Staff Blog
Created August 2016
The Newcastle University Business School Staff Blog is a collection of internal news items and events that are relevant to staff within the School. The categories and the articles themselves are a reflection of the internal newsletter Business Matters, which is currently sent out bi-weekly.
The aim of the Staff Blog is to encourage articles to be posted more often, and would allow for more up to date and ad hoc items, which will be relevant and useful to members of staff. Articles can be viewed at any time and comments can be made on each item, encouraging discussion and further engagement.
This will allow Business Matters to be phased out to a shorter, monthly newsletter that captures highlights of the articles posted to the Staff Blog.
Sections of the website include:
- Directors Updates
- School News
- Learning & Teaching
- Research
- Staffing & Employment Opportunities
- Communications
- Events
- Facilities Updates
- Uncategorised (Social, charity and miscellaneous)
User Roles
Each section of the blog has been allocated anominated user to ensure that a regular user/contributor can edit, post and monitor comments. This removes duplication of effort and creates a sense of clarity for anyone wishing to post to the staff blog.
These users are:
Section / UserDirectors Update & School News / Emma Pollard
Learning & Teaching / David Weddell
Events / Christina Hunter
Research / Laura Fenwick
Communications / Christina Hunter
StaffingEmployment Opportunities / Mary Mooney
Facilities/Finance Updates / Sian Armstrong / Jess Douglas
Uncategorised/Social / Christina Hunter
All staff are encouraged to be followers of the Staff Blog, which subscribes you to updates on the site. However, you do not need to be a follower in order to post comments.
All articles should be submitted to the nominated user of the section.
Best Practice
The following information is designed to provide best practice and guidance when submitting articles to the blog. To ensure your article gets the best engagement possible please ensure you follow these notes carefully.
Make sure that information is:
- Short and to the point
- Friendly rather than formal
- Positive, not fearful or accusatory
- Plain speaking, not clever sounding
- Know your audience, be clear who this is aimed at
- Include an image for the main blog page if at all possible
- Provide URLs to any websites, further information, examples etc.
Following this guidance will ensure the best possible engagement with your information, which is the main aim of sharing information with colleagues.
How to Submit Articles in Practice - All Staff
Using the guidance above pull all necessary information together and email it to the nominated user of the section your article belongs to, this will ensure that the post is made as soon as possible.
Please submit requests in as much advance as possible to nominated users, to allow time for posts to be made live.
Any last minute articles will be considered at the discretion of the nominated user and in consideration of their own work load.
1/ Newcastle University Business School / Staff Blog Guide