Exam 1 Review:
Practice Exam
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Jessica
Course: / Biol 211(1)
Instructor: / Holscher
Date: / 9/11/2016

1. What is a hypothesis?

a) a verifiable observation

b) the same thing as an unproven theory

c) a testable explanation that can be falsified

d) a fact that can be observed

e) A fact that is testable

2. Which branch of biology is concerned with naming organisms?

a) Name-ology

b) taxonomy

c) phylogenetics

d) systematics

e) ecology

3. ______is used to trace the evolutionary history of species or groups of organisms.

A) Phylogeny

B) Taxonomy

C) Bioinformatics

D) Binomial nomenclature

4. The classification system that we use in this class is

a) The 2 Kingdom system

b) The 5 Kingdom system

c) The 3 Domain system

d) The magic Kingdom system

e) None of the above

5. The oldest group of organisms on earth are ______and are the common ancestor of all animals.

a) plants

b) prokayotes

c) protists

d) Euglenazoa

e) dinosaurs

6. An “endosymbiont” is ______. The primary plastids of ______are thought to have originated this way.

a) a chimera, red algae

b) a eukaryote cell, red algae

c) an organism that lives inside another organism, red and green algae

d) a plant and its pollinator, red and green algae

e) Lynn Margulis, green algae

7. ______is the most common compound in the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria.

a) Cellulose

b) Lipopolysaccharide

c) Lignin

d) Peptidoglycan

e) Capsule

8. What is the correct sequence of events during an animal's early development

1. gastrulation

2. blastula formation

3. fertilization

4. cleavage

A)  4-3-2-1

B)  4-3-1-2

C)  3-2-4-1

D)  3-4-2-1

E)  3-4-1-2

9. The fate of the blastopore distinguishes between Protostomes in which it becomes the______, and Deuterostomes in which it becomes the______.

A) mouth, coelom

B) anus, mouth

C) coelom, archenteron

D) mouth, anus

E) none of the above

10. Many of the Phyla existing today first appear in the fossil record over 500 mya during the

A) Ediacarian Period

B) Cretaceous Period

C) Permian Period

D) Carbiniferous Period

E) Cambrian Period

11. Cephalization is most closely associated with which of the following?

A) a sessile existence

B) concentration of sensory structures at the anterior end

C) a vertebral column

D) a predatory lifestyle

E) a sedentary lifestyle

12. Sponges differ from all other animals in that they:

A) lack cells

B) are sessile

C) display radial symmetry

D) are hermaphrodites

E) lack true tissues

13. Acoelomates are characterized by:

A) the absence of a brain

B) the absence of mesoderm

C) a coelom not completely lined with mesoderm

D) a solid body without a cavity surrounding the internal organs

E) dueterostome pattern of development

14. The prokaryotes that are able to produce oxygen are the ______.

A) dinolagellates

B) dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria

C) cyanobacteria

D) green algae

E) halophiles

15. Circle the statement about prokaryotic cells that is true.

A) The genome of a prokaryote consists of a single linear strand of DNA contained in a well-defined membrane-bound nucleus.

B) Prokaryotic chromosomes are also called plasmids.

C) The genome of a prokaryote consists of a single linear strand of DNA contained in a well-defined membrane-bound nucleus.

D) The genome of a prokaryote consists of a circular chromosome located in a nucleoid region.

16. Foraminiferans contain the characteristic of

A) Multichambered, porous shells that allow for the extension of pseudopodia

B) multicellularity

C) movement using flagella

D) movement using cilia

17. “Red tides” are caused by

A) green algae

B) red algae
C) dinoflagellates

D) diatoms

18. Triplobastic animals have a body cavity called

A) lophophore

B) trocophore

C) acoelom

D) coelom

19. Parthenogenesis is

A) Reproduction consisting of only females that produce more females from unfertilized eggs

B) Reproduction consisting of only females that produce more females from fertilized eggs

C) male and female sexual reproduction

D) budding

20. Prokaryotes poisoned by O2 are classified as

A) facultative aerobes

B) obligate anaerobes

C) obligate aerobes

D) aerotolerant anaerobes

21. The end of the Cretaceous Period where the dinosaurs went extinct

A) The Cambrian explosion

B) The K-P extinction

C) The Jurassic explosion

D) The Pleocene explostion

22. Bacteria have cells walls that contain _____, whereas archaea do not.

A) Peptidoglycan

B) organelles

C) ribosomes

D) nuclei

23. Flatworms is the common name for Phylum

A) Porifera

B) Platyhelminthes

C) Nemotoda

D) Annelida

24. The blastopore is first noticeable during ______. This is also the stage where you are first able to distinguish a diploblastic embryo from a triploblastic embryo.

