LIBA Member Collaboration Grant Application

The Louisville Independent Business Alliance encourages our members to work together to promote both their own businesses and the general idea of buying from local, independent businesses. Since our member base is broad, we can only spend staff time on initiatives that benefit the membership base as a whole. However, we recognize that many niches exist within our membership, and that they can effectively promote LIBA’s mission while also benefitting their business niche. Niches may be by business type, neighborhood, or some other qualifier.

Grant Guidelines:

  • Participants/beneficiariesof a project mustALLbe current members of LIBA.
  • Project will promote the participants, preferably with a “buy local/independent” component.
  • There must be at least 3 participants.
  • LIBA will grant a total of $1400 in this round of grants to member collaborations. Grants can range up to $700 per application.
  • Dollars will be allotted by the number of members participating in the collaboration and the point score of the grant application.
  • Please limit each response on the application to 200 words or less.
  • If a grant is awarded for your collaboration, acknowledgement of LIBA’s contribution can take the form of LIBA logos on materials, use of LIBA slogans, text denoting our contribution, etc.
  • LIBA must approve drafts of materials before publication or release.
  • Project must be launched by July 30, 2013, with a preference for projects taking place during Independents Week (first week of July).
  • Collaborators must provide copies of receipts for grant dollars used within 90 days of completion.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2013 (applicants will be notified of decision by 4/30/13)

Application Questions:

  1. Contact person responsible for application.
  2. List LIBA members participating (business name, contact name, email address).
  3. Describe your project. (30 points)
  4. Describe how your project will promote the “Buy Local/Independent” theme. (30 points)
  5. What is your planned outcome for this project? (40 points)
  6. Amount requested and specific purpose (i.e. printing, advertising, etc.).
  7. Date needed and projected completion date.