The Giver

Chapter Booklet

By: Victoria Phillips


The setting takes place in several different places within this Utopia; a Utopia is a place that seems to be absolutely perfect. Locations of the setting are in Jonas’s home, which has occurred frequently. The school that Jonas attends is also part of the setting. Inside the House of The Old, which is a home where the Old and retired live, but is also where Jonas has his training, in the Annex. The Annex room is found in the back of the House of The Old. Therefore the setting occurs throughout the community. Time zone in which the story takes place is in the future.


Jonas: Jonas is the main character in the book. Jonas is occurring in every chapter you read, which is why he is the main character. Becoming the future “Giver” has given Jonas the title of being protagonist because he is remembering everything that has happened in the world and is helping people by doing so. With dark hair, light bluish-gray eyes (which are different from everyone else in the Utopia whom have dark colored eyes), average height, and is not very strong are the physical traits of Jonas. Being a shy boy because he has only one friend and is uncomfortable talking to people is how Jonas mainly acts. This main character was told, by the creator of the life jobs, that he is intelligent because he is the top student throughout his entire school. Courageous because he has been through all the hard-core training for becoming the receiver and has not complained one bit. Jonas also has a unique characteristic called the capacity to see beyond because he witness’s “changes” in items, which he was told was the change in color. The receiver of memory (Jonas) is a dynamic character. He is dynamic because he encounters change after knowing his new duty. Becoming able to lie and know much more than anyone in the entire town suddenly, is some changes that are occurring to him.


Fiona: This minor character, Fiona, does not occur in the book as much as the two major characters, The Giver and Jonas. Fiona is a static character because she does not change at all during the entire book. This young lady is also a protagonist because she does not perform any bad situations or incidents throughout the book. This girl with the fiery red hair is Jonas’s crush. She is a caring young lady who loves to work with the old, all the time with no complaints. Being simple-minded and understanding because of her love for people and how much she cares are Fiona’s other traits that are included in the story.


The Giver: Just being introduced into the book about halfway in is another minor character, which seems like a major character, named The Giver. This old looking man is a protagonist character because he helps Jonas with his future job, and this man helped people by holding all the memories of the past within him, and is called upon by the people if they are in great need of help. Pale blue eyes and wrinkled skin are the main features this man holds besides the fact that he appears much older than his current age because of holding all the memories. Also The Giver wears the same clothes that the elderly in the House of the Old wear. This man and the main character, Jonas, have similar characteristics except The Giver has wisdom due to his training at an earlier age before Jonas, and the trait to give. By “give” I mean to transfer memories to others.


Asher: Jonas’s only best friend is Asher. Asher is a minor character because he is rarely talked about in the entire book. He is the protagonist in the story as well. He is fit because he plays in athletics and activities. Looking similar to every boy in the community, Asher has dark hair and dark eyes. This childish boy talks to fast, so he mixes up his words and occasionally is punished. Also he is popular throughout his school and homes and loves to have fun and laugh because that’s the way he is ever since a little boy. Asher is a static character because he is the same outgoing kid-like man the entire book.


Lily: Being a minor character in the story is Jonas’s little sister, Lily. A protagonist and a static character is what this little sister is known as in the story. Lily is small, a girl, and a happy kid because she is always bouncing around and being a good angel. She is the youngest in the family. This little girl has her bowties all bunched up and undone all the time, therefore she is messy and doesn’t care about her appearance. Although she is messy, Lily is a very kind child especially to her family. Asking what’s wrong and trying to make things better is what this ball of sunshine tries to do in order to help out. This is the most that I can include about this small character in “The Giver”.


Rising Action: Parts if a story leading to the climax.

~ Asher is late to class, and has to apologize for his absence.

~ Father had to release a new child.

~ Jonas his nervous about his ceremony of becoming a twelve.

~ Jonas’s father is a Nurturer, what Jonas wants to be assigned.

~ Jonas had his hair trimmed. Therefore looking like all the other boys.

~ Jonas’s family received their first baby to nurture, so the child can be ready for the ceremony in which he is given to his family unit. The child looks similar to Jonas.

~ Lily wants to be a Laborer, but she was told they are not respected.

~ Many rules are stated through speakers when something is done wrong or if someone is in trouble.

~ Jonas witness’s a change in the apple he and Asher were throwing around, but only Jonas witnessed the change.

~ Jonas and Fiona go to the House of the Old and bathe the elder.

~ Fiona and Jonas discuss about the releasing room, and how some of the elders were told a story about their life then were released.

~ The family of Jonas discusses their dreams during their meals, Jonas rarely has any.

~ Jonas has to take a pill because he is getting strong emotions about girls.

o  Man versus Self

~ Ceremonies begin.

~ Lily, Ceremony of 9, receives a bicycle.

~ Ceremony of 12 begins.

~ Asher is assigned Assistant Director of Recreation.

~ Fiona is assigned as a helper for the House of the Old.

~ Chief Elder skipped Jonas’s number.

~ Jonas becomes the Receiver of Memory, the most important job in the community.

o  Man versus Fate


Rising Action cont..:


Climax: Highest stress point in the book.

In “The Giver” there are TWO climaxes!

The first climax is in the middle of the book. It is when Jonas becomes the Receiver of Memory. This changes Jonas’s life, and is what he was born and tested to do.

o  The type of conflict is Man versus Fate.

The second climax is located near or at the end. It is when Jonas leaves the community, so all the citizens can collect all the memories Jonas knows and live life like everyone did in the past.

o  The type of conflict is Man versus society.

