British Election Study 1997The Post-election Cross-section Survey



q628RsexNow some questions about yourself and your background.

[Interviewer codes respondents sex]

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic Minorities
1 male / 1273 / 376 / 344
2 female / 1460 / 506 / 361

q630RageWhat was your age last birthday ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic Minorities
Range 18 - 97
98 don't know / - / 2 / 3
99 not answered / 9 / 7 / 8

Note: For respondents aged 97+, 97 coded

q634HousehldIncluding yourself, how many people live here regularly as

members of this household ? [include children].

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 one person / 718 / 230 / 105
2 two people / 914 / 268 / 114
3 three people / 444 / 163 / 132
4 four people / 463 / 145 / 136
5 five people / 138 / 52 / 100
6 six people / 40 / 14 / 61
7 seven people / 10 / 3 / 29
8 eight people / 2 / 0 / 14
9 nine people / 3 / 0 / 5
10 ten people / 1 / 0 / 2
11 eleven people / 0 / 1 / 1
12 twelve people / 0 / 0 / 0
13 thirteen people / 0 / 0 / 1
14 fourteen people / 0 / 0 / 0
15 fifteen people / 0 / 0 / 0
98 don't know / 0 / 1 / 1
99 not answered / 0 / 6 / 4

q636And how many of those are aged under 18 ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
0 none / 1803 / 568 / 284
1 one child / 361 / 144 / 123
2 two children / 416 / 110 / 151
3 three children / 113 / 43 / 76
4 four children / 30 / 8 / 41
5 five children / 7 / 2 / 14
6 six children / 2 / 0 / 9
7 seven children / 0 / 0 / 1
8 eight children / 1 / 1 / 0
9 nine children / 0 / 0 / 1
10 ten children / 0 / 0 / 0
11 eleven children / 0 / 0 / 0
12 twelve children / 0 / 0 / 0
13 thirteen children / 0 / 0 / 0
14 fourteen children / 0 / 0 / 0
99 not answered / 0 / 6 / 5

q638Numch5And how many of those are aged under 5 ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
0 none / 2393 / 759 / 509
1 one child / 251 / 87 / 130
2 two children / 82 / 27 / 50
3 three children / 7 / 3 / 9
4 four children / 0 / 0 / 2
5 five children / 0 / 0 / 0
6 six children / 0 / 0 / 0
7 seven children / 0 / 0 / 0
8 eight children / 0 / 0 / 0
9 nine children / 0 / 0 / 0
10 ten children / 0 / 0 / 0
11 eleven children / 0 / 0 / 0
12 twelve children / 0 / 0 / 0
13 thirteen children / 0 / 0 / 0
14 fourteen children / 0 / 0 / 0
99 not answered / 0 / 6 / 5

q639Marstat2Can I just check, which of these applies to you at present ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 married / 1415 / 455 / 377
2 living as married / 175 / 35 / 29
3 separated (after being married) / 91 / 41 / 51
4 divorced / 216 / 49 / 32
5 widowed / 342 / 117 / 18
6 Single (never married) / 489 / 178 / 193
8 don't know / 0 / 1 / -
9 not answered / 5 / 6 / 5

Notes Shc - Card GG

q643FvotedDo you remember which party your father usually voted for when you were

growing up ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
0 did not vote / 44 / 17 / 18
1 Conservative/National Liberal / 758 / 143 / 35
2 Labour / 1156 / 438 / 242
3 Liberal/Alliance/SDP/Liberal Democrat / 129 / 39 / 1
4 Scottish National Party / 4 / 39 / 0
5 Plaid Cymru / 5 / 0 / 0
7 other / 8 / 2 / 0
8 varied / 7 / 2 / 2
96 not applicable/Not brought up in Britain / 139 / 14 / 312
97 refused to disclose voting / 19 / 10 / 4
98 can't remember/Don't know / 464 / 175 / 88
99 not answered / 0 / 3 / 3

q645MVotedDo you remember which party your mother usually voted for when you were

growing up?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
0 did not vote / 71 / 16 / 20
1 Conservative/National Liberal / 789 / 156 / 27
2 Labour / 1050 / 409 / 254
3 Liberal/Alliance/SDP/Liberal Democrat / 165 / 50 / 4
4 Scottish National Party / 5 / 42 / 0
5 Plaid Cymru / 5 / 0 / 0
7 other / 5 / 1 / 0
8 varied / 13 / 5 / 3
96 not applicable/Not brought up in Britain / 137 / 11 / 310
97 refused to disclose voting / 25 / 9 / 5
98 can't remember/Don't know / 468 / 180 / 79
99 not answered / 0 / 3 / 3

