Dissertation Training Day – 21 November 2013

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Please return this proforma to or bring it with you on the day. Keep the length to one side of A4 paper. An example (not necessarily an example of good study design!) has been included for illustration – please delete this text.

Your name / John Smith
Title of study / Occupational asthma in a steel coating plant
Background: a couple of sentences outlining the relevance to Occupational Medicine policy or practice / A small outbreak of occupational asthma has occurred in a plant which coats sheet steel with plastic coating.
What is known on this topic? - in broad terms / There are several hundred known causes of occupational asthma.
Study question – in broad terms / What is the size of the outbreak? What work areas or chemicals are associated with cases?
Type of study design (eg systematic review of the literature, cross-sectional survey, time series before and after intervention) / Cross-sectional survey of workforce
Study population / 200 steel coating plant workers and 50 office workers at the same plant
Methods for measuring the exposure or intervention (if relevant) / Self-administered questionnaire on job history and work area to define exposure groupings. Possible later area sampling if specific chemical associated with cases.
Methods for measuring the study outcomes (if relevant) / Self-administered respiratory symptoms questionnaire, lung function tests. Further clinical investigation of “cases”.
Methods for collecting any other relevant information / Questionnaire to note personal factors: smoking history, history of atopy, age and sex.
Outline of presentation of results and approaches to statistical analysis (if relevant) / Tabulations of symptom prevalence by (a) exposure grouping, (b) personal factors
Are there any ethical issues? / Yes. Will be submitted to Local Research Ethics Committee.
What permissions and resources are required (eg access to employer’s data, use of facilities, training, advice etc) / Permission obtained from plant management. Union representatives will be consulted. sTr will undertake all questionnaire distribution and lung function tests – training arranged. Further clinical investigation yet to be arranged.
Any other issues?

Registered address: 3rd Floor New Derwent House, 69-73 Theobalds Road, LONDON, WC1X 8TA

t: 020 7242 8698 f: 020 3116 6900 e:

Registered Charity No: 1139516 Scottish Charity No. SC040060 Registered in England No: 07461063 VAT Registration No: 798 6604 62