GERM 202: Intermediate German II Spring 2012

Prof. K. SkowOffice: CA 223D Tel: 953-6886


Office Hours: MWF 10:00-11:00, 2:00-3:00, TTH 2:15-3:00, and by appointment

Course Objectives:

In the final German course required by the Citadel’s core curriculum students further their proficiency in understanding, reading, speaking, and writing German, as well as their familiarity with the cultures of German-speaking countries by reading, discussing, and writing about an authentic German-language novel. Students will also view, discuss, and write about at least one full-length German or Austrian film on a related topic. In addition students will review grammar as needed, acquire new vocabulary, and gain exposure to culture. Assignments include readings, written question sets, short written essays, brief oral presentations, a skit, quizzes, and a book or film review. Upon completion of the course students should have the basic language and culture skills necessary to function in a German-speaking country and to qualify for upper-level German courses in The Citadel’s German program.


Hans Peter Richter, Damals was es Friedrich, dtv junior, 1980.

Axel Hering, Magdalena Matussek, and Michaela Perlmann-Balme, em. Übungsgrammatik, Max Hueber Verlag, 2002.

a decent German/English-English/German Dictionary

(recommended: 501 German Verbs)


15%Homework (Hausaufgabe): either written or oral. In addition to reading, there is a set of questions and related grammar activities for each reading assignment. These are to be done in writing and in German. They will be collected often, although not always. When they are collected, they will count as a homework grade.No late homework will be accepted. I will drop your three lowest homework grades. However, if you miss class, you are still responsible for both the homework due on the day you miss, and the homework that is announced in class for the next period. Get a homework buddy or two!

10%Participation ((Mitarbeit): includes answering questions, reading aloud without mistakes or hesitation, and attendence. After four absences, your particiation grade is going to start to drop. This is in addition to whatever punishments are meted out as a result of the class absence system, which I will use.

15%Quizzes (Quiz):expect one almost every day! Check with your homework buddy for the topic! Grammar, content, and vocabulary quizzes, written and occasionally oral. There are absolutely no make-up quizzes. I will, however, drop your three lowest quiz grades, which should take care of the occasional unavoidable absence. Please remember that guard duty is not an excuse for missing a quiz or test.

20%Papers (Aufsatz): four short writing assignments (Aufsätze), typed and double-spaced, turned in by 5:00 pm the day they are due (1. Aufsatz 3%, 2. Aufsatz 4%, 3. Aufsatz 6%, 4. Aufsatz 7%). Papers that do not follow the format will be handed back without a grade and must be re-submitted for a grade. All late papers lose 5 points for each class period late. Your current Aufsatz is to be turned in stapled to the ones that have been returned (the graded version that I gave back to you). If you fail to do this, you will also lose 5 points.

20%2 Tests (Prüfung): If you miss test, please schedule a make-up within 24 hours or you may receive a zero.Having a test count twice in lieu of a make-up test is not an option in this class!You must make up the test. Please remember that guard duty is not an excuse for missing a test.

20%Final (Schluβprüfung/Examen): both written (10%) and oral (10%) parts. The oral part will involve a group project (skit) that will be performed for the class in mid-April.





59 and belowF

Hausaufgabe für / Tag / Datum
1. / bring your syllabus! / Mi / 11.1.
2. / 9-11, “Vorgeschichte” / Fr / 13.1.
3. / 11-13 (unten) MLK Junior Tag—HW due next period! / Mo / 16.1.
4. / 14-16 (Die Haustür schlug zu.) / Mi / 18.1.
5. / 16-19 (Anfangs stand…) / Fr / 20.1.
6. / 19-21 / Mo / 23.1.
7. / 22-25 “Großvater” 1. Aufsatzgällig (due) / Mi / 25.1.
8. / 26-29 “Freitagabend” / Fr / 27.1.
9. / 29-32 (Wir Kinder…); / Mo / 30.1.
10. / 32-36 / Mi / 1.2.
11. / 36-40 (unten) / Fr / 3.2.
12. / 41-44 (unten) / Mo / 6.2.
13. / 45-49 / Mi / 8.2.
14. / Prüfung 1 am Freitag / Fr / 10.2.
15. / 50-54 “Der Ball” / Mo / 13.2.
16. / 54-57 “Treppengespräch” 2. Aufsatzfällig / Mi / 15.2.
17. / 57-61 “Herr Schneider” / Fr / 17.2.
18. / 62-65 (Zum Rechtsanwalt …) / Mo / 20.2.
19. / 65-68 / Mi / 22.2.
20. / 69-73 “Im Kaufhaus” / Fr / 24.2.
21. / 73-79 “Der Lehrer” / Mo / 27.2.
22. / 79-83 “Die Reinmachefrau” / Mi / 29.2.
23. / 83-86 (Friedrich hatte das Dominospiel…) / Fr / 2.3.
24. / 86-89 / Mo / 5.3.
25. / 90-94 “Das Schwimmbad” / Mi / 7.3.
26. / 95-98 (Der Rabbiner hob…) / Fr / 9.3.
27. / 98-105 3. Aufsatzfällig / Mo / 12.3.
28. / Prüfung 2 am Mittwoch / Mi / 14.3.
29. / 106-113 “Das Pogrom” / Fr / 16.3.
30. / 113-118 “Der Tod” / Mo / 19.3.
31. / 119-122 “Lampen” / Mi / 21.3.
32. / 122-127 “Der Film” / Fr / 23.3.
eine Woche Ferien!
33. / 128-133 “Bänke” / Mo / 2.4.
34. / 133-137 “Der Rabbi” / Mi / 4.4.
35. / 137-140 “Sterne” 4. Aufsatzfällig / Fr / 6.4.
Sketche in der kommenden Woche
36. / 140-144 “Salomon” / Mo / 9.4.
37. / 144-149 “Besuch,” “Fledderer” / Mi / 11.4.
38. / 149-153 “Das Bild” / Fr / 13.4.
39. / 153-157 “Im Keller” / Mo / 16.4.
40. / 157-159 “Ende” / Mi / 18.4.
41. / Wiederholung / Fr / 20.4.
42. / Wiederholung / Mo / 23.4.
EXAM (GERM202.02) 1-4 pm / Mi / 25.4.
EXAM (GERM202.01) 8-11 am / Sa / 28.4.