q647FjobObtThinking back to when you were about 14, what job did your Father

have then ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 details of father's job given / 2427 / 771 / 568
2 no details obtained / 306 / 111 / 137

q648MJobObtCan I just check how about your mother, what job did she have when

you were about 14?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 details of mother's job given / 114 / 33 / 29
2 Mother did not normally work (when respondent was 14) / 144 / 54 / 64
3 no details obtained for other reason / 48 / 24 / 44
-1 skipped, fathers job details given / 2427 / 771 / 568

Section 15.4 Father's job details

q654FemployeWas he …

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 an employee / 1990 / 635 / 374
2 self-employed / 424 / 121 / 185
8 don't know / 13 / 13 / 8
9 not answered / 0 / 2 / 1
-1 skipped, no job details / 306 / 111 / 137

Note: If father's job details obtained.

q655SupManCan I just check, was he …

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 a manager / 377 / 87 / 59
2 a foreman or supervisor / 428 / 146 / 66
3 not / 1157 / 390 / 245
8 don't know / 41 / 25 / 12
9 not answered / - / - / 1
-1 skip, no job details / 306 / 111 / 137
-2 skip, self employed / 424 / 121 / 185

Notes: called [FsupMan ] on SPSS file

q656FempworkIF EMPLOYEE: Including your father, roughly how many people were

employed at the place where he worked ?

IF SELF EMPLOYED: Did he have any employees ? If Yes: How many ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
0 none / 153 / 44 / 66
1 fewer than 10 / 410 / 143 / 99
2 10 - 24 / 241 / 70 / 42
3 25 -99 / 352 / 103 / 74
4 100 - 499 / 505 / 134 / 97
5 500 or more / 526 / 176 / 85
8 don't know / 240 / 100 / 104
9 not answered / 0 / 1 / 1
-1 skip, no job details / 306 / 111 / 137

Notes: Called [FempWork] on SPSS file

q657FSOCFather's Standard Occupational Classification

q670FSEG2Father's Socio-Economic Group (20 categories)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 employer - large organisation / 18 / 3 / 9
2 manager - large organisation / 197 / 41 / 28
3 employer - small organisation / 171 / 48 / 65
4 manager - small organisation / 100 / 31 / 10
5 professional worker - self-employed / 20 / 7 / 9
6 professional worker - employee / 76 / 21 / 21
7 interm non-manual - ancillary / 81 / 28 / 19
8 interm non-manual - supervisor / 56 / 16 / 21
9 junior non-manual worker / 130 / 33 / 15
10 personal service worker / 15 / 2 / 6
11 foreman/supervisor - manual / 294 / 97 / 40
12 skilled manual worker / 573 / 194 / 101
13 semi-skilled manual worker / 243 / 87 / 56
14 unskilled manual worker / 121 / 47 / 43
15 own account worker (not professional) / 111 / 30 / 39
16 farmer - employer/manager / 47 / 13 / 24
17 farmer - own account / 26 / 14 / 21
18 agricultural worker / 68 / 22 / 14
19 armed forces / 34 / 9 / 8
20 inadequately described/not stated / 46 / 28 / 19
-1 skipped, no job details / 306 / 111 / 137

Note: dv

q674FSOCCla2Father's Social Class (7 categories)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 I (SC = 1) / 97 / 28 / 33
2 II (SC = 2) / 537 / 149 / 145
3 III (non-man) (SC = 3) / 217 / 58 / 44
4 III (manual) (SC = 4) / 1043 / 331 / 194
5 IV (SC = 5) / 326 / 118 / 82
6 V (SC = 6) / 127 / 50 / 43
7 armed forces / 34 / 9 / 8
8 insufficient information / 46 / 28 / 19
-1 skipped, no job details / 306 / 111 / 137

Note: dv

q677FGHClassFather's Goldthorpe-Heath Class (full)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 service class, higher / 312 / 71 / 75
2 service class, lower / 235 / 69 / 40
3 routine non-manual / 93 / 22 / 14
4 personal service / 9 / 3 / 62
5 small proprietors, with empl / 164 / 48 / 34
6 small proprietors, no empl / 102 / 26 / -
7 farmers & smallholders / 81 / 25 / 41
8 foreman & technicians / 356 / 114 / 57
9 skilled manual workers / 410 / 141 / 70
10 semi and unskilled manual workers / 512 / 179 / 126
11 agricultural workers / 61 / 21 / 9
99 insufficient info / 92 / 52 / 40
-1 skip, no job details / 306 / 111 / 137

Notes: dv

Mother's job details

q684MemployeWas she … Read Out ..

