EEDP 10 Course Schedule, January 14- 25, 2008, Bangkok, THAILAND DRAFT Dec 10 2007

Time / Monday, Jan 14
Conference Room / Tuesday, Jan 15
Conference Room / Wednesday, Jan 16
Conference Room / Thursday, Jan 17
Conference Room / Friday, Jan 18
Conference Room
- 9:30
- 10:30 / (1)
Opening Session: Welcome
Introduction of Participants, Course Objectives, Approach and Logistics
- Marian S. delos Angeles
Introduction and Evolution of Thinking on Resource and Environmental Economics
- John Dixon / (6)
Green Accounts and Sustainability
Kirk Hamilton / (10)
Environmental Taxation and Fiscal Reform
Kirk Hamilton / (14)
IUCN Case studies:: Mangroves and Wetlands (part 2)
Lucy Emerton / (18)
Economics of Non-Renewable Resources
Economic rents, windfalls, and diagnosing (and curing) the Dutch Disease/ resource curse
Kirk Hamilton
- 11:00 / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break
- 12:30 / (3)
Environmental Economics – An Overview of Key Concepts and Tools
Kirk Hamilton / (7)
Green Accounting and Policy Relevance: Philippine ENRAP
Marian delos Angeles / (11)
Economics of Climate Change
Kirk Hamilton / (15)
Managing the Local Commons -
Econ Valuation of Cultural Heritage: Historic Temples in Thailand
Udomsak Seenprachawong / (19)
Soil Degradation, Erosion, Conservation Strategies and Agricultural Policies
Marian delos Angeles
- 2:00 / Lunch Break / Lunch Break / Lunch Break / Lunch Break / Lunch Break
- 3:30 / (4)
Principles of Sustainable Development
Kirk Hamilton / (8)
Renewable Resources Management: Forestry
Marian delos Angeles / (12)
IUCN Case studies: Mangroves and Wetlands (part 1)
Lucy Emerton / (16)
Field Trip: Thai Temples
/ (20a)
Case Study: Arenal, A Costa Rican watershed, Part A
John Dixon
- 4:00 / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break
- 5:30 / (5)
Macroeconomics and the Environment
Trade and the Environment
John Dixon / (9)
Renewable Resources Management: Fisheries
John Dixon / (13)
Managing the Regional Commons: Marine Turtle conservation in East Asia
Orapan Nabangchang / (17)
Field Trip: Thai Temples / (20b)
Case Study: Arenal, A Costa Rican watershed, Part B
John Dixon
- 6:00 / Group Photo
Cocktail Reception
Time / Monday, Jan 21
Conference Room / Tuesday, Jan 22
Conference Room / Wednesday, Jan 23
Conference Room / Thursday, Jan 24
Conference Room / Friday, Jan 25
Conference Room
- 10:30 / (21)
Introduction to Valuation and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Maureen Cropper / (25)
Contingent Valuation – Part 2
John Dixon/ Bjorn Larsen / (29)
Case Study I – Indoor Air Pollution (cont’d)
Maureen Cropper / Group Work / (33)
Poverty Reduction and
Stein Hansen / (37)
Environmental Policy Instruments
TEAM: Marian delos Angeles/ Maureen Cropper/ John A Dixon
- 11:00 / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break
- 12:30 / (22)
Measuring Environmental Health Effects
Maureen Cropper / (26)
Hedonic Price Method: Theory and case study from South Africa
Maureen Cropper / John Dixon / (30)
Valuing Productivity Impacts
John Dixon / (34)
Case Study:
Poverty and Environment Nexus
Priya Shyamsundar / (38)
Setting Priorities for Improved Environmental Management
John Dixon
- 2:00 / Lunch Break / Lunch Break / Lunch Break / Lunch Break / Course Evaluation
Lunch Break
- 3:30 / (23)
Valuing Health Benefits – How Valuation can be Used to Help Set Environmental Priorities
Maureen Cropper / (27)
Travel Cost Method
John Dixon and Bjorn Larsen / (31)
Case Study – Air Pollution from Urban Transport
Maureen Cropper / (35)
Managing the Global Commons: the Role of Carbon Markets
Maureen Cropper
- 4:00 / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break / Coffee Break
- 5:30 / (24)
Contingent Valuation – Part 1
John Dixon/ Bjorn Larsen / (28)
Case Study I – Indoor Air Pollution in A Developing Country
Maureen Cropper / (32)
Economics of Transport Planning: Singapore, Oslo, and Beijing
Stein Hansen / (36)
Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Asia
David McCauley
6:00 / Close of Course Dinner

World Bank Institute