Minutes of the Annual Assembly of the Parish Council held at St Mary’s Church on

Tuesday 19th May 2015 at 7.30pm

Present: Mr Melvyn Crook (Chairman)

Mr James Gladdis (Vice Chairman)

Mr Annette Quick (Parish Councillor)

Mr David Rudman (Parish Councillor)

Mr Nigel Porch (Parish Clerk)

Miss Fleur de Rhu Philipe Wiltshire Councillor

Mr John Spencer

Priest in Charge Jacques Desrosier Minister Church

Mr Brian Etherington

Mrs Sue Etherington

Mr Alan Beswick

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Apologies: Apologies received from Mrs Sue Mack

Minutes of 2014 Meeting: -The minutes were duly approved and signed as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Matters Arising: - There were no matters arising from the previous Meeting.

Chairman’s Report: - by Mr Melvyn Crook

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming to the meeting tonight and in particular he would

like to extend the councils gratitude to those who regularly attend and give us invaluable feedback and opinions.

We, the Parish Council, are tasked in all we do to reflect the will and opinion of the parish and in order to be effective we need to hear from you so please keep the dialogue going.

The Chairman then thanked his fellow councillors without whom none of the councils business could take place, the Parish Clerk who ensures correct procedures are followed, John Spencer the ardent Tree Warden and Wiltshire Councillor Fleur de Rhu Philipes whose wise council is always appreciated

Last year Councillor Annette Quick reflected on a busy year and I must say the pace has certainly not relented. We have dealt with 15 or so planning applications this year some very contentious and some less so. Some of our objections and conditions have been upheld and others have not. One of our major successes, together with our partners in other local parishes and county was the rejection of plans for the large wind turbine proposed at the edge of our parish.

We have also embarked on producing a plan of action to improve and maintain the trees that were planted around the village about 30 years ago. This is an ongoing project involving our tree warden, John Spencer, local farmers and the Parish Council.

The Chairman then reported that early this year it was suggested to the Council by a parishioner, that it would be appropriate to produce a memorial plaque to honour those from the village who fought and fell in the First World War. The council wholeheartedly agreed and finding a suitable site is ongoing.

Another ongoing activity is the diversion of bridleway USCU15. This was another project started at the request of a parishioner. The Chairman reported that he was hopeful that, subject to the inevitable funding hurdles, we are able to make the crossing of the busy A36 far safer for those who like, or would like to use this path.

The chairman then reported that the village clean-up was a very successful event again this year and I again thank those intrepid few who braved thorn and mud to rid the village of approximately ½ tonne of waste. I’m sure others were as angry as I was to see yet more fly tipping arrive the very next day!

Some time ago the decision was made to investigate a village/Parish Council website. As it happens this was timely as it ties in with new legislation on openness and accountability that all councils will need to adhere to. The website gives the council a platform to inform you all of decisions made and dates of upcoming meetings etc. The initial pages are online now and we hope to expand the site progressively so that other village information and news can be found and disseminated.

Finally the chairman reported that most of you may have seen the new connection cabinet that has appeared on the green. This should herald the imminent arrival of high speed internet to the village.

Any other Business The only item brought up was the charge on the collection of Green Bins. Wiltshire Councillor

Fleur de Rhu Philipe reported that because of the reduction in funding from central

Government then Wiltshire Council had to make cut backs and unfortunately had to put a

charge on this service.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.00pm.

Signed………………………………………. Date……………………………………………….