Choosing and Using MLEs and VLEs

A one-day conference on managed and virtual learning environments

from the Association for Learning Technology

10 April 2001, 0900-1700

City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University

Conference fees: £70 students / £130 ALT members / £170 non-members

Booking deadline: 27 March 2001

Sponsored by Learnwise, Fretwell Downing, TekniCAL and Blackboard

This one-day conference will cover the key issues in deciding which learning environment is right for your institution. The speakers, drawn from both further and higher education have been chosen for their expertise and experience in using and developing managed and virtual learning environments. A mixture of plenaries, discussions, hands-on sessions and an exhibition will ensure an interesting day for all.


09.00-10.00 Arrival, registration, coffee

10.00-11.00 Plenary session. Chair: Bob Powell, Becta

Keynote speakers:

John Gray, Chair of JISC MLE Steering Group: Managing College Knowledge

Richard Everett, JISC MLE Co-ordinator: MLEs and VLEs in the UK, standards and IMS

11.00-11.20 Coffee

11.20-12.30 Parallel sessions

(a) Choosing and using a VLE/MLE: an Australian perspective - Prof Stephen Brown, Senior Technology Adviser, JISC/LTSN Technologies Centre

(b) E-tools and e-Universities - Prof Paul Bacsich, Sheffield Hallam University

(c) Institutional implementation of a VLE - Dr Andrew Booth and Jon Maber, Leeds University

(d) Managing the student experience - Prof Mark Stiles, Staffordshire University

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.30-14.30 Commercial presentations in lecture theatre and viewing exhibition

14.30-16.00 Parallel sessions

Hands-on workshops

  1. Learnwise (Granada Learning/University of Wolverhampton)
  2. Fretwell Downing learning environment
  3. Virtual Campus (TekniCAL/Feedback Instruments)
  4. Blackboard


1. Why use IMS? - Bill Olivier, CETIS, Bangor

2. Access issues for VLEs - Sal Cooke, Becta

16.00-16.20 Tea

16.20-17.00 Closing plenary and feedback from discussions. Chair: Bob Powell, Becta.

About the speakers

Dr Paul Bacsich is Professor of Telematics at Sheffield Hallam University, Head of Division of Computing & Networks, and Special Advisor on e-learning. In autumn 2000 he completed a study for the UK e-University Planning Team on "e-tools for the e-University" with a survey and analysis of over 40 MLE vendor responses. His presentation proposes a radically different approach to procurement of MLEs for large e-learning operations, in particular for e-universities.

Dr Andrew Booth is Director of the Flexible Learning Development Unit at the University of Leeds, a Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and a Senior Advisor at the LTSN Generic Centre in York. Jon Maber is Learning Systems Development Officer in the Flexible Learning Development Unit at Leeds. Andrew and Jon have been working for the last five years on developing and deploying the University of Leeds' Virtual Learning Environment - Bodington Common. Their presentation will focus on the issues involved in deploying a VLE across a large Russell Group university.

Stephen Brown is Professor of Learning Technologies at De Montfort University and Senior Technology Adviser to the JISC/LTSN Technologies Centre. He was responsible for electronic campus developments at De Montfort University and successfully bid for JISC resources to develop the De Montfort University Managed Learning Environment. His presentation will report on recent MLE and Portal developments in Australia and lessons learned.

Sal Cooke is IT Access and Curriculum Support Manager at Hull College and Development Officer (FERL) at Becta.

Richard Everett is the JISC MLE Co-ordinator. Before taking up the JISC post he was Project Manager of the Western Colleges Consortium for On-line Learning. Richard will give an overview of MLE uptake in the UK and the role of standards in furthering their usage.

John Gray is Principal of Newark and Sherwood College. He is a member of the JISC Committee for Integrated Environments for Learners, and chairs the steering group it has formed to further the development of Managed Learning Environments in the FE sector. John will speak about the key issues regarding VLEs and knowledge management systems in colleges.

Bill Olivier is Technical Director, CETIS (JISC’s Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards) and Technical Director, CeLT (Centre for Learning Technology), University of Wales Bangor.

