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The Journal of Interdimensional Travel

Vol. 1

Theories of Space, Quantum Physics, and Interdimensional Travel

copyright Mike Miller and Paul Kirsch 1999

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[PK] - Paul Kirsch [MM] - Mike Miller

[PK]: I was wondering if you would create an overview for non-technically inclined people to explain how a quantum tunneling spaceship would work.

[MM]: The principle of tunneling has been proven with experiments over the last 2 years to be able to be done over any distance in exactly the same amount of time. This is known as the “Planckian interval of time” which is 30-to-40 negative powers of 10 less than one second. It turns it out that the rate of tunneling is independent of distance.

So in other words, we could move one foot or one billion light years in exactly the sameamountoftime. The tunneling phenomenon in general has to do with particles going from one place to another. even though they’re trapped in a region where they don’t have enough energy to go from one place to another.

A real common example of this is ordinary radioactive decay. Let’s just take the decay of an alpha particle which is the ejection of a Helium nucleus. Now when a radioactive atom decays, it emits an alpha particle. Well, that alpha particle only has 30 percent of the energy needed to escape the strong nuclear forces that are binding it into the nucleus of the atom that it’s trying to escape from.

It's kind of like a guy on a bicycle who’s trying to go over a really large hill but doesn’t have enough energy to go over it. And he somehow finds a tunnel that he didn’t notice before. He can actually go through this tunnel instead of going up the mountain and down the other side. Well, tunneling is sort of like this. It’s a mysterious phenomenon where an object can actually go from one place to another even though it doesn’t have the energy to do so. This is how radioactive decay happens. In other words, the alpha particle vanishes and then reappears outside the atom without going through the intervening space and without requiring any time to do so.

Any time an electron in an atom goes from a lower to a higher energy state or from a higher energy state to a lower energy state it doesn’t physically move from one energy band to another. It vanishes and then reappears in the other energy band -- without moving through the intervening distance e-- through this tunneling phenomenon. It’s almost a magical effect. But it's been observed for many, many, years now and there’s lots of different examples of tunneling.

We have super-conducting quantum interference devices known as “SCQUIDs” which are certain types of detectors that are used in different instruments. We have a tunneling type of transistor that uses a Josephson junction, which is basically a barrier that prevents electrons from traveling through it. Yet the electrons can go from one side of this insulator to the other side of the insulator -- even though it’s impossible for an ordinary electron to do it -- by taking advantage of this mysterious quantum property known as "tunneling". It's as simple as this, because an electron can be a wave as well as a particle. A particle can just sit in one place. It doesn’t have to move. But a wave by its very nature must move. It always must move.

We can say that in a given amount of time, there is an ever-increasing probability that the wave function of the electron is going to be in a location different from the location that it is in now. It is these wave-like properties and particle-like properties being interchangeable that is important. What the electron does when it tunnels is merely going back into the Schröedinger field. This consists of probability matter and energy fluctuations. It then re-appears on the other side of the barrier because the probability function says that after a given amount of time it has to be somewhere else. So it appears on the other side of the barrier. But the tunneling time is incredibly small. And it doesn’t matter whether the barrier is 1/8th inch or 10,000 miles thick. It tunnels through in exactly the sameamount of time. It’s fascinating! Nobody really, really understands exactly why this is. Just like nobody really understands why light doesn’t travel 10 miles-an-hour faster than it does.

There a lot of things in physics that nobody really understands. We just kind of work with these principles and see if we can make sense out of them by deriving experiments. And then developing these experiments into automobiles or transistor radios.

I mean that tunneling goes on in transistors all the time in electronic equipment used all over the World. It’s a very, very common phenomenon. And yet it’s very little understood by the general public because it is so mysterious in nature.

[PK]: So you would create a ship with a skin around it that mimics an electron?

[MM]: Well, it basically mimics a giant electron. It’s sort of like … In a device called a “laser beam”, you have a situation where all of the photons of light are the same frequency. And they’re being bounced back-and-forth between 2 mirrors. So they all line up and act as a single giant photon or what we call a "unitary" or "unified wave function". Well, we’ve set up a system with our ship which is projecting a field like this which creates this oscillation going back-and-forth like a laser beam, which aligns all these different particles and things together so it acts like one "Big particle". Now on the surface of our ship we know that if we have electrons at a certain distance one from another, then their energy fields will begin to overlap in such a way that they appear to be one giant electron.