A) gastrulation

B) plasmogamy

C) fertilization

D) cleavage

25. A lophophore is used for

A) locomotion

B) skeletal support

C) feeding

D) reception

26. The zygotes of most deuterstomes undergo ______cleavage.

A) spiral and determine

B) radial and determinate

C) spiral and indeterminate

D) radial and indeterminate

27. Photoautotrophs use _____ as an energy source and _____as a carbon source.

A) light, light

B) carbon, light

C) carbon, carbon

D) light, carbon

28. Animals that feed on living plants are called ______.

A) omnivores

B) herbivores

C) carnivores

D) detritivores

29. How do tapeworms feed?
A) gastrovascular cavity

B) use their feet to put food in their mouths

C) absorb nutrients across their body wall

D) autotrophic

30. Gram-positive bacteria typically have ______.

A) no peptidoglycan layer

B) thin peptidoglycan layer

C) thick peptidoglycan layer

31. Which of the following represents the correct way to designate the scientific name of humans?

A) homo sapiens

B) Homo sapiens

C) Homo Sapiens

D) Homo sapiens

32. The prokaryotes most likely to be found living in a volcano are the ______

A) halophiles

B) cyanobacteria

C) proteobacteria

D) hyperthermophiles

33. If you separate 4 cells that are determinate, what will happen?

A) each cell will develop into a full-sized, normal embryo

B) each cell may develop into a smaller than average, but normal embryo

C) each cell may continue to develop, but only into an embryo that lacks many parts

D) all 4 cells will die

34. If you separate 4 cells that are indeterminate, what will happen?

A) each cell will develop into a full-sized, normal embryo

B) each cell may develop into a smaller than average, but normal embryo

C) each cell may continue to develop, but only into an embryo that lacks many parts

D) all 4 cells will die

35. Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by ______

A) mitosis

B) meiosis

C) binary fission

D) alternation of generations

36. Phytoplankton are ______

A) a type of cyanobacteria

B) aquatic, photosynthetic protists

C) heterotrophic, unicellular protists

D) the closest relatives of extant land plants

37. A sexual process called ______in ciliates results in genetic variation.

A) plasmogamy

B) phagocytosis

C) karyogamy

D) conjugation

38. True coelom derives from ______tissue

A) mesoderm

B) ectoderm

C) endoderm

D) mesoderm and endoderm

39. Prokaryotes have which of the following?

A) nucleus

B) golgi apparatus

C) ribosomes

D) mitochondria

40. Gram Negative bacteria have a ______peptidoglycan cell wall and a lipopolysaccharide outer envelope.

A) thin

B) thick

C) none

41. If Jessica has a disease with a bacteria called Vibrio cholorae , the bacteria would most likely be

A)  Circular

B)  Rod shaped

C)  Comma shaped

D)  Spiral shaped

42. Meiosis can only occur in

a.  humans

b.  bacteria

c.  archaea

d.  dipoid (2n) cells

43. The process of using bacteria as a way to clean stuff (for example an oil spill) is called?

A) Bioremediation

B) Bacteria attack

C) antibiotics

D) GMO’s

44. True or false: most protists are found in dry, terrestrial habitats.

A) true

B) false

45. Torsion is when

a.  The visceral mass forms

b.  The circulatory system goes from open to closed

c.  The visceral mass rotates 180 so the anus is above the head

d.  The snail goes really fast!

46. Organisms known for their glass like appearance and diatomaceous earth are

A)  Forminapherans

B)  Brown algae

C)  Euglena

D)  Diatoms

47. Most of the animals living on Earth right now are

A) reptiles

B) humans

C) arthropods

D) birds

48. Butterflies go through complete metamorphosis, this means

a.  Larva à pupa à adult

b.  Pupa à larva à adult

c.  egg à larva à pupa à adult

d.  egg à pupa à larva à adult

49. What is Phylum Arthropoda distinguished for?

A) having body segments organized into tagmata

B) for being scary and gross

C) for being single-celled flagellated protists

D) for absorbing nutrients across their body wall

50. All arthropods have ______

A) radial symmetry

B) a chitinous endoskeleton

C) open circulatory system
D) poorly-developed sensory organs