held onWednesday 29th November 2017- 11.30a.m.


Patients:MP, BP, MW, SW, EH, NJ

Staff:June Pace (Practice Manager), Dr.John Leigh, Cath Ferguson (Senior Receptionist), Caroline Duncan,Ann Bishop, Karen Culkin

Chair:John Parish

Speakers:Jackie Nixon – Social Isolation and Loneliness

The meeting commenced with a presentation by Jackie Nixon, Promoting Health Engagement Lead, Sunderland City Council. JN had undertaken research on social isolation and loneliness in order to gain an understanding as to whether people want to be connected. CCG funding had been applied for but rejected, however, a contribution had been received from the Director of Public Health, along with support from Sunderland University who aided in the training of researchers. In total 20 people had been recruited to become community researchers (out of the 20, 10 completed, gaining Community Research certificates, 6 of the 10 are still engaged in research, 2 gained employment, 1 signed up for a Masters and 1 for a PHD). 17% of older people are in contact with family or friends less than once a week, with 11% being in contact less than once a month. 10% of over-65s state that they are lonely or very lonely which equates to around 5,000 people with an increased risk of ill health, use of services, or death as a result of social isolation. With the team in place, an advert was produced inviting local people to come forward to tell their stories to the team in order to gain an understanding of how some people in the community become isolated and lonely. 15 local people took part, each being interviewed three times. Ages ranged from 31 to 89 and 14 out of the 15 people interviewed lived alone. The 15 people interviewed wanted to be connected but did not know how, or where to go. These people have now been connected to organisations in their local area. Following the first interviews, which asked people to describe their experiences, data was analysed and a survey designed, both online and printed, which was in operation from end of July to beginning of September. 680 people responded to the survey. In addition to the interviews, JN attendedvarious forums in Sunderland including 50+ forums, learning disability groups and groups classed as vulnerable. Findings will be presented to the Director of Public Health in December 2017. 3 articles for journals will be produced for evidence base (October, December and January 2018) following which a final report will be completed in February 2018. JL stated that the project fitted in with the core agenda. The information could be used in quotes and bids to show it is needed in the community, also to highlight any hot spots in the community. JP invited JN back to the January meeting to give feedback on the results.
1. / Apologies for absence – DW, JK, PS, RB,BS
2. / Minutes of last meeting –accepted as correct.
Matters arising: -
KMC (Washington Mind) to carry out training sessions – June to organise.
MJOG – replying to normal texts involves a cost, MJOG is an app which is free to send and return.
3. / Friends and Family
September – out of the 505 surveys returned, 89% of patients would be likely/extremely likely to recommend the practice.
October – out of the 501 surveys returned, 93% of patients would be likely/extremely likely to recommend the practice.
The majority of comments were positive, however, the telephone system came under fire again. June advised that monitoring of the system has re-commenced to determine when extra staff are needed to answer calls. June requested PPG members to act as “mystery shoppers” in an effort to assist, i.e. make a “dummy” phone call and give feedback. Other negative comments included waiting time for appointments, 2 hours not long enough for prescription line and lack of name badges for receptionists. June confirmed that reception staff do wear name badges. With regard to prescriptions, even with the computerised system, patients will still have to wait at the pharmacy as the prescription needs to be evaluated. If a patient has a dedicated chemist and a prescription due for collection, but they are not in the vicinity at the time, they can go to any chemist who can use a code to access the prescription and issue the medication.
4. / Appointment Access
June advised that pressures were increasing due to the approaching winter. Dr. Henderson is returning from maternity leave in January, the current locum is staying with the practice and Dr. Cox will be returning with a view to remaining with the practice which had increased by 100 patients.
The subject of postal prescription service was raised. The practice can turn a prescription round in 24 hours; it was felt that the postal service would not be as efficient.
5. / Macmillan Cancer Coffee Morning
There had been good patient input, raising over £300.
6. / Domestic Violence Advocate Pilot
June and CD had attended a meeting at Women in Need, following which CD will be undertaking several training courses. The programme is about having people trained in order to gain the confidence to ask the right questions and ensure that people who are victims of domestic violence are not bypassed. Monday mornings are the most common time for people going to the GP or A&E with injuries, as the perpetrator will be at work. The practice will have a dedicated person (connected with Women in Need) who can give advice to patients who state that they are victims of domestic violence. The aim is to get patients signposted to Wearside Women in Need (both female and male), following which they can decide what direction to take, the ultimate aim being to preserve life. Many victims find it difficult to leave the relationship, not just young people but people in their 70s or 80s. A question on DV is included in the new patient medical form. Whatever comes out of the pilot will be replicated throughout the city. Victims are more likely to attend the practice before involving the police, however, if the police are called there is a dedicated advice worker in attendance. Any information from A&E regarding a domestic violence victim will be placed on their medical records.
7. / MCP (Multi-Specialty Community Provider)
The Government is pushing CCGs to get district nurses, mental health workers, GPs, social workers, etc., to work together under the banner of an MCP. Our CCG is trying to go down the route of getting everyone to work together in order to make the pathway for the patient more streamlined. The MCPwould be one body who would take responsibility for all of the community providers, as against the 50 or so organisations at present who, over the years, have streamlined as much as possible. The local consensus is that most GPs do not want an MCPand it should be left to those with the necessary expertise and skills who have been doing it for years. Under the MCP most GPs in the city would keep their contracts, however, the new organisation would need to have 100k patient population with the equivalent GP practices to join them before it could go ahead. It was felt that if it did go ahead GPs may lose income, staff become unhappy and could destabilise practices. There is already a national shortage of CPNs – without the staff the services cannot be sustained. NTW (Mental Health Trust) have recently been awarded “Provider of the Year”, recognising that it is top in helping people live the best lives that they possibly can. The Practice is reviewing developments as they occur and will be making a decision eventually re MCP involvement that is inin the best interest of patients
MW said that he was going to attend a patient event on MCP and would feedback to the group at the next meeting.
8. / Dates of Next Year’s Meetings
It was agreed that 2018 meetings would take place on the last Wednesday ofevery second month, commencing 11.30 a.m.
DATES OF MEETINGS FOR 2018 ARE at 11.30 on Wednesday:-
31.01.18, 28.03.18, 30.05.18, 25.07.18, 26.09.18, 28.11.18, Christmas get together 19.12.18
The Christmas get together this year will take place on Wednesday 20th December 2017 at 11.30.