Practicum placement 1- in a gym/clinic /hospital

Health & Safety Risk Assessment Form School

Undergraduate Student Projects, Activities Date / /

And Practical Placements Unit Code

Faculty of Health Unit Name

1. Project, Activity or Practical Placement Information

Project / Activity Title:


Practicum placement within a clinic/gym or hospital environment where the exercise modalities would be bikes, weights or treadmills. These modalities would be used for the purpose of rehabilitation or fitness training

See attached list for examples of current sites in use

Specify any established Standard Operating Procedures for this project or activity that have a current health & safety risk assessment. Another risk assessment is not required for these Standard Operating Procedures, however, all new students need to be trained in these Standard Operating Procedures and made aware of any relevant health & safety controls.


Please provide a full and complete description of the project, activities or procedures that will be carried out not involving Standard Operating Procedures (or attach an existing copy of these activities and procedures).


For projects and activities where students will be involved in complex activities and procedures (not involving Standard Operating Procedures) undertaken in laboratories, clinics, hospitals etc, please attach a copy of the methods and procedures protocol for this work, to assist the health and safety risk assessment.


SOP 6 – The use of the treadmill, bike and metabolic cart,

SOP 8 – Operating procedures for exercise modalities within exercise physiology,

SOP 14 – The use of weights in a clinic, gym setting or for resistance training.


 Ensure that relevant insurance forms from QUT are signed prior to the student starting their practicum.

 Both the student and practicum sit supervisor have to detail and sign off on the activities

 A copy of the guidelines in place at the prac site should, if possible, be attached to this SOP.

 Ensure that the student is aware of his/her responsibilities to the public, and that they are only there in a learning capacity.

 Ensure that the student is aware of the rules and regulations of the practicum site.

The students are to be carefully supervised on the various sites by professional staff______





External Collaborators (other QUT Faculties and non-QUT parties):




Location(s) where this project or activity will take place (eg field site, hospital, building, campus):





Equipment types involved, if any:



2. Hazards / Potential Hazards Identification List

Use this list to identify all hazards in the workplace, systems of work, equipment and substances used, to which anyone associated with the project or activity may be exposed. This list is designed to assist in the identification of hazards but is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. Indicate any other hazards in the space provided.

Once completed, transfer all identified risks that have been ticked off, to section 3 for risk assessment and control implementation.

PersonalPotentially Hazardous Environments

Manual handlingHospitals / clinics / medical centres

Striking and graspingIndustrial / manufacturing sites

Slips/trips - footwear appropriate to task?Mines

Fixed posture for extended periodsAbattoir

Repetitive movements (eg on keyboard)Roadside

Pressure (diving or altitudes)Farms and isolated or remote areas

Heat or cold stressWorking in confined spaces

Interviews with participantsWorking at heights

Working aloneElectromagnetic/infrared/microwave

Vehiclesradiation exposure

Long distance driving in vehiclesElectrical hazards

In home visitsPhysical activities

After Hours Workeg rock climbing, treadmill, sports

Emergency situations

Aggression or violence by othersOther potentially hazardous environments:

Mental or psychological stressSpecify______

Sunlight exposure of UV radiation

Excessive Noise eg Industry sitesSpecialised Equipment

Sharps eg. Clinical or laboratory instruments

Animal attacks or bites eg dogs

Fire and Explosion

TemperatureFlammable substances

High temperature materialsExplosives

Cryogenic (freezing) fluidsChemical / Hazardous Substances


MechanicalToxic / hazardous substances

Machinery / plant / equipment in motionCorrosive agents

Excessive VibrationSolvents

Compression / tension of partGenotoxins (mutagens/teratogens)

Pressure equipment (high/vacuum)Generation of dusts, vapours, fumes etc

The use of Chemicals and Hazardous

Other HazardsSubstances must conform to the Workplace

Health & Safety Regulation (1997) s87 to 114.

Specify______These Regulations are met Yes No

Biological Complete a Biosafety Risk Assessment Form – see your lecturer

All activities involving the handling of biological material [including human blood, human urine, any human or animal tissue or fluid (except sweat), any pathogenic, bacteria, virus, fungi, genetically modified organism or small and large animal handling], must have the approval of the Faculty Biosafety committee.

Radiation - Ionising and Laser Radiation Complete a Radiation Risk Assessment Form – see your lecturer

For the use of radioactive substances, irradiating apparatus and laser radiation devices.

Faculty of Health U/G student project, activity or practical placement H&S risk assessment form 3 August 2004 1

3. Hazard Identification and Control

Rare, Moderate,
What can happen.
Are the consequences
low, moderate or extreme. / CONTROL MEASURES
To reduce the risk:
Elimination, substitution, engineering, administrative, PPE, altered work practices / Given the nature of the risks identified, specify:
for each student where required.

Faculty of Health U/G student project, activity or practical placement H&S risk assessment form 3 August 2004 1

4. First Aid

  • Are appropriate first aid items/kits or health services available?Yes No

Specify ______

5. Emergency Procedures:

Outline the emergency procedures that have been established in the event of an emergency situation:




6. Endorsements:

Where appropriate, all students who will be engaged on this project or activity must sign this endorsement.

Undergraduate students involved in the project or activity:

Name ______Student No. ______Signature ______Date / /

Name ______Student No. ______Signature ______Date / /

Name ______Student No. ______Signature ______Date / /

Name ______Student No. ______Signature ______Date / /

Name ______Student No. ______Signature ______Date / /

For student projects and activities, this Health & Safety Risk Assessment form is to be returned to the respective lecturer / supervisor. Once completed, this Health & Safety Risk Assessment form is to be forwarded to the School Workplace Health & Safety Officer.

Lecturer / Supervisor:

Name ______Signature ______Staff No. ______

Date / / Unit code ______Unit Name______

School Workplace Health & Safety Officer Comments:





Endorsement by the Faculty of Health, Health and Safety Committee:

School Workplace Health & Safety Officer Endorsement:

Name ______Signature ______Date / /

Faculty of Health research project risk assessment Form B 30 July 2004 1