ULSAC Committee Meeting

23rd January 2006




Minutes from last meeting: Agreed

Items for Attention:

  1. Heron Lake

Was visited on 18th Jan for DL training, and was found to be a really good, cheap venue. The venue is new and expanding into diving. They are thinking of building a new platform, and we may be consulted on this if we keep up contact. It might be good to help out, also if anyone can suggest any materials/places to get them, this would be helpful too.

Someone in the club could becoming a ‘swimming’ member, so that we can use the venue. Club may pay for membership? Bonnie & Al, possibly also Kristoff, were going to join anyway so this is not necessary.

  1. Date for Dive Planning Meeting

Bonnie set the date for this meeting as 6th February, at 6.30pm at ULU. Everyone who wants to plan a trip should go.

  1. Social Secretary

Mairead reports she was pleased with the Xmas party, the club broke even.

Ideas for pre-easter training bash are needed…

Andy and Bonnie are going to have a joint 30th party. 1st April (provisional). This is the dive show weekend, and the party will be open to everyone in ULSAC. It’s out of term time but this shouldn’t be a problem because of the dive show being that day.

Possible venue: Bierodrome, Kingsway.

Al to coordinate with MC.

  1. Fundraising raffle

This is a possibility at the party. Sophie/SR/MC to do dive shop rounds and see if they can get any prizes.

  1. Easter Training

So far, 6 caravans have been booked, each taking 8 people. £100 deposit has been put down on each one.

The trainees have been asked for £50 deposit per month until Easter to cover this.

The dive sites are sorted.

The ULU MPVs have been provisionally booked.

There is a bar, but also the possibility of renting a conference centre room each night for dinner? Since the marquee is out of action.


Treasurer’s Report:

Nick John has paid off his debt.

If people are owed money, they can see VL for money.

Will Looker is still yet to pay, but people have contacted him.

£2200 in Barclays account. The BHG payment has gone out.

£2000 needed for easter training – accommodation. However, the account can’t pay that much in one go. Someone to possibly help out and put some on their credit card? Sarah will also try to arrange paying in instalments with the caravan park.

Diving Officer’s Report:

No people without medicals can now go in the pool.

Congratulations to Wendy who is now a Sports Diver. She needs this stamped in order to do the IFC.

Training Team Report:

Ocean Diver Assessments have been passed. Some people still haven’t started poll lessons though!

There were 16 sports diver/crossovers at the beginning of the year, there are now only 3, although reminder emails have been sent out etc.

There are 18 new trainees.

Advanced Training:

DL training weekend 18/19th Jan: got quite a lot done, most people managed 3 drills. Single days are most likely from now on as it is too cold.

PRM and O2 courses coming up – may be more than one O2 course as there are lots of people wanting to do it. These are both one day long.

PRM should be 2 days ideally, it’s difficult to do PRM and O2 together. Non-practical instructors can’t teach the O2 course. An NQI can teach an SDC if they have done it.

Membership Secretary’s Report:

All except one new trainee has signed up. More training and DL packs are required, as are blank medical forms and self-assessment forms.

Equipment Officer’s Report:

All cylinders are here at ULU.

All stabs are serviced including the small size ones, and the emergency cylinder ports have been fixed.

A batch of regulators has also been serviced, some are still being serviced. The group of newly serviced ones should be kept separate for use at easter training.

Could everyone make sure all water is drained from stabs after using them – make sure novices do this too.

Combination for cage padlock: can the committee be emailed when this is changed, or at least the training team.

Boat Officer’s Report:

Tango’s engine has been paid for. Scoundrel should be taken at the weekend, as Rascal’s starboard engine needs servicing.

The trailer boards are not looking in great shape, and may need testing – it’s standard to get 2 new ones every year so we might do this.

Marquee is still stored in the garage at Chsiwick – what’s the cost of replacing the poles? It is taking up a lot of room. The garage will also be cleared up before easter training.

New shot – the weight is fine but a new rope is needed.

A-Frames: these would make the boats overweight and we wouldn’t be able to tow them, so they’re not an option really.

Boat handling course: March 10/11th possibly.

Any Other Business:

  • We should let ULU know we’ve won some awards as it shouldn’t be forgotten! We were commended in the Heinke trophy.
  • The society shields nominations are open – forward any nominations to Jeremy, as nominations have to be by a student.

Date of Next meeting:

27th February. There should also be another two before Easter Training.