Name: ______Date ______
As stated in the ITK SFSC Policy statement, it is the responsibility of each regular line faculty member to:
a) allow the school to administer student evaluations in each of his/her courses during the last quarter of each semester,
b) complete a Faculty Activity Report annually,
c) keep appropriate school course folders up-to-date,
d) provide the SFSC with adequate documentation on publications to include evidence of review process and acceptance rate, if available, and
e) provide such other input or documentation as may aid the SFSC in its deliberations.
Were you given reassigned time (other than for research or scholarly productivity)? If so, when, how much, and for what purpose?
(If you were on sabbatical during this evaluation period, be sure and enter completed activities in the appropriate sections of this report. If you completed a sabbatical during the last academic year, include a copy of your final report.)
College of Applied Science and Technology
Illinois State University
Name:______School ______
Present Rank: ______Year Achieved ______
Tenure Status:
Tenured? No ___ Yes ___ If yes, year tenured ______
Years at ISU: Year First Appointed ______Total number of years ___
Earned Degrees: List Institution, Degree, Date of conferral
Professional Experience:
List Institution, Dates, Rank/Responsibilities with the most recent first through the completion of your Baccalaureate degree.
Report of Work Activities and Accomplishments
(Use all parts of the outline format presented but report only in sections where there was activity.)
A. Courses taught
1. Course Information i.e. courses taught during the evaluation period and include the number of students enrolled for each course. Enter a row in the following table for each section you taught this calendar year.
2. Teaching an existing course for the first time
3. Unique or creative teaching event or technique
B. Teaching Evaluation Data
C. Advisees
Number of Undergraduate Students:
Number of Masters Graduate Students:
D. Independent Studies (Supervision of completed independent study, honors project [state if in-class or not], mentorship, etc. [give title, semester and student name for each])
E. Graduate Student Committees (name of student, title of project, status - completed during the year or in progress, your role: chair or member)
Professional Papers/Projects:
F. New Courses Developed or Major Course Revision (proposed -or actual- number, title; attach copy of course outline)
G. Instructional Materials Developed (title of the material, associated course number and title. Include specific materials description, case studies, workbooks, computer programs, videotapes, simulation games, etc.)
1. Creation of significant course materials used only by you
2. Creation of significant course materials used by others (Be specific; by whom, when, what course)
H. Other instructional activities
1. Significant leadership and/or coordination of courses
2. Award for or special recognition of teaching
3. Serving as a master teacher (conducting teaching workshops, supervising beginning teachers, etc.)
4. Discipline related guest lecture when you are not just substituting for the instructor.
5. Other teaching activities
Do not list any publication on this year’s form for which you previously received credit. This limitation does not apply to publications listed as in progress in previous years (II.H.2)
For all publications and conference proceedings state their category according to the ITK School Ranking list (High Quality- Peer Reviewed or National Peer Reviewed) or not ranked
A. Publications (provide complete citation for each, provide table of contents and copy from journal or proceedings) List most recent first.
Peer reviewed
Non-Peer reviewed
Chapters in Books
Peer reviewed
Non-Peer reviewed
Journal Articles
Peer reviewed
Non-Peer reviewed
Research Reports
B. Publication Work accepted for publication that you want counted in this evaluation period (provide letter of acceptance)
C. Research grants submitted (title, brief description, status, your role, source and amount)
Not funded
D. Presentation of publication listed in II. A. (title, name of meeting, place, date)
E. Presentations (as part of colloquium, special lecture series, panel, research symposium, scholarly effort required in the development)
Peer reviewed
Non-Peer reviewed
F. Editorial Contributions
1. Editor, Associate Editorship, Editorial Board (identify publication and role)
2. Journal Manuscript Reviewer (identify publication, number of manuscripts, etc.)
3. Book Reviews (identify sponsor requesting reviews)
4. Conference Reviews (identify conference and number of papers reviewed)
H. Other Scholarly Activity (describe)
1. Completed Software Package (justified by degree of involvement and originality)
2. Other scholarly productivity activities (e.g. reprints, workshops, tutorials, research work in progress, etc.)
3. Conferences Attended (title, sponsoring organization, dates and place)
4. Workshops Attended (title, sponsoring organization, place and dates)
5. Courses Taken (title, sponsoring organization, place and dates)
1. Organization Leadership (officer, board member, committee chair or member - identify organization and role, level - international, national, regional, state, local).
2. Presentations and Workshops Given (identify title of session, name of sponsoring organization, place, date).
3. Memberships in Professional Organizations (identify organization, positions held)
B. UNIVERSITY (title of committee, role, specify semester(s), etc.)
1. University Committees
2. College Committees
3. School Committees and other service
A. Committees
B. Other service (e.g. recruiting activities, assigned duties, significant work under reassigned time)
4. Other (please list and describe)
C. COMMUNITY AND CIVIC (related to professional expertise)
1. Organizational Leadership (title, role)
2. Organizational Membership (title)
3. Presentations or Other Service Rendered (describe)
1. Consulting (identify agency, nature of consultation, place, dates)
2. Technical Assistance (identify agency, nature of assistance, dates)
E. AWARDS (award title, sponsoring organization, type of award)
1. Professional Organizations
2. University
3. Community - Civic Organizations (related to professional expertise)
F. CERTIFICATIONS, CREDENTIALS, AND EDUCATION (identify new certification, credentials or degrees acquired.)
G. Other
1. Significant work with students in situations beyond the normal classroom setting (e.g., ITK Student Chapter, Honors Program).
2. Significant curricular work in the school (e.g., course and program proposals).
3. Grants (e.g., hard/software, TIP)
4. Other Service activities
A. Summarize your major accomplishments for the past year and state your goals/objectives for the coming year.
B. Anything else you would like to share with the SFSC?
Please assemble supporting materials in the same order as this report.