Published 2016-17 SGS Calendar for editing purposes only [exported July 28, 2016]

Workplace Learning and Social Change: Introduction

Lead Faculty

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)

Participating Degree Programs

Adult Education and Community Development—MA, MEd, PhD
Industrial Relations and Human Resources—MIRHR, PhD
Rehabilitation Science—MSc, PhD
Social Justice Education—MA, MEd, PhD, EdD
Women and Gender Studies—MA


The Collaborative Program in Workplace Learning and Social Change is particularly suited to students interested in developing their understanding of work and learning trends in Canada and inter​nationally, with a focus on the relationships between workplace learning and social change. The program has three intellectual objectives:
  1. to situate workplace learning within broader social trends such as globalization, neo-liberalism, and organizational restructuring;
  2. to allow exploration of the connections between learning as an individual phenomenon and learning as a social/organizational and public policy phenomenon; and
  3. to highlight the learning strategies that seek to foster social change through greater equality of power, inclusivity, participatory decision-making, and economic democracy.
Applicants to participating programs who are interested in participating in the collaborative program must apply to and be accepted by both the departmental and the collaborative program. For admission, applicants should submit a statement of interest to the Director.
Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the participating home department and the collaborative program, students receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Program in Workplace Learning and Social Change” on their transcript and parchment.

Contact and Address

Collaborative Program in Workplace Learning and Social Change
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6

Workplace Learning and Social Change: Master's-Level Program

Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative program and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating departments.
  • Applicants must submit a statement of interest which includes:
  • relevant personal and/or professional experiences and motivation in seeking training in workplace learning and social change (all applicants)
  • a brief outline of their proposed research project (thesis students)
  • indication of their preference of supervisor, if any (thesis students).

Program Requirements

  • Individual student programs of study must meet the requirements of both the home department and the collaborative program. Normally, the selection of courses to satisfy the collaborative program requirements will not extend the program length.
  • Course requirements are as follows:
  • 0.5 core full-course equivalent (FCE) (WPL 1131H Introduction to Workplace Learning and Social Change)
  • 0.5 elective full-course equivalent (FCE) in the area of workplace learning and social change.
  • In addition, students in a thesis-based MA program will be required to complete a thesis which incorporates issues of workplace learning and social change. A member of the collaborative program core faculty will serve as supervisor or committee member.

Workplace Learning and Social Change: Doctoral-Level Program

Admission Requirements

  • Applicants should apply to the collaborating degree program that corresponds most closely to their general background and interests.
  • Applicants must submit a statement of interest which includes:
  • relevant personal and/or professional experiences and motivation in seeking training in workplace learning and social change (all applicants)
  • a brief outline of their proposed research project
  • indication of their preference of supervisor, if any.

Program Requirements

Doctor of Education
Offered to students in the Social Justice Education program only.
  • Individual student programs of study must meet the requirements of both the home department and the collaborative program. Normally, the selection of courses to satisfy the collaborative program requirements will not extend the program length.
  • Course requirements are as follows:
  • 0.5 core full-course equivalent (FCE) (WPL 3931H Advanced Studies in Workplace Learning and Social Change)
  • 0.5 elective FCE in the area of workplace learning and social change.
  • In addition, students will be required to complete a thesis which incorporates issues of workplace learning and social change. A member of the collaborative program core faculty will serve as supervisor or committee member.
Doctor of Philosophy
  • Individual student programs of study must meet the requirements of both the home department and the collaborative program. Normally, the selection of courses to satisfy the collaborative program requirements will not extend the program length.
  • Course requirements are as follows:
  • 0.5 core full-course equivalent (FCE) (WPL 3931H Advanced Studies in Workplace Learning and Social Change)
  • 0.5 elective FCE in the area of workplace learning and social change.
  • In addition, students will be required to complete a thesis which incorporates issues of workplace learning and social change. A member of the collaborative program core faculty will serve as supervisor or committee member.

Workplace Learning and Social Change: Courses

Not all elective courses are offered each year. Refer to the course schedule for current course offerings.

Master's-Level Core Course

​WPL 1131H / Introduction to Workplace Learning and Social Change​

Master's-Level Electives

The list of electives is subject to change.
​IRE 1362H / ​Organizational Behaviour
​IRE 1611H / ​Sociology of Industrial Relations
​IRE 1615H / ​Labour and Globalization
IRE 1620H / ​Labour Relations Problems in Historical Perspective
​LHA 1113H / ​Gender and Race at Work
​LHA 1117H / Consulting Skills for Adult Educators​
​LHA 1119H / Creating a Learning Organization​
​LHA 1131H / ​Special Topics in Adult Education (Master's)
​LHA 1141H / ​Organizations and the Adult Educator: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on Organization Development
​LHA 1145H / ​Participatory Research in the Community and the Workplace
​LHA 1148H / ​Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy
​LHA 1150H / Critical Perspectives on Organizational Change​​
​LHA 1156H / ​Power and Difference in Teams and Small Groups​
​LHA 1182H / ​Nonprofits, Co-operatives, and the Social Economy: An Overview​
​LHA 1185H / ​Leadership in Organizations: Changing Perspectives
​LHA 1186H / ​Organizational Change in the Nonprofit and Public Sectors​
​LHA 1195H / ​Technology @ Work: The Internet in Workplace Learning and Change
​SJE 2942H / ​Education and Work
​SJE 2999H / ​Special Topics in Sociological Research in Education
WGS 486 /
WGS 1020H / ​Special Topics in Feminist Studies
​WPL 2944H / ​Sociology of Learning and Social Movements

Doctoral-Level Core Course

WPL 3931H / Advanced Studies in Workplace Learning and Social Change

Doctoral-Level Electives

The list of electives is subject to change. Doctoral students can select an elective course from the list above or take one of the following to meet their elective requirement:
​LHA 3131H / Special Topics in Adult Education
​LHA 3183H / Introduction to Institutional Ethnography​​
​WPL 2944H / Sociology of Learning and Social Movements​​