Braintree Middle School Band and Orchestra Syllabus

Matthew Sawtelle, Director

Phone: 781-380-0160
Fax: 781-380-0164

Course Description:

Band & Orchestra is offered as a connections class at all three grade levels. Variety is very important in many aspects of the course, including repertoire studied, instruction provided, and evaluations conducted. The focus of the middle school instrumental program is comprehensive musicianship, producing musicians who can read music independently and have strong group performances.

All students will learn performance etiquette as performers as well as audience members. Performance opportunities will be varied, and include on-campus and (when possible) off-campus venues. Students are encouraged to audition for extra-curricular ensembles, including concert choir (singing enhances instrumental music performance!!), pep band & jazz band. Students may be invited to audition for the South Eastern Massachusetts School’s Bandmaster’s Association (S.E.M.S.B.A.), and the Massachusetts South Eastern Junior District Festival. Dates are included in this packet, but are subject to change. Concert notices will be given out prior to each performance.

Course Objectives
Thiscourse is designed to:

  • Develop the student’s individual technical abilityon their instrumentthrough ensemble performance.
  • Enhance the student’s view of music as a source of enjoyment, enrichment, and as a discipline of the arts.
  • Expand the student’s knowledge of various musical repertoires.
  • Illustrate the inter-disciplinary concepts found in instrumental music.
  • Provide performance opportunities throughout the school and community.
  • Develop the student’s knowledge of musical theory including but not limited to:
  • Moveable “Do” system
  • Rhythmic studies
  • Musical terminology

Course Evaluation
Students are evaluated in the areas of: objectives, conduct, and effort.

  • Assignments consist of written and playing assessments, including theory work, history lessons, and playing quizzes. There will also be one test at the middle and the end of the year.
  • A student’s class participation grade is split into two sections
  • Effort – proper playing posture, playing technique, and participation.
  • Following directions – promptness, being courteous during class discussions, being prepared for class- (pencil, worksheets, music, and folder).
  • Performances are the culmination of every instrumental objective and are considered are considered a major project. All students are expected to perform at each concert. Parents are notified well in advance of each performance date in order to plan effectively. Because chorus is a co-curricular subject and every voice is critical, students are graded for concerts beyond the normal school day and must make every effort to attend.
  • All areas of assessment are equally weighted

Required Materials:

Students must bring their instrument (in working condition), music and any other necessary materials (strings, rosin, oil, grease, reeds, cleaning supplies) to every class.

Students who do not bring their instrument to class will receive a failing grade for the day. Students who frequently forget their instrument will be required to make up lost time after school.

Students who frequently forget their music or other materials will be marked down and will be required to spend time after school.

Storing Instruments:

Students are allowed to store their instruments in the music room overnight when they have class the next day, instruments should not be left over the weekend. Due to limited space, all students will be requiredto take home their instrument after their last class of each cycle (Day 3 or Day 6). Frequent failure to bring instruments home demonstrates a lack of practice and will result in a lower overall grade.

Rehearsal Criteria:

-Has instrument (in working condition) and materials.

-On time.

-Performs music at a proficient level.

-Displays proper behavior and attitude.

Performance Criteria:

-On time.

-Wears appropriate attire.

(Boys & Girls: white shirt, black pants, black socks & black shoes).

-Performs at a proficient level.

-Displays proper behavior and attitude.

An unexcused absence from a performance will lower the term grade by TWO letter grades.

Playing/Theory Quiz Criteria:

  • Playing quizzes will include ear training selections and passages from concert repertoire.
  • Students are allowed to make up any written quiz/test, but it must be done outside of normal class time.
  • Performance tests may not be retaken.

Great East Festival:

7th & 8th grade students who participate in the Great East Festival in May must have a minimum average of 85 in their music class grade for the first 2 grading terms.

Braintree After-School Conservatory

Although not required, this program is highly recommended. Private lessons for a student, whether or not they are on their principal instrument, are invaluable. The price for these private lessons is the best you will find. Students studying privately receive extra credit toward their homework grade.

Phone: (781) 848 4000 ext. 2251



(Please sign and return to your music teacher)

We have read and understood the Braintree middle school band & orchestra syllabus, and will keep our copy for future reference. We will also attend every required concert & rehearsal unless there is an emergency, about which we will notify the director before the concert if at all possible, or immediately following. We understand that a portion of the student’s grade is derived from required activities that take place outside the school day.

Student Name: ______Block______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______