Virginia Society for Respiratory Care
Board of Directors Meeting
City Space Building
Charlottesville, VA
Jan 20, 2012
I. Roll Call: Present- Lois Rowland, James Shuke, Paul Dalby, Shelia Mullins, Dan Rowley, Natalie Napolitano, Eric Kirkland, Russell Copley, Patricia Doorley, Sherry Compton, Eric Kirkland, Chad Gibbs, Wendy Ayers, Cathy Blevins, Michelle Leonard, Richard Stairhime, Chris Baughman, Mike Klaiber, Dr Rubin, Marc Winstead, Brian Wilson, Tim Sharkey
Excused-Ann Beverly, Wes Mullins, Tom Malinowski, Tom Trenis, Honey Pezzimenti, Maria Ling, Bob Brett, Jolynn Hamelman, Cam McLaughlin, Marc Winstead, David Faux
Absent: Carl Roper, Russell Copley, Carrie Lamoreaux
Conference Call: Pam Niblett
Guest: Valenice Condrey, Tabatha Dragonberry, Diana Marshall, Marie Tyrrell,
New Board Members: Hanns Billmayer, Cathy Bray, Stan Holland, Jamey Young, Robin Wilson, David Squeglia,
Quorum present, meeting called to order by President Lois
Rowland Oct, 2011 minutes corrected and approved.
Executive Committee Reports:
II. President Report- Electronically submitted.
III. Vice President Report- Electronically submitted.
IV. Treasurer- Electronically Submitted.
V. Secretary- No Report
VI. President Elect – Electronically submitted.
VII. Immediate Past President- No report.
VIII. Delegate- Electronically submitted.
IX. District Directors Reports:
1. Blue Ridge – Electronically Submitted
2. Central - Electronically Submitted
3. Northern – Electronically Submitted
4. Tidewater – No Report.
5. Western – No Report, but has contacted all hospitals in Western District for 2012 district meetings
Standing Committees:
1. Audit- Electronically submitted.
2. Bylaws/Historian- Up for review in 2012. Lois sent copy to all board members for review. Please review and have questions/concerns by April meeting. Pay particular attention to the actual wording of the bylaws. Make sure we are doing what we say we are doing. Direct any questions to Pat Doorley by March 30, 2012. Mike offered to put ongoing information on website for board members for review. This would be available to board members only.
3. Education- In Nov awarded 3 students scholarship money. Scholarship application is under reconstruction for more detailed criteria.
4. Judicial- No report
5. Legislative- March 5th and 6th PACT meeting in Washington, D.C. Contact Michelle Leonard for more information on attending this meeting. Volunteers needed.
6. Membership- Electronically Submitted.
7. Nominations/Elections- No Report
8. Programs-
A. Spring program – May 21-23, 2012 @ Sheraton Hotel Virginia Beach- Electronically Submitted.
B. Pediatric Program-Oct 28th Norfolk VA 1 day conference 69 attendees, 2 vendors.
C. Fall Program- Great attendance in Oct @ Blacksburg. 101 participants, 13 vendors. Tentative date 2012 Oct 10th. 4-5 speakers already confirmed for 2012 meeting.
D. Central- No Report
E. Capital City Program -Aug 12, 2011. Went well with 80 attendees
9. Public & Professional Relations- Electronically Submitted.
Ad-Hoc Committee/representatives:
1. Home Care- Brian Wilson was awarded practitioner of the year award, at the AARC international congress in Nov 2011.
2. Medical Advisor- No Report
3. Disaster Response- Electronically submitted. Steve Ennis has retired from VHHA. We will be sending him a thank you card for his contributions to the VSRC over the years.
4. Industrial Coordinator- No report
5. PACT- No report
6. Parliamentarian- No report
7. Student Representative-No Report
8. Strategic Planning- Verbal Report by Lois–Looking @ meeting March 16th and 17th in Richmond to establish a new strategic plan.
9. Web Master/Website- No Report
10. Historian –No Report, however Lois reported that David Squeglia will be filling this vacant position.
New Business:
The swearing in of newly elected VSRC President was conducted by Pat Doorley. Also, swearing in of newly elected positions to the board by Paul Dalby. An appreciation plaque given to Lois Rowland by Paul Dalby from the board. A motion for newly appointed and elected board members by Paul Dalby.
Welcome and thank you by Paul Dalby to board members.
Discussion on how to get the word out about Leslie Harris Scholarship in regards as who she was and basic information about her for scholarship applicants. Motion made by Natalie Napolitano, unanimously approved, none opposed.
Motion made by Dan Rowley to form ADHOC committee for Sam Gerradano unanimously approved, none opposed.
Unfinished business: None
Old Business: None
Motion made to adjourn and so moved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelia Mullins, RRT, CCT, RDCS
Secretary Virginia Society for Respiratory Care