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Leon Marzillier, President (Valley), La Vergne Rosow Vice President (Valley), Angela Echeverri, Secretary (Mission),

Lina Chen, Treasurer (Trade) Beverly Shue Past President (Harbor)

District Academic Senate Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, August 10, 2006,1:30 - 3:30 p.m., LACCD Hearing Room

Members present: Leon Marzillier, Beverly Shue, Paul Doose, Angela Echeverri, Lina Chen, Shannon Stack, Susan

McMurray, Isidore Goodman, Reggie Morris.

Guests present: Gary Colombo, Deborah Kaye


1.Call to Order – Approval of Agenda: Meeting was called to order at 1:45 PM by President Marzillier. Agenda was approved.

2.Minutes of June 15meeting – Echeverri: Minutes were approved.

3.Public Speakers: None

Information/Discussion Items

4.Selection of faculty for Presidential and VP evaluations: This issue was discussed during consultation with the Chancellor. Several members expressed concern regarding who would select the faculty members for the evaluation committee. Stack suggested having one member selected by the AFT, Academic Senate, and Vice President. Marzillier will place this on the DAS agenda as a discussion item.

5.Treasurer’s Report (Chen): DAS Summit will take place on 9/29/06 at the Marina del Rey Hotel. The event will cost $8220.26 ($500 over last year’s budget), including lunch, supplies, and use of the facilities (4 rooms). Chen stated 1 to 2 more breakout rooms may be needed, which will increase the total cost by $300 per room. Chancellor Young has agreed to pay for half of the expenses. Shue/Doose (M/S/U) motioned to approve the treasurer’s recommendation. Local academic senate dues for 2006-2007 of $200.00 are now due. Each college will receive $2500 from the DAS once they submit payment.

6.Academically Speaking: Deborah Kaye distributed a publishing and distribution schedule for Academically Speaking.

Due to Deborah Kaye / Received on campuses
FALL 2006 / September 11, 2006 / October 9, 2006
WINTER 2007 / November 6, 2006 / November 29, 2006
SPRING 2007 / February 12, 2007 / March 7, 2007
SUMMER 2007 / April 23, 2007 / May 23, 2007

Kaye discussed possible topics for future issues of the publication, including the 10+1 responsibilities of Academic Senates, accreditation, student learning outcomes, student success, DAS Fall 2006 summit, and others. She added that campus reports were not mandatory. Faculty and administrator evaluations were suggested topics for Point/Counterpoint.

7.Student Success Initiative & DAS Summit: Marzillier stated that the DAS Summit planning committee had met twice. The original plan was to focus the summit on student success. However, the focus has changed to institutional integrity. There will be a panel formed by AFT President Carl Friedlander, Chancellor Rocky Young, LAVC President Tyree Wieder, and a Board of Trustees member to discuss decentralization. Breakouts would focus on mutual definitions of decentralization (necessary foraccreditation reports), efforts to reorganize district units (detailed charts have been developed for Information Technology and John Clerx’s area including end-users, stakeholders, efficiency, etc.), and a 45 page functional map. Shue, Doose and Stack expressed concern that this agenda was not very relevant to all faculty. McMurray countered that it was very important for accreditation. Doose added that the information could help prevent duplication of functions and ultimately save the campuses money. McMurray gave three reasons the\is topic was so important: Facilities planning (reversal of local decisions by LACCD), SAP and local expense of SPOC (payroll specialist), and paperwork used in hiring. Shue stated that the District Office budget has kept increasing since decentralization. Colombo stated that the breakouts would cover vital areas: marketing ($1 million budget), facilities, instructional and student services, human resources, fiscal/payroll, academic integrity, access and outreach, student success, student learning and excellence, service and accountability, resources and external relations. Each campus should send a team of 12 people (7 faculty and 5 administrators), including Senate and AFT presidents. Morris stated he was offended by some of the recent LACCD marketing ads depicting minimum wage workers in a negative light. Next planning meeting will be August 30 from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM.Colombo stated that the next Student Success initiative meeting would take place on August 18,10:00 AM-12:00 PM.

