Press Release


DATE: [ Date ]

CONTACT: [ Contact ]

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[ ENTER CITY ] — (insert name of school) will compete in the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge, the first-ever academic quiz competition for students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Begun in 1989, nearly 100,000 students have competed in Honda Campus All-Star Challenge. The questions cover everything from traditional academic areas, including science, literature, history, geography, religion, philosophy, social sciences and the arts to current events, general knowledge, sports and popular culture. African American history and culture is featured.

(insert name of school) is among ninety-one HBCUs eligible to participate in this 25th anniversary Honda Campus All-Star Challenge. Sponsored by Honda, competition begins with the campus tournament, scheduled for (insert tournament dates) . All students who compete are eligible for selection as a member of the team.

Our team will compete at an official National Qualifying Tournament in February. The top teams in the country will then advance to the National Championship Tournament, held April 12 – 16, 2014 in Los Angeles, California.

The 4-day Honda Campus All-Star Challenge Nationals involves much more than just the quiz games! Students are treated to a once-in-a-lifetime experience including: welcome activities, a gala awards banquet; a student lounge with snacks, games and activities; Disneyland theme park tour; and most importantly, the opportunity to meet, connect with and “make friends for life” among the other participants.

All competing HBCUs earn a share of over $300,000 in institutional grants from Honda.

To sign-up for (insert name of school) ’s Honda Campus All-Star Challenge competition, contact (insert contact name and phone) by (sign-up deadline) .


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1. If you’re recruiting students, faculty and staff to assist with the campus tournament, mention that.

2. If there are prizes for the winning team(s), include a sentence about that.

3. If your school competed in last year’s nationals or is a previous NCT contender, include a paragraph about that.

4. If there are other invitational tournaments the varsity team will compete in, include the details.