Sermon 1: Where Is Your Heart?

Memory Verses: Matt. 6:19-21

Please learn all verses before your Build Group.

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Sermon Notes :Matthew 6:19-21 exposition

Taking notes of the sermon greatly increases the effectiveness of God's word for living.

______Lay Up Treasures On ______

Lay Up Treasures In ______

Your ______Is Where Your ______Is

Questions for group study:

Ice Breaker Questions: If you were walking on the beach and found a treasure chest, what would you hope to find inside?

1) Read Matthew 6:19-21 five (5) times and pray for deeper understanding. Did you read it five (5) times and pray? Yes No STOP! Do not go forward until you have read it five times and prayed!

1. How do your appearance and your material goods affect the way others treat you? What about other Christians?

2. Have you had possessions that claimed your identity and devotion? How and why? What can you do to rid yourself of those false devotions?

3. Why is it important that Jesus challenge the focus of your heart? What is that focus?

4. What would happen spiritually, and with your relationships, if you did give up everything, all your material goods? Would you still be able to function in society, or be a blessing to others?

5. How can possessions be used to point your life toward the positive, and help others? What is the balance between your possessions being bad, yet being used for good?

6. Can you go though all of your possessions and tell which ones will rot, and will not apply to your Christian growth? How can that list motivate you to seek what is in verse 33?

7. What are some of the things you can do to make sure that your heart is not set upon possessions; more exactly, how can you trust in our God as Provider?

8. Read Matt. 19: 16-26. Why does Jesus say it is difficult for lovers of money to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19: 16-26)?

9. Have you seen others in your church or family whose minds and time have become divided because their attention and devotion are going to things that have no real meaning, and will rot away? What can be done for them?

10. Read 1 Pet. 1:3-5. Our real and true treasures are imperishable (1 Pet. 1:3-5)! Make a list of them, and put them in a place that you can see daily to encourage yourself. (Keep in mind that true treasures are not material in nature, so look to relationships and character)

11. Why would someone be captured by what is fleeting and will rot, when they could have so much more in Christ?

12. If your treasure is on earth, your heart will undergo many disappointments, and the storms of life will overwhelm you. Why would this be true? What can you do to prevent such disappointments and hurt?

13. How can your purpose in life be governed with godly goals and direction? How can you prevent darkness? These questions will determine how you respond to this passage and to life!

14. How can you lay up treasures in heaven? Can you create a mindset to be in tune to what is really important, versus what is fleeting and rotting?

15. How can you make this choice real, impacting, and lasting for you, your

family, and your church? Whom will you serve, and will you be determined to

keep your promise and commitment?