Garda Youth Diversion Project
Annual Plan for 2013
Project name
Completed by
Please read the Explanatory Notes accompanying this document before completing it.
This document can be completed electronically and should be returned simultaneously to both Community Programmes () and the Garda Office for Children and Youth Affairs ().
If the document is being completed in hardcopy, after approval at Project Committee, it should be photocopied and sent simultaneously to each of the following addresses:
Community Programmes UnitandGarda Youth Diversion Projects Office
Irish Youth Justice Service Garda Office for Children and Youth
Department of Justice and EqualityAffairs
43 – 49 Mespil RoadHarcourt Sq
Dublin 4 Dublin 2
The document should be submitted no later than 7th December, 2012
It will be important that copies of the signed completed document are retained by the Project Committee as a key reference point for project accountability.
“Investing in your future”
1. LogicModel section: Local Youth Crime situation
1.1 Project Catchment Area
If your catchment area is unchanged from 2012, section 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 can be copied from your previous plan.
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 1.1.1)
This needs to be as specific as possible (e.g. town boundary, parish, specified housing estates). If your project serves a number of discrete catchment areas please specify. If the catchment has been altered please highlight any additional area(s) or note any area(s) that have/has been removed.
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 1.1.2 for the following)
1.2Quantitative Analysis of Youth Crime in your Catchment Area
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 1.2)
You will need to seek the assistance of the Gardaí for this section. The Garda Analysis Unit will provide statistical information relating to detected crime in your area for the previous 12 month period October-September. It will also summarise decisions made about young people in your area who are referred to the Diversion Programme(see example in Explanatory Notes section 1.2). Projects will receive this information by email and are requested to cut and paste the information table provided in the email from your local Garda into the space below – an example of a completed table is shown below for information purposes. Please delete the sample table and insert the table received from the local Officer. Please refer to the Explanatory Notes for further details of breakdown.
1.3Qualitative Youth Crime Profile for the Catchment Area
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 1.3)
(A) Underlying pattern(s) of offences (offence clusters) committed by young people from the catchment area
To satisfactorily complete this section it will be necessary to undertake a detailed review of the statistical information in section 1.2in conjunction with relevant local members of An Garda Síochána. The statistical information should provide the key frame of reference for this qualitative analysis and should demonstrate a clear understanding of the underlying circumstances and patterns of behaviour for the offence categories listed. In addition, it is acknowledged that incidents such as anti-social behaviour, which although not recorded in the official crime data in section 1.2, provide a more comprehensive narrative ofyouth crime within your project's catchment area.Therefore it is important to refer to these types of incidents as appropriate in providing the overall youth crime context.
(B) Profile of young people referred to the Project
This is an analysis of the young people from the catchment area who have been referred to the project and risk assessed using the YLS/CMI-Sv screening tool. In the table below please enter the aggregate scores from all your YLS assessments for the 12 months October 2011 to September 2012 inclusive (Refer to Explanatory Notes 1.3(b) for example).
N.B. Please note that two worksheets are contained within the workbook – data should only be entered into worksheet ‘Template for completion’. To complete,double click on the table to open excel, input the information into the worksheet titled ‘Template for completion’. Once the information has been input, select ‘Summary’ from the worksheet icons at the bottom of the excel page, information will be input automatically in the ‘Summary’ sheet. Click on the word document to close excel and save the information.
Do not type into the ‘Summary’ sheet
1.4. Targeting
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 1.4)
Referring to your analysis of youth crime and the profile of young people referred to the project, what are the targeting priorities for the following 12 months?
Targeting PrioritiesHow many individual young people from primary target groupare estimated to be prioritised for service over the 12 month period?
How many individual young people from secondary target group are estimated to be prioritised for service over the 12 month period?
What is the estimated percentage of overall participants in the primary target group?
What is the estimated percentage of your intervention time devoted to the primary target group?
2.Logic Model section: Intended Outcomes
2.1Intended Long Term Outcomes
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 2.1)
What are the main improvement the project would like to see in the next 3-5 years? These will typically be crime related describing the overall impact that you intend the project to make
No. / Long Term Outcomes / Rationale1
2.2Intended Short/Medium Term Outcomes
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 2.2)
What changes in behaviour and circumstances would the project like to see within the 12 month period of this plan which will contribute to a reduction in youth crime? These will typically be changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours. Three outcomes are inserted in this table and proportionate project effort is required to achieve improvements in these areas. These pre-set outcome areas will compliment other outcomes determined by the project in the context of its analysis of local youth crime. However caution should be applied in subscribing to too many outcome areas.
No / Short/Medium Term Outcome / Rationale1 / Reduced Impulsivity / Impulsive behaviour and a lack of capacity for reflection / foresight associated with (in particular) public order offending. Will assist young people in self-regulating their own behaviour.
2 / Improved empathy / Better consideration of other people’s feelings should help in inhibiting offending behaviour, especially where there are identifiable victims. Will assist young people in self-regulating their own behaviour.
3 / Improved pro-social behaviour / Will encourage young people to use their energies in pursuit of interventions designed to realise their potential and to the benefit of the wider local community. Will assist young people in self-regulating their own behaviour.
Add other intendedoutcomes as necessary
3. Logic Model section: Outputs
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 3.1)
Please give a short description of your planned interventions and a supporting statement for each intervention outlining how and why you believe each will lead to the short/medium term outcomes you are seeking. These outcomes should be directly relevant to the information you completed in section2.2intended short/medium term outcomes. Where possible please include proposed length of intervention, number of sessions, type and number of participants and any other additional measurable information.
OutputsIntervention / Who you reach (estimated number) / Outcomes & Rationale
4.Logic Model section: Inputs
4.1 Resources/Inputs
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 4.1)
What does the project need to be able to deliver these interventions?(Please tick the boxes as appropriate)
Staff knowledge, skills & experienceCommunity Based Organisation
Project Committee
Referral Assessment Committee
JLO support
Community & Local Gardaí support
Policies, procedures & guidelines
Support & supervision
Academic References
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 4.2)
Please list anydocumentary or academic references to support this plan.
- Project logic Model
5. Project logic Model - Summary
Please summarise the logic model in the template below
6. Unmet risks and needs
6.1 Unmet risks and needs
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 6.1)
It is likely that the level of demand for your services will outstrip your capacity to respond both in terms of numbers of potential referrals and in terms of range of needs for young people engaged with the project. Please give an outline of risks and needs of young people the project engaged with previously which the project did not or was not in a position to meet. (Please see Explanatory Notes 6.1).
7. Financial Section and Annual Plan sign off
7. 1 Budget Application 2013
(Refer to Explanatory Notes 7.1)
To edit the budget application, double click on the template and enter the figures. When editing is complete click on the word document and the changes will save. Please note the ‘Total Expenditure’ cell contains a formula that will automatically update. Please provide the breakdown of ‘Other Administrative’ costs in the ‘Admin Cost’ worksheet contained within the workbook.
7.2 Approval and Sign-off of Annual Plan
Signed on behalf of the Project Committee:
1.Name: ______Position: Chairperson
2.Name: ______Position:______
Date: ______
Project Committee Membership:
7.3 Verification