May 2018 Community Newsletter Content

What is SCAN?

A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities

The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act (SCAN) is a civil legislation that investigates residential and commercial properties that residents identify as issues in their community. Once a resident reports to SCAN, investigators will begin a process to access and determine the issue with that property.

SCAN targets properties, not people. If criminal activity is uncovered by the unit, CPS and SCAN investigators will work together to resolve the issue. SCAN investigators investigate drug and sex trafficking and/or gang-related crime.

For more information or call 1-866-960-7226.

City of Calgary

The May community newsletter content is up:

Here are some of the May topics:

  • Legalization of recreational cannabis
  • Tree and lawn maintenance
  • Disaster Alley event on May 5
  • Golf programs
  • Spring and summer recreation programs

Calgary Public Library

What’s Your Library Story?

Calgary Public Library wants to know how the Library has made a difference in your life. Did the Library help you find a job? Has the Library brought your family closer together? What Library programs or services are essential to you? Head to to let us know why you love the Library, and to read stories from other Library members about the impact the Library has had on them.

Learn a Language for Free

Calgary Public Library members get free access to Rosetta Stone Library Solution, an easy-to-use eResource for learning a new language. Choose from 30 languages, including Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish, Swahili, and Urdu. The program’s core lessons build skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, while focused activities improve grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Start learning today at Not a Library member? Sign up for your free Library card at visit any Library location.

Spotlight on Member Benefits: Free Programs

Did you know your Calgary Public Library card gives you access to hundreds of free programs? One of our newest programs is Reading with Royalty, a glamorous family-friendly storytime program led by local drag queens and kings. Spark your imagination and celebrate inclusion and diversity! Check out Library Connect, the Library’s program guide, to discover the programs we offer for everybody. Download Library Connect at or pick up a copy at your community library.

The joy of using credit

Credit is a subject that causes intense emotions for many people. Fear and guilt are common among a lot of Canadians when they think about credit. But for some, credit can cause joy.

Joy? you ask. How do I get more of that?

The truth is there are many positive things that come with using credit wisely. But to do that, you need to know some basics about credit. Let's debunk some myths.

Myth #1: Making a lot of money will help your credit score and loan qualification

Actually, it's not how much money you make that's important; it's how you use it. Salaries are unrelated to credit scores. Your credit score is carefully calculated by different factors, including your total debt and your payment habits.

Myth #2: Not making late payments results in a great credit score

There’s a reason your payment history only accounts for about a third of your total credit score. Making payments on time is great, but if you have taken on a lot of debt, creditors are aware that one big expense can derail you. So it's wise not to take on too much debt.

Myth #3: Paying off outstanding debt removes it from your credit reports

Nothing gets removed from your credit report unless it's erroneous. Your credit history includes all the details of your debt, but that doesn't mean you can't make positive changes to improve your credit report in the present and the future.

Myth #4: All credit reports are the same

Actually, in Canada, there are two national credit bureaus: Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. You should check with both when pulling your report. The reason is that different financial companies report to different credit institutions, and because of this discrepancy in reporting, your credit reports may vary.

Myth #5: Paying cash helps your credit rating

Some people think that avoiding credit cards is a good option, but knowing your payment history is a significant chunk of your credit report, and that comes from managing your credit card wisely. To develop a credit score, you need a credit history.

Ready to make some positive changes?

A Servus financial advisor can help you figure out what products are the best fit to help you create a solid credit history and manage your credit wisely. Call us at 1.877.378.8728 and talk to an advisor today.