SenatorGibsonSchool Advisory Council


Tuesday, September28, 2010

6:00pm in the Library


  1. Welcome, call to order

In Attendance: A. Grieve, N. Pigeon, E. Majetic, W. Roorda, A. Pierce, A. Samnani, C. Hannus, A. Newton, L. Rayment, S. Vanderkant Wiebe, K. Wakani, T. Kolodka, M. Vandekamp, H. Allingham, P. Stephenson, J. Cromwell, J. Steele, J. Lunshof

  1. Acceptance of minutes from June 2010- Nancy Pigeon, second by A. Grieve
  2. Collection of voting members nomination forms
  3. Discussion of melding our 2 councils

As was brought up briefly in June’s meeting- do we want to have a fundraising group separate from the advisory council or is it OK to have them work together for the benefit of all of the students. Christina spoke of the increased time she needs to spend with her job, and wanting to step back- she put out an email in the summer and at the end of the year to see if there was any interest by someone else to take over the major control of the PTO- no one stepped forward. She offered to keep sending emails and distributing information through the hotmail account. Discussion surrounding the fundraising that was planned for the year- hot lunches are starting, movie nights planned, and that is it so far. No gobble grams this year. Want to limit the amount of $ and number of times we are asking parents for donations. Andrea going to bring back some of the thoughts to our Me to We group that do awareness and fundraising for multiple charities. Decided that we could go ahead and merge the 2 councils- under the umbrella name advisory council, keeping the hotmail account.

  1. Nomination of Members for elected positions
  2. Election of executive of 2010-2011

Chair: Kristen Wakani

Vice Chair: Jane Lunshof

Secretary: Christina Hannus

Treasurer: Annette Newton

  1. Principal/Vice-Principal’s report
  • DSBN School Council Liaison Workshop -Nov 3
  • Enrolment/ new staff/ class organization- 541 students, have 112 kindergarten kids, and opened a fourth section of ELP in the first week
  • Milk Program- order forms have gone home- will be starting on the 18th
  • EQAO results from spring 2010- school results decreased- look at the snapshot, what were the reasons for the decrease, concern brought forward that some parents were not that worried about it- felt that level 2 was average and good enough for their child- how do we break down that barrier? Staff are using results to plan for their classes and focusing energy to improve student understanding. Discussion around the use of agendas consistently in all classes and the impact this small thing has on student achievement. Holds students accountable and is great communication for parents and teachers. Discussion around homework pros and cons.
  • Ice Dogs night- October 15, choir will be singing O’Canada
  • Washroom update- new stalls and sinks installed by August 2011 is the plan
  • New Reporting procedures- hand out of the new Ministry Guidelines and Timelines for Reporting this year
  1. New business

Waste Management concern- why are they coming at 8:30 on a Tuesday- when parents are trying to drop off kids. Andrea to look into this with Kevin (The company sets a schedule- but it varies- they try to get here prior to school drop off times, but doesn’t always happen)

  1. Adjournment- 7:25

Next meeting Nov 23- 6 pm