Pre IB Biology I & II

Instructor: Ms Amber Friedrich

CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: (720) 423-8803


Office Hours: 7:15-7:45, 2:30-3:00 M-F

Room: 09



In our year together we will explore the following topics:

1.  Experimental design and data processing

2.  The chemistry of life

3.  The cellular basis of life

4.  Creating and harvesting energy (photosynthesis and cellular respiration)

5.  Cell division and cell reproduction (mitosis and meiosis)

6.  The chromosomal basis of inheritance (Mendel and genetics)

7.  From genes to proteins

8.  Mechanisms of evolution

TEACHING METHODS: This course will be taught so that you come away from this semester fully prepared for future high school science classes, college science courses and/or scientific life experiences. By acting as a facilitator, I will challenge you to ask questions, experiment and research to uncover new meanings and connections. My goals are to insure that you are aware of the science proficiencies set up by the district, state and nation, and that you have the opportunity to demonstrate your awareness to the fullest of your abilities.

ACADEMIC BEHAVIORS: A successful science student at George communicates effectively in lab and other group situations, pursues individual interests and connections to the content, uses a variety of resources to research answers to questions, maintains an organized portfolio of tiers and units, takes adequate lecture notes (using the cornell note format), and then utilizes these notes to study for unit exams.

GRADING. Each unit will be four weeks long and the grades will be assigned as follows:

·  Portfolios (100 points total for each unit):

o  Tier 1=10 points

o  Tier 2=30 points

o  Tier 3= 40 points

o  Tier 4= 20 points

·  Posttest = Each will be worth 50 points

·  Each Friday a portfolio will be collected based on tiers.

o  Each tier represents a different level of cognitive processing. Tier 1 is the lowest level of processing (recall, define, identify). Tier 3 and 4 require the highest level of cognitive processing (create, write, formulate).

o  Tier 1 Portfolio: warm-up sheet, pretest, tier 1 assignment 1, lecture notes, lab, tier 1 assignment 2, tier 1 assignment 3.

o  Tier 2 Portfolio: warm-up sheet, tier 2 assignment 1, lecture notes, lab, tier 2 assignment 2

o  Tier 3 Portfolio: warm-up sheet, tier 3 assignment, lecture notes, lab

o  Tier 4 Portfolio: warm-up sheet, independent study

·  Lab Reports:

o  One formal lab report following the IB Internal Assessment (IA) rubric will be completed for each unit.

·  Late work:

o  Two homework passes will be given per semester to be used in exchange for any assignment. (No labs). At the end of the semester, unused homework passes can be exchanged for extra credit.

o  For each week that a portfolio is late a HAND-WRITTEN, one page paper must be included to earn credit on the portfolio. See website home page for late work paper topics.

·  Final Exam will be 10% of semester grade.

·  Pretests: Pretests will be used to suggest whether students begin on tier 1 or tier 2

SAMPLE MONTHLY CALENDAR: August/September 2011

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri /
22 Pre-Test
Tier Assignment Work Day / 23
Lecture Day / 24
Lab / 25
Lab / 26
Tier Assignment Work day (portfolio due)
Tier Assignment Work Day / 30
Lecture / 31
Lab / 1
Lab / 2
Tier Assignment Work day (portfolio due)
Tier Assignment Work Day / 6
Lecture / 7
Lab / 8
Lab / 9
Tier Assignment work day (portfolio due)
Tier assignment work day or review sheet / 13
Tier assignment work day or review game / 14
Unit Exam / 15
Unit Exam / 16
Unit Exam Corrections