8.Proposed draft of a Board of Trustees policy statement on academic freedom: Marzillier said according to Title 5 there must be a Board of Trustees statement on academic freedom. He presented the De Anza College statement and requested that executive committee members review it. Shue objected to the word “molestation” in the statement.

9.Districtwide Student Application and Registration (Marzillier): During consultation John Clerx reported that LACCD is working on a district wide student application, which would allow students to enroll at all colleges in the district by filing a single application.

10.Faculty equivalency process: Goodman stated that a number of people have gone through the provisional equivalency at his campus. He requested clarification on the process for going from a provisional to a permanent equivalency. EPAC does not meet in the summer, therefore they could not work in the summer and get the equivalence in the Fall. Equivalency forms are available in Human Resource Office at the District. Applicants must submit applications for equivalency to discipline committee and then to EPAC. If discipline committee has trouble meeting in person, they could meet by e-mail. Equivalency requires thirty units post baccalaureate, cannot count units for B.S., unless they took additional units above what was needed in a subject matter.

11.Discussion of DAS priorities for 2006-2007: Tabled for later meeting.

12.President's Report (Marzillier): Marzillier is on the LACCD-Sheriff Task Force which will meet fairly regularly to discuss concerns with the service. Marzillier distributed minutes of the 6/2/2006 meeting and the agenda for the 8/9/06 meeting. Shue complained about the high cost of overtime for the Sheriff services during emergencies, which costs double time. Doose wanted to know why the Sheriff’s budget for Southwest is almost the same as East’s ($1.1 versus $1.2M). McMurray added that furnishing the Sheriff’s offices was very expensive because it had to be done to their specifications. Next task force meeting is 9/27/06 at LACCD Office from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Doose stated the Sheriff’s contract could be cancelled with sufficient notice. The change from Campus Police to Sheriff was made originally to save money. Stack said that Sheriffs were very different from Campus Police.

District Budget Committee (DBC): For fiscal year 2005/06, five out of nine colleges (Mission, Harbor, West, Southwest, and Trade) had a deficit; EastL.A.College had a $21Million surplus. Mike Hill will be looking at budget. This year DBC will be co-chaired by Bob Garber for the administration and John McDowell for faculty. The administration has requested more money for the district office. The vote to decide whether the District office gets more moneywill be next Wednesday 8/16/06.

Pick-A-Prof: Students are asking colleges for grade distributions by professor and they are selling the information to students. Student bodies are paying between $5,000 to $10,000 at some University of California campuses,to get the faculty grade distributions. The CFT is looking into this matter.

Other:Marzillier will be out of town for next two weeks, needs 8/23/06 representative at resource table. Evaluation task force has met regarding Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in faculty evaluations. Have discussed how to do this without rewriting article 19 and suggested putting SLOs under self-evaluation.The task force will be sending out recommendations by the end of August. McMurray stated that ACCJC position is that both institutional and course SLOs should be assessed. Marzillier requested that Valley or Pierce host the 10/12/06 DAS general meeting, because Mission has very limited parking due to ongoing construction of the student parking lot. Project Match which was started in 1991 by DAS; there will be an anniversary dinner on 8/30/06 to honor Barbara Ching for her work with the program.

13.Announcements and indications of proposed future actions: None

14.Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 3:42 PM.

DAS meeting dates (2006-2007): Oct 12 (LAVC?), Dec 14 (LAHC), Mar 8 (ELAC), May 10 (LACC)

DAS Executive Committee meeting dates: Jul 13, Aug 10, Sep 14, Nov 9, Jan 25, Feb 8, Mar 22, Apr 12, Apr 26(?), Jun 14

Fall Summit meeting: Sep 29

ACADEMIC SENATE PRESIDENTS: Dana Cohen, CITY David Beaulieu, EAST Susan McMurray, HARBOR Angela Echeverri, MISSION

Izzy Goodman, PIERCE Reggie Morris, SOUTHWEST Chini Johnson-Taylor, TRADE TECH Shannon Stack, VALLEY Eloise Crippens, WEST