59 Religious education belongs to the stage of "growth in knowledge." It is most effective if the person has already encountered Christ in a meaningful and life-changing way. The children in primary schools usually have an accepting faith and a relationship with God which is appropriate for a child, and therefore a certain receptivity to the knowledge which the religious education programme imparts. At secondary school level the young person's drive for independence and adulthood often leads to a questioning of the things of childhood or those things which are seen as being passed on by parents. The developmental stages of teenage years have an effect on faith, as the Enhancing Catholic Identity research carried out in Victoria, Australia indicates:

"We see a recurring pattern among the students: often, their literal but childish faith implodes after entering secondary school, then even more drastically drops in years 9-10. Finally, we detect a small restoration among students in years 11-12 - though their overall pattern still remains affected by rising External Critique levels, Therefore, we suggest paying extra attention to students in years 9-10."(Note: Victoria, Australia years are used - in New Zealand year 9-10 students would be years 10-11 and years 11-12 students would be years 12-13).24

61 All students, whatever their level of faith development, need some understanding of the theological content of their faith, not just an understanding of the cultural elements of Catholicism. For those students who already have a committed relationship with Jesus Christ the religious education programme must deliver at the level needed to sustain their desire to grow in knowledge and understanding.

24 Prof Dr D Pollefeyt and J Bouwens, Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project, meeting with parish priests and principals, August 2010.

Paragraphs 59 and 61 from:

The Catholic Education of School-Age Children: A document of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conferenceto guide those involved in the work of Catholic education in Aotearoa New Zealand. (2103)

A New Beginning: Prophets and Mystics Together

© Kevin Wanden FMS: Champagnat Marist Education Resources:

Monthly Reflection: October2015.