Elena Mileva’s Activity Log

Date / Activity / Estimated Time / Actual Time
01/26/04 / Emails sent to the team discussing the Team Charter and assigning roles to the members / 10 min / 15min
01/27/04 / Studied Lesson 6: Requirements / 2h / 1.5h
01/28/04 / Studied Requirements Documentation for the KCRAR Home Opportunity Website System - 12/12/2003 / 1h / 1h
01/29/04 / Attended Requirements Meeting with Mr. Perry Crume from KCRAR / 2h 30min / 1h 30min
02/02/04 / Collected data via e-mail about the team members personal plans and role descriptions / 1h / 15min
02/03/04 / Worked on Pre-Requirements Project Plan / 3h / 2h
02/04/04 / Reviewed Pre-Requirements Project Plan and changes and team members data incorporated / 1h / 1/2h
02/08/04 / Emails sent to the requirements engineers (splitting up the tasks) / 30min / 30min
02/09/04 / Fax sent to a team member (requirements engineer) with information distributed during the requirements meeting with the client / 30min / 40min
02/09/04 / Designed use cases / 3h / 3h 30min
02/10/04 / Worked on Requirements Document / 1h 30min / 1h
02/11/04 / Worked on Requirements Document / 1h / 1h
02/11/04 / Distributed Requirements Document - draft to the team members for comments / 10 min / 10 min
02/11/04 / Reviewed Requirements Document and incorporated suggested changes / 15 min / 20 min
02/18/04 / Reviewed and updated Pre-Requirements Project Plan according to the Requirements Document and customer comments / 30 min / 15 min
03/13/04 / Met with team members to discuss the change in the requirements made by the client / 1h / 2h
03/31/04 / Studied Lesson 17: Verification and Validation / 30 min / 1h
04/02/04 / Studied IEEE Standards for Software Test Documentation / 1h / 45 min
04/03/04 / Met with team members to discuss test documentation / 2h / 30 min
04/07/04 / Worked on Test Plan / 2h / 3h
04/09/04 / Distributed Test Plan - draft to the testers for comments / 10 min / 10 min
04/10/04 / Met with the testers to work on the test specifications / 2h / 1h 30 min
04/10/04 / Reviewed Test Plan and Test Specifications, sent to the team members for comments / 30 min / 20 min
04/10/04 / System tests / 30 min / 20 min
04/15/04 / System tests / 15 min / 15 min
04/19/04 / System tests / 30 min / 25 min
04/20/04 / Reviewed the test incidents report / 30min / 15min