Spirit Hollow Individual Apprenticeship Application


To be accepted as an apprentice, you will request an application through Spirit Hollow, submit it and undergo a one-on-one in-person or FaceTime interview. If you are invited to be an apprentice, you will makea $250 non-refundable deposit (applicable to your tuition). Sessions will be set up at mutually-agreed upon times at Spirit Hollow.

To complete Level One, apprentices will complete a MINIMUM of 30 hours with Tracey (or other appropriate guest teachers) directly, usually set up in four-hour blocks at a time (approximately seven sessions over a year’s time). On their own time over the year, apprentices should expect to spend at least an additional 30 hours total between sessions in personal practices of techniques, reading assigned texts and submitting writing, and doing nature solos. EMAIL YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION TO:




Mailing Address:

E-Mail Address:Occupation:

1. How did you hear about this program?

2. Please describe any soul-oriented or nature-based work you’ve previously experienced and how they have affected your evolution. Also, discuss your draw to become an agent ofhealing and wholing and any trainings, practices, vision fast or nature solos you’ve done.

3. What about the Individual Apprenticeship appeals to or calls to you? (please describe why you are drawn to this adventure)

4. What makes this the right time in your life to become an apprentice?

5. You commitment to this program is essential. It requires that you make your shamanic training a priority in your life, and commit to at least 30 contact hours with Tracey Forest and at least 30 individual hours of study and practice. It also means that you keep all scheduled meetings with Tracey and have the strength and dedication to pursue this as a discipline. Do you foresee any obstacles to your attendance and/or to your completion of all assignments within one year’s time? Please write a statement addressing your level of commitment as an apprentice.

6. Are you currently challenged with any personal issues (relational, financial, occupational, health or psychological issues, etc)? Of course, anything you share is confidential.

7. Please attach a brief (one to two page) spiritual autobiography where you describe your life from a spiritual or shamanic point of view, including recurring dreams, childhood longings, encounters with extraordinary beings (human or more-than-human), ‘numinous’ experiences and anything else that brought you to this point in your spiritual journey/development.

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