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 an employee / 102 / 28 / 25
2 self-employed / 10 / 4 / 4
8 don't know / 2 / 1 / -
-1 father's job details obtained / 2427 / 771 / 568
-2 mother did not work / 144 / 54 / 64
-3 no job details for mother / 48 / 24 / 44

q685MsupMan(Can I just check), was she … Read Out ..

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 a manager / 11 / 3 / 1
2 a foreman or supervisor / 14 / 2 / 5
3 not / 76 / 24 / 19
8 don't know / 3 / 0 / -
-1 father's job details obtained / 2427 / 771 / 568
-2 mother did not work / 144 / 54 / 64
-3 no job details for mother / 48 / 24 / 44
-4 skip, self employed / 10 / 4 / 4

Notes: if 'employee'/DK at [Pemploye]

q686MempworkIF EMPLOYEE: Including your mother, roughly how many people were

employed at the place where she worked ?

IF SELF EMPLOYED: Did she have any employees ? If Yes: How many ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
0 no employees / 5 / 1 / 4
1 fewer than 10 / 29 / 13 / 3
2 10 - 24 / 17 / 9 / 6
3 25 - 99 / 20 / 4 / 5
4 100 - 499 / 29 / 4 / 7
5 500 or more / 14 / 2 / 4
-1 father's job details obtained / 2427 / 771 / 568
-2 mother did not work / 144 / 54 / 64
-3 no job details for mother / 48 / 24 / 44

q687MSOCMother's standard occupational classification

q700MSEG2Mother's socio-economic Group (20 categories)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 employer - large organisation / - / - / -
2 manager - large organisation / 3 / - / -
3 employer - small organisation / 5 / 3 / -
4 manager - small organisation / 4 / 2 / 2
5 professional worker - self-emp / - / - / -
6 professional worker - employee / 2 / 1 / 1
7 interm non-manual - ancillary / 11 / - / 8
8 interm non-manual - supervisor / 5 / 2 / 1
9 junior non-manual worker / 18 / 5 / 1
10 personal service worker / 12 / 4 / 3
11 foreman/supervisor - manual / 1 / - / 1
12 skilled manual worker / 5 / - / -
13 semi-skilled manual worker / 11 / 3 / 6
14 unskilled manual worker / 26 / 11 / 2
15 own account worker (not professional) / 5 / 1 / 3
16 farmer - employer/manager / - / - / -
17 farmer - own account / - / - / 1
18 agricultural worker / 2 / 1 / -
19 armed forces / - / - / -
20 inadeq described/not stated / 4 / - / -
-1 skp, obt dad's job details / 2427 / 771 / 568
-2 skp, mum not work / 144 / 54 / 64
-3 skp, mum job no details / 48 / 24 / 44

Notes:dv, called [MSEG2] on SPSS file

q706MSOCClasMother's social class (7 categories)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 I (SC = 1) / 2 / 1 / 1
2 II (SC = 2) / 23 / 5 / 12
3 III (non-man) (SC = 3) / 23 / 7 / 2
4 III (manual) (SC = 4) / 16 / 2 / 5
5 IV (SC = 5) / 20 / 7 / 7
6 V (SC = 6) / 26 / 11 / 2
7 armed forces / - / - / -
8 insufficient information / 4 / 0
-1 skip, obtained father's job details / 2427 / 771 / 568
-2 skip, mother not work / 144 / 54 / 64
-3 skip, Mother no job details / 48 / 24 / 44

Notes: dv, called [MSOCClas] on SPSS file

q707MGHClassMother's Goldthorpe-Heath class (full)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 service class, higher / 3 / 1 / 1
2 service class, lower / 19 / 4 / 7
3 routine non-manual / 12 / 3 / 1
4 personal service / 10 / 2 / 5
5 small proprietors, with empl / 4 / 3 / -
6 small proprietors, no empl / 5 / 1 / 3
7 farmers & smallholders / - / - / 1
8 foreman & technicians / 6 / 1 / 1
9 skilled manual workers / 8 / - / 1
10 semi and unskilled manual workers / 40 / 17 / 9
11 agricultural workers / 1 / 1 / -
99 insufficient Info / 6 / - / -
-1 skp, obtained father's job details / 2427 / 771 / 568
-2 skp, Mother not work / 144 / 54 / 64
-3 skp, Mother no job details / 48 / 24 / 44

