WSSC Championship Show Dogs 5 9 15

It is always an honour to judge the club showsand today was no exception. Thanks to my stewards Julie Frost and Neil Phillips who worked all day keeping everything in order. As usual when judging there are surprises and disappointments, good dogs not at their best on the day, others that just have that sparkle, and of course the ones you thought might be there that are missing. I judged the dogs on the day placing as I see them, and I thank the exhibitors who accepted it in such a sporting manner.

My dog CC winner was cracking on the day and went Best in Show under the referee Mrs L Tain, I withdrew from judging it as I had bred the Bitch CC winner that came forward. Overall the quality was good. A couple of things seem to be creeping back in, the wider front movement which had improved over the last few years, and some of the mouths. I had a few lovely typey Welsh dogs that should help keep our lovely breed true to type, sound, and fit for purpose as a true dual purpose spaniel

V 9 (8)

1 Flockhart’s Cedar Sunset good all round type Welsh, Good head and eye, good depth of brisket, lovely bone & substance, good rich coat and condition, shows well.

2 Murray’s Slapestones Mars at Priestbeck, another lovely Welsh, slightly longer cast, lovely head, stop and expression, good rib and quarters.

3 Walton & Coffin’s AM CH Cole Creek Hawk Eye at Hillpark(imp USA) nice all round, nice head and eye, short coupled, good quarters


1and BPIS Graham’s Taimeres Twister Round Nyliram, 7 months, lovely all round typey Welsh puppy. Lovely head eye expression onto good reach neck and well laid shoulder. Good bone and substance for one so young, good depthof brisket,strong hindquarters, moved well and true for a MP.

2 Graham’s Taimeres Time to Tango with Nyliram, litter brother to one and another good one, these will no doubt change places as they develop further. Today preferred the hindquarters,depth of thigh and hind movement of one.

3 Browns Bowdonia Ozzie another nice puppy with good head eye, feet, nice rib and hindquarters, good coat. Just needs settle to his job to reach his potential

PD 9

1 Graham’s Taimeres Twister Round Nyliram

2 Graham’s Taimeres Time to Tango with Nyliram

3 Browns Bowdonia Ozzie

JD 2 1 Luckett-Roynon’s Solva Captain Vere, Nice all round, good Welsh type. Lovely one, substance, good feet and spring of rib to strong hindquarters, in good coat.

2 Bonser Hadfield & Hadfield’s Helgen De Treville, nice head eye, short coupled, nice hindquarters, good coat and condition

YD 3 Harrison’s Glenbrows Trademark JW a lovely all round picture with lovely outline. Good head and eye leading to strong neck and good shoulder. Good depth of body, moved well and shown in good coat and condition

2 Stone’sStedigan All in Good Time, typey Welsh typical head, good depth of muzzle, stop and kind eye, good depth brisket, bone and feet.

3 Salt’s Islanza Double Dutch, nice head and neck, good depth of body, needs more hindquarters but with age should improve this.

ND 5

1 Grahams Taimeres Twister Round Nyliram

2 Graham’s Taimeres Time to Tango with Nyliram

3 Dobbie’s Rockypoint Scotch Mist, nice outline, head, good neck and shoulder, needs more hindquarters but only a puppy, should improve to complete the picture

GD 7

Enderby’s Hillpark Ultimate Silver good head, nice stop, good depth muzzle andkind eye, good depthof body and spring of rib, nice hindquarters, driving well, good coat

2 Johnstone’s Glenbrows Paper Money for Gilpeta JWnice all round, good neck and shoulder, nice depthof brisket, fair hindquarters.

3 Pick & Chisholm’s Llon Ddraig Goch, nice all round type of Welshie, good coat, nice head, little upright in shoulder, good depth body and good feet.

PGD 6 (5) 1 Worth’s Sarabande Perfect Storm (Ai)ShCM Lovely dog, good all round type, nice head and depthof muzzle , good neck & shoulder, depthof body and strong hindquarters, good depth of thigh, short hocks, moved well,. Stuck in my mind for later, unfortunately at the end of day in the big ring he was a little overawed and did not give of his best.

2 Isherwood’s Amblelight Trapexium Star, nice all round, good head and eye, nice type, good feet and hindquarters.

3 Woodham’s Tobermyn Minstrel Boy, nice typey Welsh, good head and neck, slightly long, fair hindquarters, good short hocks and feet

ML 2 (1)

1 Murray’s Lyndfil Simba from Priestbeck, nice all round, good neck, spring of riband depthof body, good second thigh & hindquarters, in good coat and condition

L 6

1 CC BIS Graham’s Furness Way from Minebea to Nyliram, a lovely typey and quality Welsh, good head with stop,depthof muzzle, well set ears and kind eye. Muscular neck into good shoulders. Good depthbodyand spring rib with good bone & feet. Short coupled with strong quarters on short hocks. Moved with drive and purpose. The icing on the cake is his rich colour, glowing coat and condition which gave him the top honours today.

2 Tyler & Shiels’ Eiriandylis Jems Jacob ShCM, another lovely typey Welsh shown in best of coat and condition. Good head leading on to good neck and shoulder, good depth of body and rib, good bone & feet.

3 Graham & Denwood’s Slapestones Newman, another nice one, nice head & eye, good neck and shoulder, depthof body and nice bone. Good feet

OD 9

1 res CC Thirlwell’s SH CH Ferndel Aeron Magregor, lovely head with good stop and depthof muzzle, kind eye. Excellent reach of neck onto well laid shoulder, good rib, strong hindquarters, good second thigh and neat feet. Showed well.

2 Douglas’ SH CH Ferndel Justin Time ShCM, shown in good coat and condition, quality typey Welsh, good head, expression and depthof muzzle, nice neck and shoulder, gooddepthof body, short coupled, good quarters and short hocks.

3 Tolladay’s Ferndel Comander of Bethersden ShCM, a lovely all round Welsh with lovely head and expression, good neck and shoulder, lovely depth of body, good bone & feet, short coupled, good hindquarters, showed well then let himself down at the end which cost him the class, such a shame

SB 3

Enderby’s Hillpark Ultimate Silver

2 Woodham’s Tobermyn Minstrel Boy

3 Samsel & Yacoub’s Laithmoors Marek, only a puppy so still to grown on, nice head and eye, good depth body and bone, in good coat and condition


Hardest class of the day to quality for, I admire all the people who successfully work their dogs trying to keep it dual purpose.

1 Steadman’s Stedigan One in Ten JW nice all round typey Welsh, good head, nice depth of muzzle, strong neck, good depth body and spring of rib, short coupled with good bone & feet


1 Evans’ Coedybrain Ryan Ar Nantlle, nice typey Welsh, good head,shoulder,depthof body and strong muscled quarters, short hocks, nice bone, good feet, in good coat


1 Evans’ Coedybrain Ryan Ar Nantlle

2 White’s Fiergen Brake Dancer, nice honest Welsh, nice head and neck, good depthof body, bone and feet, short coupled

3 Steadman’s Stedigan One in Ten

GCD 5 (4)

1 Barkley’s SH CH Cherryheaths Mr Mischief JW ShCM what a lovely Welsh, nice all round, lovely head and expression, muscular neck onto good shoulder. Gd depth body and spring of rib. Gd bone & feet, short coupled, nice hindquarters, short hocks, moved well with drive

2 Johnstone’s Ferndel Seeing Stars for Gilpeta nice head, neck, good depth brisket,bone and feet, moved well

3 Finlay’s Cerysan Robert Roy, nice all round type in good coat and condition, nice head, good depth body, short coupled, moved well and happy

C Knowles (Menstonia)