Hot Keys

Help : Keyboard Help or <ctrl-K>

Tools : Close Other Forms

Checked and this will close existing forms when you open new forms.

Instance you are connected to

-Profile option : System
Site Name = (put in instance name)

-Change Colors of Instance
Java Look and Feel = (Oracle, Generic)
Java Color Scheme = (blaf, blue, khaki, olive, purple, red, teal, titanium)

-Rapid Install Page : Apps Login Links Page
’Logon Information for Instance <SID>’

-Help : About Oracle Applications

Query Tips and Tricks

Find forms

<F11> to enter query by example

F11F11 to recall the last query parameters, Ctrl-F11 to Execute

Query Wild Card Characters

% - one or more characters

_ - exactly one character

Wild Card ‘AS6_4%’ returns




But not AS64000

Query Operators

#between > and >

#is null, #is not null

>, >=, <, <=, =, !=

Query : Count Matching Records <F12>
(after putting in the query parameters)

View : Record : First/Last Record

What SQL Statement did the Oracle Applications run to fill the form?
- requires apps password if the Profile Option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to Yes

Help : Diagnostics : Examine

Block = SYSTEM

Field = last_query

Other ways to determine the underlying table structure:

1)Help : Record History

2)Trace the form (requires apps password and DBA to retrieve trace file)

Concurrent Request Submission Options

- Start/End
- Run Every = (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months)
- From Start or End
- Increment Date Parameters check box
- Save Schedule (with a name)
- Apply Saved Schedule
On Specific Days
- Dates of Every Month
- Days of Week

-Notify the following People
- WF_USERS.DISPLAY is table.column you are viewing

-Send to multiple printers

XML Publisher

The XML Publisher concurrent program joins the XML concurrent report data with the registered templates to generate PDF output. The following template types are supported: Portable Document Format (PDF), Rich Text Format (RTF) and XSL-FO.

Metalink notes

- Training Day 2004, Paper by Brent Mosher, ‘Oracle Tech update part 1: XML Publisher/Oracle Applications Framework’

-Note:269605.1, ‘About Oracle XML Publisher Release 4.5’

-Note:276691.1, ‘XML Publisher and Concurrent Manager Integration’

-Note:258332.1, ‘About Oracle XML Publisher Minipack XDO.H’

-B13817-01, ‘Oracle® XML Publisher User’s Guide Release 11i