Over the last two years he has been representing UK HE, and now also FE, on the IMS Technical Board. He is also the software architect/designer of Colloquia, an innovative distributed learning management system.

Bob Powell is Head of Post-Compulsory Education at Becta. He is a member of the JISC Committee for Integrated Environments for Learners and of its FE Managed Learning Environments steering group.

Prof Mark Stiles is Manager of the Learning Development Centre at Staffordshire University. He is Director of the project team which developed the COSE Virtual Learning Environment.

Conference fees

£70 students (evidence of status required)

£130 ALT members

£170 non-members

Conference venue

The conference will be held at the City Campus of Sheffield Hallam University, conveniently located directly opposite the railway station and transport interchange.

Travel to Sheffield

Regular inter-city services operate from London St Pancras and the principal services on the north-east/south-west route pass through Sheffield. The M1 (junction 33) gives direct access to the city from north and south. Access from the west is via the A57 and the east via the M18/M1. See the Visitors’ Guide at Further details will be sent upon receipt of application form.


Accommodation has been reserved at the following hotels at special rates negotiated by Conference 21. Please indicate your first, second and third choice. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Delegates must settle their own account with the hotel on departure. Tariffs quoted are inclusive of breakfast. Full details will be sent upon receipt of application form.

Novotel *** 1 min walk from campus; single £73.00; double £81.50

Hotel Bristol ** 10 mins walk from campus; single £59.50; double £65.00

Hotel Ibis * 7 mins walk from campus; single/double £45.95 (continental breakfast only)


Payment will be refunded if notification is made in writing by Tuesday 27 March 2001. An administration charge of £20 will be made. No refunds will be payable after this date, but substitutes (confirmed in writing) will be accepted.

ALT membership

Individual membership costs just £40 per annum for educational staff in the UK and is tax deductible. Contact the ALT office for more information or visit our web site at:

The Association for Learning Technology is a Registered Charity, Number 1063519.

Conference contact

Enquiries should be directed to:

Conference 21

Sheffield Hallam University

City Campus

Sheffield S1 1WB

Tel: +44 (0)114 225 5338

Fax: +44 (0)114 225 5337




Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS (use a separate form for each applicant) and return by 27 March 2001 to Conference 21 (ALT MLE), Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus, Sheffield S1 1WB.

ALT and Conference 21 will maintain the data you supply in keeping with the UK Data Protection Act. Please note:

1. All delegates will receive a list of participants, including name, organisation and email address. Tick this box if you do not wish to be included on that list. __

2. Photographs will be taken for publication on the web and the ALT newsletter. Tick this box if you are happy for your image to be published in this way. __

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First name


Job title








__ I am an ALT member, category: individual/ institutional/ corporate (delete as appropriate)

__ I am not an ALT member

__ I am a student; name and tel number of Supervisor: ______

Fee payable £____

Special requirements

Special diet (please specify) ______

Special needs (please specify) ______


Delegates will be required to settle their own account at the hotel before departure.

Please reserve me a single / double room (delete as appropriate) at (rank in order of preference):

__ Novotel

__ Hotel Bristol

__ Ibis Hotel

For the night of __ Monday 9 April __ Tuesday 10 April


Method of payment (please tick):

__ Cheque enclosed (payable to Sheffield Hallam University (ALT MLE)

__ Invoice against official order number: ______

__ Credit/debit card (complete details below)


__ Debit £______from my Access/Visa /Eurocard/Delta/Switch

Signature: ______Date: __/__/__

Cardholder’s name as shown on card: ______

Cardholder’s statement address: ______


Daytime telephone number: ______

* Credit card payments

Card account No: ______Expiry date: __ / __

* Switch payments

Switch No: ______Card expiry date: __ / __ Issue No: __/__


While great care is taken to provide accurate and helpful information and advice at this event, Alt cannot accept any responsibility for any losses subsequently incurred. Participants are expected to check all essential information and seek professional or expert advice as appropriate to specific circumstances. ALT reserves the right to change programme details without notice.