These two conflicts are important to the story, and both change Jonas’s behavior and life. I’m going to represent this book in reference of the first climax.


Falling Action: Series of events after the climax.

~ Jonas’s friends treat Jonas differently after he was assigned Receiver of Memory.

~ Jonas was told that he can lie, can’t take any medication, can ask as many question as needed, and is prohibited from dream-telling.

~ Jonas starts his training in the Annex room.

~ Jonas meets the former Receiver of Memory, The Giver.

~ Jonas was told to never apologize to The Giver again, wastes time.

~ Jonas does not know what The Giver is talking about when he tells a story about a hill, sled, and runners.

~ The Giver moves his memories into Jonas’s mind by placing his hand on Jonas’s back.

~ The Giver has the power to turn off the speakers that hear and record everything that everyone in the community is saying.

~ Jonas experiences his first memory by sledding down a hill on runners in the winter snow.

~ Jonas learned sunshine.

~ Jonas was told that before the current community, everything used to be different and full of color.

~ Jonas received a painful memory, sunburn.

~ Jonas saw a change in Fiona’s hair.

~ The Giver told Jonas what the changes in the apple and Fiona’s hair was, Jonas is seeing colors.

~ Jonas learned about warfare.

~ The Giver shares Jonas’s first painful memory, a broken leg.

~ Gabe sleeps with Jonas and doesn’t cry because Jonas shares peaceful memories.

~ Jonas has the memory of thirst, starvation, and death.

~Jonas receives a happy memory of Christmas and family and love.


~ Jonas wants to live like everyone used to.

~ Jonas’s parents say love is an insignificant word.

~ Jonas stopped taking his pills.

~ Everyone has an unscheduled holiday.

~ Asher played a war game, Jonas took it offensively.

~ Rosemary, the Giver’s wife, asked for release.

~ The Giver told Jonas what releasing really is. (Death)

~ Jonas and the Giver make a plan to leave the community to share all the memories.

~ Jonas leaves late at night, taking Gabe on his journey.

~ Search plains look for Jonas.

~ Jonas is never found.

~ On bike, they go through many different climates.

~ Jonas and Gabe fight to Elsewhere through snow and freezing winds.

~ Jonas and Gabe arrive in Elsewhere.


Mood: The emotion/feeling evoked from what is happening during a certain part of the story.

Related to my book mood is the emotion felt during a happy or sad (for example) part of the story.

Intriguing is the mood felt throughout the story. “"They had never known pain, he thought. The realization made him feel desperately lonely, and he rubbed his throbbing leg. He eventually slept. Again and again he dreamed of the anguish and the isolation of the forsaken hill." The overall mood of "The Giver" is very intriguing, because you never know what is going to happen next. Will Jonas finally change, as a resolution of the book, the orderly and precise ways of the community? This passage shows us how much the citizens in Jonas' town are constantly the same, and never feel intense emotions. We wonder. Will he try to have those rules altered?” (Lowry, Pg. 104)

Group members: Aliyah, Mathilde, Sabrina and Renee.


Another mood represented from the Giver is merry. “He knew they were shining through the windows of rooms, that they were red, blue, and yellow lights that twinkled from trees in places where families created and kept memories, where they celebrated love. Downward, downward, faster and faster. Suddenly he was aware with certainty and joy that below, ahead, they were waiting for him; and that they were waiting, too, for the baby. For the first time, he heard something he knew to be music. He heard people singing.” This quote really expresses the mood, merry, because it relieves all the suspense or anger from anywhere else in the story, and replaces it with the feeling of love and care. Love and care are the feelings that come from the holiday Christmas. Also it is indicated as the author repeats family and the sound of music. (Lowry, Pg. 168)


When Jonas took Gabe and himself to Elsewhere on bike, through all the different climates and changes he survived. Suddenly Jonas entered a finger numbing snow-filled area. Jonas had to bike all the way up a ice mountain while keeping him and Gabe alive. Stress was the main mood going on in this situation. As a reader, I was hoping that Jonas would be able to make it to the mountain top before he and Gabe died of becoming too cold or from hunger. Thank goodness Jonas made it to the top with Gabe in his arms, that was such a relief. "On his knees, unable to rise, Jonas tried a second time. His consciousness grasped at a wisp of another warm memory, and tried desperately to hold it there, to enlarge it, and pass it over to Gabriel. His spirits and strength lifted with the momentary warmth and he stood. Again, Gabriel stirred against him as he began to climb" (Lowry, Pg. 166)

TR: Theme: The moral or meaning of a story.

Resolution: End of a story where everything is resolved.

The conclusion of the story does resolve an issue. In the end, Jonas and The Giver create a plan to release all of the memories given to Jonas, and spread them throughout the community. The journey starts when Jonas and Gabe bike to Elsewhere. Tumbling in and out of different climates and taking in many new features, the two boys near the end of their journey. Mountains of snow are the obstacles in the way of crossing the finish line. Fighting to reach the summit, Jonas and Gabe are finally on top. They grab a sled, and zip their way down the skyward mountain. In conclusion, these travelers fly into Elsewhere and the end of the story relies on whatever the reader makes of it. I believe all the memories are released to the people, and the intake is tragic but The Giver guides them to happiness again. The world becomes a society of difference again. As for Gabe and Jonas I believe they live a well-lived life in Elsewhere, and find homes and families to care for them.