Spectator Support Contract for Roseburg School District Athletics
Parents please read and sign the following parent support contract for Roseburg School District Athletics.
Be supportive of the program and model positive support for your athlete! Never be critical of coaches, players, or game officials in front of your player. Nothing can erode the effectiveness of a team more quickly. It can negatively affect performance, confidence, and your team’s competitive edge at the most critical times. Cheer for all players on the team and never coach the athletes or jeer the officials from the sidelines. It only detracts from the quality of the experience.
Playing time decisions are the sole responsibility of the athletic coach of that team. The coach is in the best position to determine the amount of time an athlete competes. While the coach will endeavor to make the team membership experience as fulfilling as possible, playing time is determined in large part by the coaches’ decisions as influenced by attendance, performance, attitude, team commitment, ability and effort.
Encourage your athlete to speak directly to coaches about sports issues! By assuming this responsibility, your athlete is claiming ownership for all aspects of the sport. If you have concerns that cannot be resolved in this manner, or you feel your athlete is not yet sufficiently able to do so, speak privately with the coach at an appropriate time – never right before, after or during a game. A secondary resource is the Athletic Director at your student’s school.
Be part of the team’s parent network! Sports programs benefit when parents work together in support of the team. Be part of that effort! Interact positively with other parents; work to halt group related criticism, rumors, and just plain gossip!
Support the Code of Conduct! Our athletes are “in-training” for life as well as sports. It is essential that parents and the school work as partners, to ensure that Roseburg District athletes, are substance-free and that our athletes are held accountable for their academic performance.
Help to foster positive and healthy relationships among athletes and coaches! Talk to your athlete about relationships that may be concerning to him or to her. Bullying, intimidation and hazing have no place in our school programs. If your student reports an uncomfortable situation with others, report that to your coach or school administrator.
Be proud of the team’s effort! Remember that winning is just “icing on the cake.” The real importance of athletics lies in building solid values, instilling a strong work ethic, pursuing individual excellence, and learning skills to work with others in a team effort These lessons last a lifetime, far longer than the glory of victory or the sting of defeat. In Roseburg, we cheer for all athletes on the court. We never do anything to discourage the athletes, coaches or officials.
Parents: please retain the top sheet for your records and return the second page to your Middle School.
Roseburg School District’s Spectator Code of Conduct
Spectators of sports activities on the grounds of school facilities are the guests of the Roseburg Public Schools. The school district reserves the right at any time, to eject or deny attendance privileges to any guest of the district for any reason that school district administration determines is in good faith, sufficient. The district’ s purpose in taking such action is related to our responsibility to teach and model good spectator behavior for our young people and maintain a safe and orderly environment at all times.
Spectators at all sporting events hosted by or sponsored by the Roseburg School District will be informed of defined spectator seating and viewing areas at each individual venue as deemed appropriate by school staff.
Spectator behavior that is identified, at the discretion of the school administration (or designated supervisor), as unruly, profane or disorderly conduct or any behavior that interferes or threatens to interfere with the event shall result in the following course of action:
1. Spectator who demonstrates unruly behavior (i.e., insulting, profane, threatening, language) or substantially interferes with the orderly operation of the game:
Warning: unless the behavior exhibits profanity of any kind which results in immediate ejection from event by an administrator or a designated activity supervisor.
If behavior continues, the spectator will be ejected from the event and
Will conference with school administration and be placed on a Contract of Expected Behavior.
2. Spectator inappropriately addressing, threatening, or harassing a coach, player, or official before, during, or after the game:
Ejection from event
Police may be contacted to determine if a crime has been committed.
Suspension of spectator privileges from future athletic activities for a period of time, ranging from one game up to one calendar year, which will be determined by the administration of the schools involved, at their discretion. This sanction will be in effect for all Roseburg School District sporting events, and
Upon return, the offending spectator will be placed on a Contract of Expected Behavior as a condition of reinstating spectator privileges.
3. Spectator who encroaches upon the playing area without consent of officials and engages in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior:
Ejection from event
Police will be contacted to determine if a crime has been committed.
Suspension of spectator privileges for the rest of the sport season, and/or up to one calendar year, which will be determined by the administration of the schools involved, at their discretion. This sanction will be in effect for all Roseburg School District sporting events, and
Upon return, the offending spectator will be placed on a Contract of Expected Behavior as a condition of reinstating spectator privileges.
Leaving the premises is defined by being off school campus in all instances. In the event that a ride is necessary for transporting students home, such students will be directed to meet the ejected spectator at the edge of campus.
Game officials, who are “calling” the game or contest, have the authority at their discretion, to halt the game indefinitely, in order to preserve safety and order until any interfering conduct can be addressed by an administrator or designated activity supervisor.
Further, game officials have the authority to eject any player or spectator as described by Oregon Revised Statutes.
Joseph Lane Middle School
Parent/Athlete Code of Conduct Agreement
I ______, parent/guardian of Joseph Lane
Middle School athlete ______, have read
and understand the Roseburg Public School’s Spectator Code of Conduct. I agree that I
am responsible for complying with these expectations and I understand the consequences
for failure to comply with these rules and responsibilities.
I ______, an athlete of Joseph Lane Middle
School, have read and understand the Roseburg Public School’s Spectator Code of
Conduct. I agree that I am responsible for complying with these expectations and I
understand the consequences for failure to comply with these rules and responsibilities.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
Athlete Signature: ______Date:______
*Please sign and return this form to the Athletic Office*