Notes: dv

Respondent's economic activity

q724REConActWhich of these descriptions applies to what you were doing last week, that is

the seven days ending last Sunday ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 in full-time education (not paid for by employer, including on vacation) / 65 / 35 / 59
2 on government training/ employment programme (eg. Youth Training,
Training for Work etc) / 10 / 5 / 6
3 in paid work (or away temporarily) for at least 10 hours in week / 1430 / 417 / 349
4 waiting to take up paid work already accepted / 11 / 1 / 2
5 unemployed and registered at a benefit office / 83 / 43 / 63
6 unemployed, not registered, but actively looking for a job (of at
least 10 hrs a week) / 18 / 8 / 18
7 unemployed, wanting a job (of at least 10 hrs a week) but not
actively looking for a job / 6 / 7 / 6
8 permanently sick or disabled / 118 / 53 / 38
9 wholly retired from work / 620 / 208 / 36
10 looking after the home / 350 / 96 / 120
11 doing something else / 21 / 3 / 3
99 not answered / 1 / 6 / 5

Notes: Shc - Card HH

q726RlastJobHow long ago did you last have a paid job of at least 10 hours a week,

excluding holiday jobs ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
-1 skp, working/ waiting / 1441 / 418 / 351
1 within past 12 months / 152 / 64 / 78
2 over 1, up to 5 years ago / 297 / 111 / 94
3 over 5, up to 10 years ago / 238 / 76 / 41
4 over 10, up to 20 years ago / 325 / 100 / 32
5 over 20 years ago / 195 / 65 / 2
6 never had a paid job of 10+ hours a week / 80 / 41 / 96
8 don't know / 2 / 0 / 3
9 not answered / 3 / 7 / 8

Notes:Ask all not in paid work nor waiting to take up work

Government programmes/ schemes do not count as ‘paid jobs’

Probe for correct precode

q727UnionSA2Are you now a member of a trade union or staff association ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 yes: trade union / 482 / 176 / 100
2 yes: staff association / 86 / 33 / 26
3 no / 2163 / 663 / 569
8 don't know / 0 / 2 / 5
9 not answered / 2 / 8 / 5

Notes: Probe as necessary. Code first to apply.

q730TUSAOthIs anyone else in the household also a member of a trade union or staff


England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 yes: trade union / 57 / 24 / 20
2 yes: staff association / 6 / 3 / 6
3 no / 354 / 118 / 161
8 don't know / 16 / 11 / 7
9 not answered / - / 6 / 4
-2 skip, married/living as / 1590 / 490 / 406
-1 skip only one in household / 710 / 230 / 101

Notes: As if not married/living as married and more than one person in household

Probe as necessary. Code first to apply

q731TUSAEverHave you yourself ever been a member of a trade union or staff association?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 yes: trade union / 833 / 261 / 118
2 yes: staff association / 88 / 26 / 13
3 no / 1238 / 374 / 437
8 don't know / 4 / 2 / 1
9 not answered / 2 / 10 / 10
-1 skip, now TU/SA member / 568 / 209 / 126

Notes: Ask if 'no' at [UnionSA2]

Probe as necessary. Code first to apply

Respondent's job details

q735Remploye(Can I just check) are/will/were you…

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 an employee / 2314 / 750 / 523
2 self-employed / 333 / 81 / 74
8 don't know / 1 / 0 / 1
9 not answered / 5 / 10 / 11
-1 skip, never had a job / 80 / 41 / 96

Notes: As all in work, waiting to take up a job or ever worked

q736RsupMan(Can I just check), are you ….