This can also be done with photons. They’ve invented what’s known as a "surface emitting laser" where they have like multiple layer semi-conductor chips that are etched down until you have these towers that are spaced a few microns apart that are emitting photons. Well, these photons are so close to one another that their wave functions interfere with one another and they act as one giant wave. This is stuff that’s been in Scientific American magazine with nice illustrations that show just exactly how quantum superposition happens.

But it only happens if the photons -- or in our case, the electrons -- are in the right position. If they are too close together or too far apart, it will not happen. They have to be at a very discrete position.

It just happens to turn out that when we use Niobium (which is a superconductor) with the temperatures of outer space on our hull … It turns out if you put electrons on Niobium … Well, the electrons line up in this triangular array where they’re all at a certain distance one from another. That distance just amazingly enough happens to be the precisedistance where their fields overlap and the object acts as a single "giant electron" if -- and only if -- the shape of the object represents the actual physical shape of a relativistic electron. By "relativistic electron", I mean an electron that’s traveling at very close to the speed-of-light will have a certain shape. So if we want to behave or look like a single giant electron, we better have the right shape or it won’t work. That’s why we’ve patented hull shapes and cigar shapes and disk-like shapes because these effects only work because they are geometry-dependent.

Furthermore, the curvature of our hull relates to how electricity and magnetism are connected non-locally to the 6 tensor field that was basically elucidated, discovered, and experimentally verified by Aronov and Boehm. This is where you can separate electric and magnetic objects many, many, many feet. And if you change the electric part, the magnetic part will change even though they’re not connected. And so forth and so on.

There’s a whole range of similar experiments which show this non-local connectivity. You can take a photon of Blue light and run it through a crystal which splits it up into 2 photons of Red light. Bounce one of these photons of Red light a hundred feet away with mirrors (because it's laser-like) to one side of the laboratory and the other Red photon 100feet away to the other side of the laboratory. So now we have these 2 photons that are 200 feet apart. Now if you use a magnetic field on one of these photons to shift the electric field vector E just a little bit, well instantaneously the electric field vector of the "down converted" twin photon 100 feet away on the other side of the laboratory changes at exactly the same time. Not a millionth of a second later because the signal has to propagate at light speed. It changes at the sameinstant as you change the electric field vector on the other photon. This is what’s known as the signal-photon down conversion experiment. [StealthSkater note: … or what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance" because it evaded his speed-of-light barrier]

Physicists say it doesn’t matter if these photons are 10 feet apart or 10 billion light-years apart. When you change the electrical field vector of one, the other one will change to match it exactly. If you move it 10 degrees, the other photon will move its field vector 10 degrees. So you have this "communication" going on between photons even though they are separated by a very large distance. And this communication is instantaneous. It's billions of times faster than the speed-of-light.

So in other words, there’s this type of quantum connectivity involved here which has been experimentally verified thousands of times in different laboratories. And we’re trying to use this effect not only as a means of communicating, but also as a means of traveling from space-to-space if we can somehow measure the photons coming from a distant star and work with changing the photons we’re projecting to look like a down converted twin of the photons. [StealthSkater note: the physicist father of famed missing person Philip Taylor Kramer also expressed this in his own "unified field equation" =>doc pdf URL]

[PK]: So you take a distant photon and make yours match that?

[MM]: Yes. We can measure photons from a distant star. And we believe that we can produce a complementary photon that looks and behaves as if it were a twin to this other photon in the proximity of the star that we’re trying to travel towards.

[PK]: So that’s the root of it. That’s cool! That’s how you tunnel!

[MM]: Yeah, especially if our ship "appears" to be an electron. Well, we know a photon is made out of an electron and an anti-electron. So we can commute the electron part of our ship as being the electron part of one of these distant photons from another star. When it's dissociated into an electron-positron pair, we merely substitute our ship for the electron with the dissociation of the photon before it reforms into another photon. We do this in between the cycles of on-and-off creation and annihilation operators. This all comes from or is based on the work of Einstein and many of the geniuses. We’re just standing on the shoulders of giants and carrying the technology one step further. It's all based on really sound physics and incredible experiments.

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