ERCOT Retail Client Services
Event Description: DEWG / Date: August 17, 2006 / Completed by: JLavas
Attendees: Zach Collard (CNP), Bill Reily (TXUED), Tom Kornegay (ERCOT CODIA), Jackie Ashbaugh (ERCOT CODIA), Emesih ?? (CNP), Chuck Moore (DE), Jill Trafenstedt (LCRA), Justin Griffin (PUCT), Dwight Page (ERCOT RCS), Adam Martinez (ERCOT DPO), Denise Taylor (ERCOT DPO), Johnny Robertson (TXUE), Jamie Lavas (ERCOT RCS), Annette Morton (AEP)
Phone Attendees: Earl Batty (Cirro), Eddie Marx (BluPower)
Summary of Event
1. Antitrust Admonition/Agenda Review/Introductions/Past Meeting Minutes
2. COPS Update – Zach Collard
a. Screen Scraping – Group Discussion
i. Concerns that there is not another way to obtain the data without continually refreshing.
ii. Data availability for Nodal information and the Outage Scheduler. Zach Collard will pass these concerns on to COPS to ensure this is discussed.
iii. Are there elements of data missing from certain extracts that are available only on the website? This is something that we need to look into and determine if there is a way to make the info available so that scraping is not an issue. Can ERCOT determine what data is being “hit” the most often? Operator notices, CSC are two of the big ones we are aware of. ERCOT Action Item (See Below)
iv. Eddie Marx – issues with retail transactional data not being available on API but it is on the TML. PR_50025 Enhancements to ESI ID/Find Transaction Function will synchronize the GUI to the API.
b. Nodal Settlement Discussion currently ongoing at COPS. Conf Call every Friday. UFE TF – new PRR coming out.
c. EECP – are we using this new listserve? MPs not receiving from this but are still receiving from Dottie’s list. – ERCOT Action Item (See Below).
d. TML Phase 3 discussion deferred to afternoon when Judy Briscoe can attend.
3. PR_50059, 50061 and 50030 Project Updates – Jamie Lavas
a. When will the statuses of these projects be updated on the website? Concerns on the links to the projects not giving enough current status type info.
b. Concerns on reaching out to all MPs using any of these extracts and working on a one-off basis. Want to ensure ERCOT will continue to support those identified needs if the data is not available elsewhere.
c. There were no questions from DEWG on these reports and ERCOT will move forward with the presented changes and decommissionings.
4. EDW Project Updates from 2006/7 MO PPL & RO PPL – Adam Martinez
a. EDW/EIS – 14 projects/initiatives. 8 are active and 6 have not been started. Transition of Data Archive over to the ODS and web services projects. (See presentation). Details on active projects and those that are not started.
b. Looking at Nodal impacts on all projects. Pre and post Nodal especially on the EDW projects. Some risk to sys ops, IT and IO projects. There is a business/IT core team on the nodal side that is currently engaged to take this into account.
c. 50024_01 leveraging information obtained and lessons learned for MarkeTrak especially on API for other projects, specifically for the web services pieces utilizing API. Still will not have market testing because we do not have a certification environment for EIS due to expense. However, we will have extensive production verification and appropriate technical documentation. The API for these tools will be supported along the same lines as the current APIs we use.
5. Extract Schedule Changes delivering to Market in 2006 – Jackie Ashbaugh
a. The objective is to get MPs ramped up as ERCOT moves extracts to ODS
b. Delivery of extract - Introducing lag time sysdate minus three
c. Not changing the csv file which makes up the zip file – post one zip file for one ESIID table for TDSP/MRE because it is one DUNs number – can identify records for TDSP and MRE in same extract this way. Inside zip file there is an account file, going to have the file order load number that is part of the count csv filename
d. RID – Resource ID Extract is the new extract included in this information
e. Load extract – renamed the tables per the market – SCR 727 and Resource ID will have L* names and settlements and billing, load generation extracts will have derived names; timing of extract is changing for approved settlement batch runs
f. Generation extract – extract is produced once settlement trade date approved – producing extract now whether approved or not because it is time based
g. Settlements and Billing extracts – changed type of data in the extract – all settlement inputs and outputs for the trade date – forecasting data pulled out and will be included in a separate extract -- with 727 data and generation data, LSE can shadow settle on unapproved data (QSE scheduling)
h. Pg 17 – If resettle trade date at a later time, then MP would get approved trade data for that settlement batch run. Rerun – lag between time of run to time of approval completed. If error in data, we rerun settlement we back-out and rerun the settlement. Creates op to receive unapproved data depending on timing. In ODS, can make it do only approved data.
i. Do we produce the extract after the settlement is approved? Yes.
j. In ODS, if approvals are running late, extract will run late.
k. If there are multiple trade dates within a batch, all have to be approved.
l. Load, Gen, S&B – we will be producing 7 days a week as opposed to the 5 we produce currently
Action Items / Next Steps:
1. ERCOT to look at issues with Screen Scraping to determine what is captured and if another way is available. What pages/data elements are being hit most often (and how often) to determine if the data is available elsewhere?
2. MPs – why are these elements being hit so frequently? What data is missing from extracts that you need? Send this to Zach Collard.
3. Jamie to get with Art to determine differences in the EECP list serves and to communicate to COPS if necessary.
Hot topics or ‘At Risk’ Items:
Change to a code on the MIMO exception report with 3.0…is this true (EFR Code) if so, change to extract and will it come through DEWG?