Weber State University

CHAIRED BY:Valerie Herzog, Director of Graduate Studies

DATE:January 12, 2018, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 pm, Education Bldg. Moench Room (016)

ATTENDEES:Valerie Herzog, Brian Stecklein, Jed Spencer, Lindsay Garr, Louise Moulding, Lonnie Lujan, Lisa Trujillo, Modonne Miner, Matthew Mouritsen, Raquel Clay, Robert Holt, Ryan Pace, Sarah Steimel, Tanya Nolan, Victoria Bills, Fon Brown, Shari Love, Andrew Wright, Brian Bowen, Brian Rague, Cliff Nowell, Mali Subbiah

  1. Approval of minutes from October 27, 2017 meeting
  2. Mali motioned, Fon seconded and all were in favor to approve the minutes.
  3. Admissions Exceptions – Louise motioned, Sarah seconded and it passed with full approval
  4. Please review individual program exceptions forms in Box
  5. Located under: Admissions Exceptions, then Admissions Exceptions 2016-17
  6. Quick view – Enrollment Summary 2017
  7. Louise mentioned her assurance that our programs are of the highest quality
  8. Bruce suggested we review all benefits of it
  9. Matthew M. inquired of the percentages reported and threshold concerns
  10. Valerie suggested programs should track their exceptions to measure success rates.
  11. Louise motioned, Sarah seconded. Motion approved by all and passed.
  12. Graduate Program Director Survey
  13. Results
  14. Discussion – agreed again to not standardize how PDs are selected
  1. European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules – Bruce Bowen
  2. Brian R. – it is applicable to data collection of studies/IRBs?

Louise – Clarification question about study abroad

  1. International Students – Cliff Nowell
  2. Better public transportation between the Ogden and Davis campuses for international students who live on campus.
  3. Some best practices for graduate programs to recruit and support international students.
  4. Consider conditional admissions – see Cliff for suggestions on setting this up
  5. Best practices for supporting international students regarding new federal policies related to immigration.
  6. Jed asked how the new immigration policies will affect the economy.
  7. 3 Bare minimum on slots
  8. H1B Visa Process, Work Visa, face-to-face interview
  1. Curriculum proposals– see Curriculog for proposals(go to Agendas, then Graduate Council –Jan. 12, 2018) NOTE: Some proposals may show on this agenda, but not on the Graduate Council agenda in Curriculog until right before the meeting, so please search for each proposal listed below.
  2. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering– found in Curriculog under Department of Engineering
  3. New Program
  4. ECE 6020– Thesis – new course proposal
  5. ECE 6310–Electromagnetics II – new course proposal
  6. ECE 6620– Digital System Testing – new course proposal
  7. More degree specific, ABET accredited
  8. Motion for approval: Matthew, Second: Mali. All approved & passed.
  9. Master of Science in Athletic Training
  10. Program Change
  11. MSAT 6431 – changing from 1 to 2 credits to add casting skills
  12. Increases the program credits from 53 to 54, swapping a public health class for personal health credit, eventually adding 3-5 CR next year to meet accreditation
  13. Motion for approval: Louise, Second: Fon. All approved and passed.
  14. Master of Arts of English
  15. Replacing MENG 6940 (Masters Project) with a new course, 6950 Creative Writing Thesis, as 6940's course description doesn't accurately reflect the focus and assignments CW students do in their thesis work. (Doesn’t change the overall)
  16. See Curriculog for MENG 6950 course proposal and Master of Arts in English program change proposal
  17. Motion for approval: Ryan Pace, Seconded: Matthew M. All approved and passed.
  18. Program Updates

Next Meeting: February 9, 2018, 12:30-2pm