2017 Core Curriculum Assessment Report Evaluation Rubric
[August 7, 2017]
Core Curriculum Learning Outcomes and Assessment Methods
1 / Statement of Core Curriculum Learning Outcomes
Therelevant Area learning outcome is
- not statedOR
- has been modified in a way that diverges from the intent of the original.
- with wording that is consistent with the intent of the original.
2 / AlignmentBetweenMeasures, TargetsandRelevant Area Learning Outcome
- No method is described OR
- method described is not a direct measure of student learning.
3 / Adequacy and Justification of Targets
- No targets are provided OR
- targets are unclear.
- are set at inappropriate levels AND/OR
- lack justification.
4 / DescriptionofHowtheAssessment was Conducted
- e.g., sampling plan,numberofstudentsassessed,etc.
- Sampling plan does not proportionally represent all campuses and delivery methodsAND/OR
- insufficient data were collected togenerateconfidenceintheassessment findings.
- Sampling plan appears to proportionally represent all campuses and delivery methodsAND
- sufficient data were collected togenerateconfidenceintheassessment findings.
Assessment Findings: Presentation and Interpretation
5 / PresentationofFindings
- NofindingsareprovidedOR
- theyarenotrelatedtospecifictargets.
- are not disaggregated by campus and delivery method.
- Findingsare provided AND
- appropriately disaggregated by campus and delivery method.
6 / InterpretationofFindings
Thereportprovideslittleornoanalysisofthefindings as related to the relevant Area learning outcome. / Thereportcontainssome relevantanalysis,BUT
- doesnotsufficiently address variation by campus and delivery method, if applicable.
- Thereportcontainsrelevant analysis AND
- appropriately addresses variation by campus and delivery method, if applicable.
7 / ImpactofPastImprovementsandChanges
Thereportcontainsnodiscussionofwhatimpactpreviouschangesinthecore curriculum and/orassessmentprocesshavehad. / Thereportcontainssomediscussionoftheimpactofpastchanges,BUT
- thediscussioniseitherincompleteorsuperficial.
UseofAssessmentFindingsforCore CurriculumImprovement
8 / SharingandDiscussionofAssessmentFindings
Thereportdoesnotprovide evidence that assessmentfindingsare widely sharedamong relevant faculty at all locations. / AssessmentfindingsaresharedBUT
- littleornodiscussiontakesplace or discussion is college-specific.
9 / Plans for Future Improvements and Changes
- ThereportcontainsnoplansOR
- therelationshiptotheassessmentfindingsisunclear.
- not all actionablefindingsare addressed OR
- plans overemphasize the assessment process, neglecting changes to curriculum or instruction if needed.
- Thereportcontainsplansrelatedtoall or mostoftheassessmentfindingsthatrequireaction AND
- plans address both the curriculum and the assessment process, as appropriate.