GLIS-644 Reading List


Fredson Bowers. Principles of Bibliographical Description. Princeton: 1949. (Reprinted 1994).

Philip Gaskell. A New Introduction to Bibliography. Oxford: 1972. (Reprinted 1995).

John Bush Jones, comp. Readings in descriptive bibliography. [Kent, Ohio]: Kent State University Press, 1974.

Jacques Lemaire. Introduction à la codicologie. Louvain-le-Neuve: 1989.

Ronald B. McKerrow. An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students. Oxford: 1926.

M. J. Pearce. A workbook of analytical & descriptive bibliography. London : Bingley, 1970.

Richard Anthony Sayce. Compositorial practices and the localization of printed books, 1530-1800. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, Bodleian Library, 1979.

J.H. Steinberg. Five Hundred Years of Printing. 3rd ed. Harmondsworth: 1974.

G. Thomas Tanselle. "A Sample Bibliographical Description with Commentary." Studies in Bibliography 40 (1987): 1-30.

————. "The Arrangement of Descriptive Bibliographies." Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 3-38.


Phillipa Bernard. Antiquarian Books. A Companion for Booksellers, Librarians and Collectors. Aldershot: 1994.

C.M. Briquet. Les filigranes: dictionnaire des marques du papier dès leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu'en 1600. Amsterdam: 1968.

John Carter. An ABC For Book Collectors. 7th ed. London: 1995.

W.A. Churchill. Watermarks in Paper in Holland, England, France etc. in the XVII and XVIII Centuries. Amsterdam: 1965.

John Feather. A Dictionary of Book History. New York: 1986.

Geoffrey Glaister. Glossary of the Book. London: 1979. (2nd ed. 1996).


Nicolas Barker, ed. A Potencie of Life: Books in Society. London: 1993.

David Bland. A History of Book Illustration. 2nd ed. London: 1969.

Harry Carter. A View of Early Typography Up To About 1600. Oxford: 1969.

John Carter. Taste and Technique in Book Collecting. London: 1970.

———— and Percy Muir. Printing and the Mind of Man. London: 1967.

———— and Graham Pollard. An Enquiry Into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets. 2nd ed. London: 1983.

Roderick Cave. Rare Book Librarianship. 2nd ed. London: 1982.

William E. Coleman. Watermarks in the Manuscripts of Boccaccio's "Il Teseida": A Catalogue, Codicological Study and Album. Florence: 1997.

Seymour de Ricci. English Collectors of Books and Manuscripts. New York: 1930.

Elizabeth Eisenstein. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change. New York: 1979.

Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin. The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing, 1450-1800. London: 1976.

Mirjam Foot. Studies in the History of Bookbinding. Aldershot: 1993.

Harry Y. Gamble. Books and Readers in the Early Church. New Haven/London: 1995.

E.P. Goldschmidt. Gothic and Renaissance Bookbindings. London: 1928.

D.C. Greetham. Textual Scholarship: An Introduction. New York: 1992.

W.W. Greg. Collected Papers. Oxford: 1960. (Especially "The Rationale of Copy-Text").

History of the book in Canada. Toronto: c2004- (vols. 1-3).

Dard Hunter. Paper Making: The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft. New York: 1978.

W.A. Jackson. "The Importance of Rare Books and Manuscripts in a University Library", in his Records of a Bibliographer. Cambridge: 1967, pp. 225-236.

Adrian Johns. The Nature of the Book. Chicago, 1998.

Dan H. Lawrence. "A Portrait of the Author as a Bibliography". The Book Collector 35 (Summer 1986): 165-177.

Alexander Lawson. Anatomy of a Typeface. Boston: 1990.

Harold Love. Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-century England. Oxford: 1993.

Alberto Manguel. A History of Reading. Toronto: 1996.

————. The library at night. Toronto: 2006.

Henri-Jean Martin et al. Historie de l'edition française. Paris: 1983-1986.

McKenzie, D. F. Bibliography and the sociology of texts. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

David McKitterick. "Author Bibliographies". The Book Collector. 32 (Winter 1983): 391-410.

James Moran. Printing Presses: History and Development from the Fifteenth Century to Modern Times. Berkeley: 1973.

Paul Needham. "Fragments of Books: Dutch Prototypography in the Van Ess Library," "So Precious a Foundation". The Library of Leander Van Ess at the Burke Library of the General Theological Seminary in the City of New York. (New York: Union Theological Seminary/Grolier Club, 1996), 85-110.

Paul Needham. Twelve Centuries of Bookbindings, 400-1600. New York: 1979.

Howard Nixon. Five Centuries of English Bookbinding. London: 1978.

George L. Parker. The Beginnings of the Book Trade in Canada. Toronto: 1985.

David Pearson. Provenance Research in Book History: A Handbook. London: 1994.

Henry Petroski. The book on the bookshelf. New York: 1999.

Michael Sadlier. The Evolution of Publishers' Binding Styles, 1770-1900. London: 1930.

Paul Saenger, "Impact of the Early Printed Page on the History of Reading", Bulletin du bibliophile no. 2 (1996), 237-300.

Richard B. Sher, The Enlightenment & the book : Scottish authors & their publishers in eighteenth-century Britain, Ireland, & America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.

Oliver Simon. Introduction to Typography. London: 1946.

Margaret M Smith. The title-page, its early development, 1460-1510. London: British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2000.

Allan Stevenson. The Problem of the Missale Speciale. London: 1967.

D.B. Updike. Printing Types. 3rd ed. Cambridge: 1962.


Richard Altick. The Scholar Adventurers. New York: 1950.

Nicholas A. Basbanes. A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes and the Eternal Passion for Books. New York: 1995.

Terry Belanger. "Envoi: Meditations by the Captain of the Iceberg," in The Book Encompassed: Studies in Twentieth-Century Bibliography, ed. Peter Davison. Cambridge: 1992, pp. 320-309.

Italo Calvino. If on a Winter's Night a Traveler. New York: 1981.

A.N.L. Munby. Portrait of an Obession. New York: 1967.

Roger E. Stoddard. A library-keeper's business. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll, 2002.

Daniel Traister. "The Rare Book Librarian's Day'. Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship 1, 2 (Fall 1986): 93-105.

Wesley Towner. The Elegant Auctioneers. New York: 1970.


Among others, the following: The Book Collector, The Library, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, Bulletin du bibliophile, Revue française d'historie du livre, Book History, Gutenberg-Jahrbuch.

January 2009