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 a manager / 405 / 91 / 57
2 a foreman or supervisor / 337 / 115 / 69
3 not / 1573 / 544 / 398
9 not answered / 5 / 10 / 11
-1 skip, never had a job / 80 / 41 / 96
-2 skip, self-employed / 333 / 81 / 74

Notes: Ask all who is/was employed/DK

q737RocSect2Which of the types of organisation on this card (do you work/will you be

working/did you work) for ?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 PRIVATE SECTOR FIRM OR COMPANY - Incl e.g limited comps & PLCs / 1566 / 478 / 359
2 NATIONALISED INDUSTRY OR PUBLIC CORPORATION - Incl e.g. the Post Office and the BBC / 111 / 27 / 31
3 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYER Incl e.g. - Central govt/ Civil Service/
Govt Agency - Local authority/ Local Education Authority (incl `opted out'
Schools) - Universities - Health Authority/ NHS hospitals/ NHS Trusts/ GP surgeries - Police/ Armed forces / 580 / 226 / 128
4 CHARITY/ VOLUNTARY SECTOR Incl e.g. charitable companies, churches, trade
unions / 39 / 15 / 3
8 don't know / 3 / 2 / -
9 not answered / 6 / 10 / 13
-1 never had a job / 80 / 41 / 96
-2 self-employed / 333 / 81 / 74

Notes: Shc - Card II

Ask all who is/was employee/DK

q741RempWorkIF EMPLOYEE: Including yourself, how many people (are/were) employed

At the place where you usually (work/will work/worked)?

IF SELF-EMPLOYED: (Do/Will/Did) you have any employees ? If Yes:

How many?

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
0 no employees / 199 / 48 / 53
1 fewer than 10 / 466 / 171 / 97
2 10 - 24 / 375 / 130 / 80
3 25 - 99 / 566 / 159 / 123
4 100 - 499 / 548 / 166 / 127
5 500 or more / 470 / 148 / 108
8 don't know / 24 / 9 / 9
9 not answered / 5 / 10 / 12
-1 skip, never had a job / 80 / 41 / 96

Notes: Ask all in work, waiting to take up a job or ever worked

Probe for correct precode

q742RjbHrs1How many hours (do/will/did) you normally work a week in your main job -

including any paid or unpaid overtime ?

Range 3 … 96

q764RSEG2Respondent's socio-economic group (20 categories)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 employer - large organisation / 9 / - / 1
2 manager - large organisation / 218 / 49 / 20
3 employer - small organisation / 86 / 18 / 16
4 manager - small organisation / 119 / 31 / 14
5 professional worker - self-emp / 27 / 15 / 4
6 professional worker - employee / 90 / 19 / 18
7 interm non-manual - ancillary / 295 / 88 / 74
8 interm non-manual - supervisor / 116 / 28 / 35
9 junior non-manual worker / 483 / 167 / 106
10 personal service worker / 157 / 46 / 50
11 foreman/supervisor - manual / 112 / 47 / 20
12 skilled manual worker / 285 / 84 / 65
13 semi-skilled manual worker / 302 / 93 / 98
14 unskilled manual worker / 140 / 89 / 30
15 own account worker (not professional) / 157 / 35 / 41
16 farmer - employer/manager / 8 / 3 / 1
17 farmer - own account / 5 / 4 / -
18 agricultural worker / 22 / 11 / 1
19 armed forces / 5 / 1 / -
20 inadeq described/not stated / 17 / 13 / 15
-2 skip, never had a job / 80 / 41 / 96

Notes: dv

q768RSOCCla2Respondent's RG social class (7 categories)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 I (SC = 1) / 117 / 34 / 22
2 II (SC = 2) / 716 / 189 / 132
3 III (non-man) (SC = 3) / 626 / 205 / 152
4 III (manual) (SC = 4) / 571 / 169 / 127
5 IV (SC = 5) / 449 / 141 / 131
6 V (SC = 6) / 152 / 89 / 30
7 armed forces / 5 / 1 / -
8 insufficient information / 17 / 13 / 15
-2 skip, never had a job / 80 / 41 / 96

Notes: dv

q771RGHclassRespondent's Goldthorpe-Heath class (full)

England and Wales / Scotland / Ethnic minorities
1 service class, higher / 371 / 87 / 50
2 service class, lower / 454 / 124 / 99
3 routine non-manual / 337 / 102 / 79
4 personal service / 216 / 86 / 57
5 small proprietors, with empl / 76 / 14 / 14
6 small proprietors, no empl / 146 / 31 / 40
7 farmers & smallholders / 19 / 8 / 1
8 foreman & technicians / 177 / 71 / 35
9 skilled manual workers / 241 / 69 / 56
10 semi and unskilled manual workers / 562 / 219 / 161
11 agricultural workers / 19 / 10 / 1
99 insufficient info / 35 / 20 / 16
-2 skip, never had a job / 80 / 41 / 96
