Foolish Constitution
We the fools in order to form a more perfect club, design this collection of articles in order to arrange a form of government by the people; a republic, democracy, or some other third name that I can’t think of right now.
Article I
This article shall describe the power of the foolish Legislative Branch. This Branch shall be composed of a Fool Council from each location inhabited by fools. The Councils together will form the House of Foolishness. The House of Foolishness is headed by the Secretary of Foolishness. There will be five members to each council. One of the five must be elected by his fellow councilors to be the Head of the Council. The job of the Councils is to assign important missions or operations to all fools in their location. They can think up laws or amendments to this constitution. They must however, before enforcing any of these, gain the approval of the Supreme Fool Council. They must also oversee their location and make sure that all runs smoothly.
Before becoming a member of any council following the date of June Twenty-Third, Two Thousand And Nine, you must be elected into the office by fools in that location. The members of the council must be currently stationed in the location of which they would be governing. The term of office is for life, or until the member resigns. If the member should resign, he would select from any fool in the location to be his or her replacement. If the member should move, he will automatically resign his place on the Fool Council. However, a fool council member can be impeached, if all other members of the council unanimously agree.
Article II
This article describes the power of the Executive Branch. This Branch is composed of the Supreme Fool Council and other executive offices. There are two to three members in the Supreme Fool Council. If there is a tie in the votes, the Secretary of Foolishness is called upon to vote. They are in charge of all Fool Councils, and all fool operatives. Any law, amendment, or important mission/operation passed by the House of Foolishness must be either approved or vetoed. The Supreme Fool Council is also in charge of making treaties.
The members of the Supreme Fool Council following June Twenty-Third, Two Thousand And Nine must be elected by the Head of Council from all Fool Councils. The term for office is life, or until that Fool resigns. When the Fool resigns, he or she selects any member of the Fool Club to replace him or her.
However, a Supreme Fool Council can be impeached if all Fool Councils have at least three out of five votes against him or her. The Head of Council for each council then go to a Supreme Impeachment Convention. They would then vote for the majority of their councils. However, before the impeachment is approved, it has to go through the Supreme Foolish Justice. Evidence will be presented and the Supreme Foolish Justice will act as the jury. The Foolish Justice can then either sign the Impeachment Document or veto the impeachment. If he or she vetoes the impeachment, the Supreme Impeachment Convention then votes for their own views, not their council’s. If the vote is unanimous, the veto is overridden. Otherwise, the veto stands.
There are also several Executive Offices. These offices include the Secretary of Foolishness, the Foolish Coordinator, the Sergeant and the Foolish Historian. The Secretary of Foolishness is in charge of the House of Foolishness. Also, if there is a tie between two members of the Supreme Fool Council, the Secretary of Foolishness is called upon to break the tie. The Foolish Coordinator is in charge of coordinating all foolish events and meetings. The Foolish Historian is in charge of keeping the Foolishness alive! This includes making sure that the Foolishness is continuing to spread. When the Foolish Historian surpasses three years in office, there is a new Foolish Historian assigned. The Sergeant is in charge if all Fools in Training. It is his job to make sure that his Station Sergeants all train the Fools in Training.
Article III
This article describes the power of the Judicial Branch. This Branch is composed of the Negotiation Courts and the Supreme Foolish Court. The Negotiation Courts each have a Fool Negotiator to run them. These courts handle disagreements in Foolish Games and Foolish Missions, and Foolish Opperations. In a game or mission, anyone can bring another fool to the Foolish Negotiator. He will then hear the two sides of the story and choose which side wins the negotiation. The Foolish Negotiators should all know the rules to all of the games. There is one Foolish Negotiator per location. The term for Foolish Negotiator is life. The Supreme Fool Council appoints new Foolish Negotiators, but the House of Foolishness must approve them.
There is also a Supreme Foolish Court. This court is headed by a Foolish Justice. The Foolish Justice hears negotiations that have to do with the Foolish Constitution. The term for Foolish Justice is for life. The Foolish Justice is appointed by the Supreme Fool Council, but approved by the House of Foolishness.
Article IV
All locations must give members of other locations the same rights that are given to them. This means that if a member of the Fairfax Location visited or moved to the Virginia Beach Location, he or she would be given the same rights that members of the Virginia Beach Location have.
New territories in order to achieve Locationhood must have at least ten members to the territory. When a Fool moves to an uninhabited territory it is his responsibility to spread the Foolishness. This means that he must seek out new Fools.
The House of Foolishness and the Supreme Fool Council cannot make laws for any locations in particular. They can only make laws for the entire club. That power remains with the location’s Fool Council.
Article V
The House of Foolishness, whenever it feels is necessary, may propose amendments. In order to ratify, it must get three out of four votes of the House. Or if three out of four heads of Council vote for a Constitutional Convention, one will be held. This is where you may propose as many ideas as you want, but the Supreme Fool Council must preside over the convention.
Article VI
This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Fool Club. All amendments added to this Constitution will be as if it was a part of this constitution. All changes made to the Constitution will be also included as a part of the Constitution and will also be considered the Supreme Law of the Fool Club.
Article VII
The ratification of this Constitution will be as follows. The entire Supreme Fool Council that is able must sign, three fifths of the able House of Foolishness, two thirds of the able Heads of Councils, and one half of the able general fools.
First Amendment:
Only the members of the Supreme Fool Council have the authority to create new fools. Other fools may suggest suitable members, but only the Supreme Fool Council may create new members.
Second Amendment:
On the Foolish Website (created January 27, Two-Thousand and Eleven) polls will be posted where it is the voter’s duty to cast his ballot within two weeks of the day that the poll is set.