The Odyssey/ O Brother Where Art Thou Comparison Paragraphs

In two paragraphs compare and contrast an element of the movie to an element of the epic poem, using at least 3 specific details from the movie and 3 specific details from the text to support your comparisons. Each paragraph will need to include a topic sentence and a clincher. You must use either a point-by-point essay method (2 paragraphs) or the block method (2 paragraphs) to compose your comparisons, using appropriate transitions between ideas.

To receive full credit, your paragraph must meet the following guidelines:

1.  Correct MLA heading, and title (.5 points)

2.  Typed, double-spaced in a normal 12-point font, proper paragraph form (.5 points)

3.  Contains a clear topic sentence that introduces the movie and the epic and the element you are comparing. (1.5 points)

4.  Contains a minimum of three strong and specific supporting details (3 points)

5.  Contains a minimum of 2 parenthetical citations (2)

6.  Contains a strong clincher that sums up your thoughts (.5 point)

7.  Smooth transitions are used to connect support (.5 point)

8.  Complete MLA formatted Works Cited page (2.5)

9.  Contains correct point-by-point or block style format (1)


The Odyssey/ O Brother Where Art Thou Comparison Paragraphs

In two paragraphs compare and contrast an element of the movie to an element of the epic poem, using at least 3 specific details from the movie and 3 specific details from the text to support your comparisons. Each paragraph will need to include a topic sentence and a clincher. You must use either a point-by-point essay method (2 paragraphs) or the block method (2 paragraphs) to compose your comparisons, using appropriate transitions between ideas.

To receive full credit, your paragraph must meet the following guidelines:

1.  Correct MLA heading, and title (.5 points)

2.  Typed, double-spaced in a normal 12-point font, proper paragraph form (.5 points)

3.  Contains a clear topic sentence that introduces the movie and the epic and the element you are comparing. (1.5 points)

4.  Contains a minimum of three strong and specific supporting details (3 points)

5.  Contains a minimum of 2 parenthetical citations (2)

6.  Contains a strong clincher that sums up your thoughts (.5 point)

7.  Smooth transitions are used to connect support (.5 point)

8.  Complete MLA formatted Works Cited page (2.5)

9.  Contains correct point-by-point or block style format (1)
