Notes by Asst Secretary - G.B.A Joint Executive Committee
Tuesday 14th October, 6.00 pm. Venue - Falcon B.C.
Members present : Peter Langley (County Secretary) PL, Lindsay Collin (Asst County Secretary and WD BE Delegate) LC, Maddie Hale (County Treasurer) MH, Peter Bowles (Asst County Treasurer) PB, Myra Savage (WD Fixture Secretary) MS, Roger Harrison (MD Fixture Secretary) RH, Bryan Fox (MD BE Delegate) BF, Glyn Marriott (MD Delegate) GM, Angela Harris (WD Delegate) AH
- Apologies. None
- Welcome to new members. Election of Joint Executive Chairman
2.1 PL welcomed Angela Harris, returning to the Committee.
2.2 PL wished to record the Committee’s thanks to Joy Sheward, who had been in the post of Chairman since the inception of the GBA. Unanimously agreed; noted that a presentation had been made to Joy at the Presentation Dinner last Sunday.
2.3 PL (Secretary) proposed by GM and elected as Chairman until end of the administrative year. LC (Asst Secretary) voiced the view that one person could not both chair meeting and take adequate minutes.
- Minutes of meeting of 3 September 2014 and continuation meeting of 10 September 2014
3.1Item 9 should refer to ‘October Delegates’ Meetings’ rather than ‘Joint Council Meeting’.
3.2 Remove all from item 5 except ‘Lindsay has been tasked by Bowls England Policy & Management Committee to produce a model county constitution.’ Agreed. LC expressed her opinion that, despite the changes presently being considered, the whole GBA Constitution and separate Rules & Regulations was repetitive, full of flaws and greatly in need of rewriting as a single GBA Constitution & Rules. Some support manifested for that suggestion.
3.3 Confirmed once more that only ‘ratified’Joint Executive Committee minutes would be placed on the two Web sites.
- Matters arising from minutes
4.1 Amendments in item 3 (above) had evolved into matters arising, to some extent.
4.2 MH observed that the GBA 2010 surplus for 2013/4 was £700 (laterconfirmed as exactly£703.02).
- Constitution and Rules & Regulations – changes being reviewed by Glyn Marriott
5.1 GM initiated a consideration of the long document regarding constitutional changes that he had previously circulated to members of the Committee. Accepted, however, at this point, that there were some overlaps with the additional proposals only circulated the previous day by LC.
5.2 This item on the agenda proved to be so long and the documentation associated with it so complex, that it was agreed that this did not fit the format of these minutes and would be presented as a separate (minute-associated) document. In view of the immediate pressures on PL (re MD Delegate Meeting, 18.10.14), and his coming holiday, LC undertook to draft this summary document (with input from GM). [Action LC/GM]
- Format of Joint Council Meeting 15 November 2014. Venue Pineholt B.C., at 10.30a.m.
6.1 The content of the joint Council Meeting is defined largely by R & R Section 5 of the document referred to in 5.2. Even though this refers to proposals for the future, the items on the 2014 joint Council Meeting agenda will be broadly as listed there. However, there will clearly be no previous minutes on this first occasion.
6.2 Given uncertainty by many affiliated members and clubs on the purpose of the Joint Council Meeting, it was agreed to re-circulate all clubs with a ‘pre-notice’ for the Joint Council. PL and LC will draft and circulate this. [Action PL/LC]
6.3 Noted also that it would be desirable to produce a general summary of the remits of the various GBA committees, so that members and clubs would better appreciate the GBA administrative structure; LC suggested that this could be done in time for the Joint Council Meetings. Also noted that there would be a case for this summary,once agreed, to be a schedule associated with our Constitution and Rules, . [Action LC]
6.4 It was pointed out that there was a problem relating to the investiture of the WD President in this particular year, as she had been unavailable at the WD Delegates’ Meeting at which she had actually been elected. The ladies on the Exec Committee requested that Gill Hodder be invested at the Joint Council Meeting, if she was available on that date. This would fit well with the fact that it was proposed all Presidential investitures would in future years take place at the Joint Council Meeting. [Action LC] [Note : Gill Hodder confirmed availability ]
- Preparation for A.G.M, Saturday10 January 2015. Venue : Dowty Sports & Social Club, at 10.30a.m.
This item was deferred until the next Executive meeting.
- Data Protection
8.1PL would be the Data Protection contact for the County in future– the ICOto be advised of this. MH was thanked for her preliminary work on getting the County registered with the ICO . [Action PL]
8.22014 Databaseinformation had also been sent to BE at their request, but a2015 update will be required.
8.3LC indicated that BE had been asked by various people to arrange a seminar about Data Protection for County Officers. This was likely to take place.
- Recommendation for Bowls England J.V.P
9.1Required by 9.11.14.(form to be returned to BE). Some discussion about whether we have more than one vote, but LC and AH confirmed only one. [Action PL]
9.2All recommendations sought, augmented by advice from former-BE President Angela Harris, suggest that we vote for Viv Tomlinson from Lancashire. [Action PL]
- GBA response to Bowls England concerning open or regional format in national competition draws.
10.1Margaret Tullyhad sent form to all clubs on 12.09.14. Many responses still awaited. PL and LC will collate and PL respond. One vote only from Gloucester - looks very much like retention of ‘regional’ draws at the moment. [Action PL/LC]
- Feedback concerning 2014 GBA County presentation dinner
11.1 MH confirmed that the attendance had been 161 persons.
11.2 General agreement that had been a successful event, with food as good as at any other previous dinner. Thanks again to Joy Sheward for her organisation.
11.3Margaret Tully had been presented with the Bowls England Merit Award from David Tucker (Bowls England Director). She had been nonplussed.
11.4 LC noted that Joy had agreed to provide a ‘how to do it’ guide, in due course. Agreed that this was a major priority for the Committee’s urgent consideration, but- at the end of this very long meeting – it would have to be deferred until the next meeting.
- Any other business
12.1 GBA Life President rule (13.1) interpretation [BF withdrew from meeting, as the matter referred to him]. A letter from Tony Sharky was read out by PL, this comparing award of flashes for 50 or 100 county games, allowing inclusion of old GBA/GCWBA games, with drawing on qualification for Life Presidency including old GBA years in the same way. This discussed, but MS indicated that the issue of Life Presidency – particularly since it only related to the Men’s Division – had been agreed at the GBA outset (and this would be confirmed in the ‘Unification Committee’ Minutes Book) to only be retained in our Rules & Regulations for an interim period. Agreed thus to confirm the GBA response on this matter and amend the R & R at some point in the future.[Action PL]
12.2 Letter from Christine Magee re double-paying of BE affiliation. This matter discussed, but the BE Regulation Appendix 2 (6) – page 67, is quite specific: Individuals being members of two clubs must pay two BE affiliation fees. However, after discussion, it was agreed that the £4 County affiliation fee would be waived in instances such as this, so only the £5 BE affiliation fee must be paid twice. [Action LC]
12.3 New GBA Baseball caps. The matter discussed briefly, but would be aired at the upcoming MD Delegate’s meeting (18.10.14), before deciding how to proceed. 30 purchases would need to be confirmed before Zapkam would manufacture them (MH). [Action PL/LC]
12.4 LC requested, to general assent, that the 2014 AGM minutes must be produced very soon, and ratified forthwith. [Action PL]
Date of next meeting. - Wednesday 19 November 2014, 6.00pm, Falcon BC.