Calendar entry whether it will be a Team or Individual Competition. If it is not clear, you can always ask for interest from Members on the assumption that it is a Team Event and then advise of any changes later. You can also look on the relevant Branch’s own website to see if the Schedule has already been issued to their members.As a rule of thumb, Branches tend to stick to what they have done before but you should always double check the Schedule when it does come out to find out what, if anything, has changed.

The Team Manager should ask those who wish to be considered for a Team place to note the date in their diaries and confirm by email that they are available.

A database/spreadsheet can then be set up with all the information required to make entries eg. Member names/ages/names of ponies, etc and for which competition each child is available.

Team training/rallies
These are open to all Pony Club members and should be arranged in consultation with Team Trainers.They are particularly aimed at helping those who are interested in being selected for the Teams but, most importantly, for the Team Trainers to see the level at which Members and horses are working. Consequently, Members should be encouraged to attend as many as possible if they are serious about being selected for a team.

Entering Competitions.
Once the Schedule has been published, it can be emailed round to Members requesting that they read it and then confirm their availability. It is always necessary to specify adate by which responses must be received!

Many team events are oversubscribed, so it is IMPERATIVE that entries are made as soon as possible in order to secure places. Similarly, some competitions have opening dates for the receipt of entries and/or a priority period for Area 13 entries. If you know that you have several teams to enter, you are able to telephone the organiser and advise them that you will entering several teams – that way you can sometimes hold the places.

The Team Manager, upon receipt of all entries, will ask the Team Trainers to confirm who should be on which team and then complete the entry forms to be sent off with a PC cheque.

Collecting Payments from Members

See attached notes

Schedules and Rules
Each competition will be run according to the particular discipline’s PC Rule Book.

Team Managers should keep copies of the relevantRules and have them available at every competition.

Any stipulations set out in the Schedule must also be noted eg no dogs/hats to be presented/checks for correct BETA on body protectors.

Team managers should note the date for the publication of Times and then email out the information to Team Members as soon as it becomes available.

If appropriate, it is a good idea to try to co-ordinate a team course walk either on the day or the day before the competition.
It is also good practice to ask all participating members to check their tack before an event and to ensure that they have the right kit - ie correct Cowdray numnahs/hat silks/XC colours/gloves/badges/hair nets etc.
Competition Day

The Team Manager should bring copies of the Schedule and Dressage Test(s) and Rules with them on the day.They should arrive promptly, pick up bibs/numbers and doublecheck Members’ times.

If a Team manager is unable to attend, a parent should be nominated to take their place.

Please note that all Cowdray members are representing their Club and itis important to check that they all look smart, are prompt and ready to compete.
After competing, if any team is required atPrize Giving, the Team Managershould ensure that all members are wearing the correct attire (ie PC tie/stock, jacket and riding hat).

The Team Manager should send a quick email to the DC (Catherine Myres) and Secretary (Bryher Pears) summarising how everyone has got on, attaching if possible, a photo of any prize winning teams/individuals for posting on the branch website.

***Every encouragement and support should also be given to those Members who, for whatever, reason, are competing as individuals in the competition.***
Before leaving, the Team Manager should make sure that all children (and parents) make the effort to thank the organisers, preferably as a group.


Team Managers need to keep a record of all competitors for each competition and ensure that any placings are recorded – this can be added to your database/spreadsheet. These details will be required at the end of the season to calculate the points for Branch cups at Prize Giving at the end of the season.

Cowdray Hunt PC – February 2017



Competitions our members enter can be expensive and it is important that the members know the fees that they will expect to pay and when we need this money collected by the branch.

We typically pay for team events from the CHPC account due to the expectations of the organizer for entries to be made by the PC and paid for using a PC account. At these team events it is usual for individual classes to be paid and entered for by the member. It is not the responsibility of the Team Manager to determine which individual events the members want to enter, unless there is an over subscription for the team event and some of these members want to compete as an individual. For events which only have individual classes it is the responsibility of the member to make their entries directly.

Once a Team Manager has a team (and over flow individuals) for an event they need to workflow the finances as follows:

  1. Send an e-mail to the Branch Treasurer (Lex Dugan) to request a CHPC cheque for the entry. Lex will need to know the event, when it is and how much and to whom the cheque should be made. She will then get it to the Team Organizer to send with the entry form.
  1. Send an email as soon as the entry is made to the members informing them how much they need to pay to reimburse CHPC. They will need to pay this immediately (as we have already paid for the entry from the CHPC accounts). Lex will need to be copied into this email so she knows who is competing and that they have been asked to pay the fees back to CHPC.
  1. Members can pay via

a)the Online Bookings section of the branch website using a credit/debit card – easiest for all! Team Managers will need to liaise with Catherine Myres DC about setting up an appropriate entry on the site.

b)cheque to Cowdray Hunt Pony Club (c/o 3 High Path, Easebourne, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9BD) – with competition, competition date and name of child competing clearly written on the back

c)BACS to SORT CODE 202062 and ACCOUNT CODE 40075159, giving a clear reference (eg HT/SJ/DR or Polo FR/QU/CH) plus date of competiton, and where possible name of child especially if payment is coming from someone with a different surname. Payees should email Lex and the Team Manager to confirm BACS payment has been made, giving the reference quoted on the transaction.

  1. All payments Lex receives by BACS or cheque will be reconciled against the competition and list of entered members.
  1. If a member has not paid two weeks before the competition then Lex will let the Team Manager know so they can chase the member.

Cowdray Hunt PC – February 2017