Requirements for Majorette Auditions

The majorettes are an important part of the band. As such, the ultimate decision as to the appointment of all members belongs to the band director. Majorettesare band members first and majorettes second! Majorettes are required to play an instrument during concert season and may be required to play at any time during marching season including in the stands. In addition, members of the majorette line will be required to spin a flag at some places in the show. As a part of the band, majorettes are expected to follow all band rules and to participate in all band activities.

1. A candidate must be in at least the eighth grade to audition and the ninth grade to perform if selected to be a majorette. Furthermore, a student must have a minimum of one year of marching experience in order to audition. Anyone auditioning for majorette must have been in band both semesters of the year in which they are trying out and must remain in band both semesters of the year in which they perform. This commitment is extremely important and necessary to building a Superior line.

2. A candidate must have an overall C average (70 or above) in order to tryout. The average will be derived from the completed semester grades of the current school year at the time of the audition. The current semester grades will also be considered. This average must be maintained to continue holding the position. In addition, all Academics First policies must be followed in order to maintain the position. The band director considers your academic studies to be very important; therefore, these grade requirements have been established.

3. The application and fee should be submitted to the band director. Audition applications will not be accepted beyond the declared date and time deadline. The deadline is 5 p.m. Monday, March 18, 2013. A person who does not meet this deadline is ineligible to audition. There will be a $30.00 non-refundable audition fee that is also due by 5 p.m. Monday, March 18, 2013. This audition fee will be used to help cover the expenses of the judges used for tryouts. Students will also have to assist with snacks, drinks, and dinner for the judges.

4. The candidate, her parent or guardian, and the school disciplinarian must sign this set of rules before she will be allowed to audition for majorette. This indicates that all parties involved understand the rules and requirements set forth in this document and that this student does not create discipline problems at school.

5. A minimum score of 85 is required in order to be considered for a majorette position. The top eight scores above the minimum will be selected. If eight candidates do not have scores above the minimum score, less than eight members may be selected. The final score will be determined by averaging the scores of all of the judges. The only way more than eight will be selected is if the scores are too close to determine only eight twirlers. In other words, we try to look for a logical break in the scores.

6. The band director determines the date, time, place, and audition procedure. Auditions are currently scheduled for Friday, April 5, 2013. A costume may be worn for the tryout, but is not required. This costume must be tasteful or points will be deducted from your score. If you are unsure, ask the band director. A green top and black shorts must be worn for the group portion of the audition. Auditions are closed to the general public. The judges will be qualified individuals chosen by the band director. The results will be posted on-line at the end of the night. All decisions of the judges are final. NO appeals will be accepted.

7. Attendance at a pre-tryout clinic is required. It will March 18, 19, 20, April 1, 2, 3, & 4th from 3:15-5 p.m. Numbers will be drawn at the beginning of these practices. In addition, the audition procedure will be explained, discussed, and practiced.. Basics and a group routine will also be taught and rehearsed. Any questions a candidate has should be addressed at this time. Absences must be excused in advance. A mandatory meeting of all candidates and a parent or guardian will be Tuesday, March 19th at 6 p.m. Mock tryouts will be Thursday night, April 4that 6 p.m. Failure to attend any of these practices, meetings, or tryouts will result in losing the right to audition for the position unless special arrangements are made IN ADVANCE. In addition, failure to fully cooperate with the director, sponsor or anyone else designated to run the pre-tryout clinic will result in dismissal from the auditions.

8. Majorettes with at least one year of experience may audition for captain or co-captain. You must sign this form in the appropriate area indicating that you wish to be considered for the position. Those candidates auditioning for these positions need to complete a leadership interview with the judges and teach a short routine to everyone else. The interview will be conducted individually. After you complete the interview, it is in your best interest not to relate any aspect of the interview to the other candidates. The candidate will choose the music and prepare a short routine to teach. You will only have to teach approximately sixty-four counts of the routine.

9. Captain and co-captain will be chosen using a combination of the scores on the individual tryout and the head/co-head teaching and interview categories. The person with the highest score will be captain and the person with the second highest score will be co-captain unless the director finds reason to place someone with a lower score in these positions. An example of a reason a person could be replaced is as a result of the teacher evaluation score. In case of a tie, each candidate may be asked to repeat the individual routine.

10. Results of the audition will be announced and/or posted on-line at the END of the audition day. Copies of the score sheets may be picked up by the following Wednesday. The band director will make any decision that occurs that is not covered in these rules. The band director may amend or add to these guidelines as needed. Adequate notification to all involved will be provided.

Responsibilities of Majorettes

1. It will be the responsibility of each girl and her parents to assume all expenses associated with majorette membership above those of the playing members of band. These include, but are not limited to, field uniforms, pep rally uniforms, fleeces, wind suits, jackets, camp, camp clothes, props, choreography, etc. The two field uniforms alone will cost the new members approximately $1000. The other required items will probably add up to around another $1000 depending on the items ordered. Fundraisers will be held to help alleviate these expenses. Whatever you earn at a fundraiser will be subtracted from your bill. We will discuss specifics after tryouts, but you need to be aware of this cost now. Remember, you can always choose to remain in the band and play an instrument. We need you all in that capacity as well. Auditioning for majorette is a choice and there are extra expenses involved.

2. It is the responsibility of each girl to keep her performing uniform and equipment in a ready condition for all performances. Failure to do so will show up on inspection sheets, demerits, and grades. In addition, each person is required to have her equipment at ALL rehearsals unless excused by the director or sponsor.

3. Attendance at all band functions, rehearsals, and performances is required. The band director must approve and the sponsor must be aware of excused absences in advance. Furthermore, each person is expected to be on time for all rehearsals and performances unless excused by the director or sponsor. Remember, you have a prominent position and others are watching you. You have to lead by example! It takes a lot of hard work from everyone to have a Superior line.

4. Each member is expected to cooperate with the sponsor, captains, and band director at all times. Each person should also assist in any way possible. Again, you are leaders! Because the majorette and the rest of the band must perform as a group, unity is very important. Personal problems should be left behind at rehearsals and performances for the good of the line and the band.

Rules and Regulations

1. The majorettes are a part of the band! Remember that being a majorette is a privilege and does not make you a privileged person. As a privilege, it can be taken away. In addition, members must conform to all school, band, and majorette rules. Breaking rules could result in sitting out a pep rally or game or dismissal from the line at the expense of the participant. Each person must exhibit behavior that is becoming to herself, her family, band and school. A student may be removed for this position for failure to follow this rule. Again, you are leaders!

2. As a section of the band, the majorette line will be at all band and majorette rehearsals, whether scheduled or called, unless excused in advance by the band director. If you want to perform, you must attend practices! As a majorette, you are also required to participate in all majorette and band activities – fund raising, camp, programs, performances, etc. – unless excused by the band director. Participation in these activities is extremely important to establishing unity.

3. The band director, principal, sponsors, and boosters must approve all projects – fund raising, programs, etc. Majorettes may have two field uniforms plus a pep rally uniform. We buy only one new uniform a year for the entire group. New members will have to purchase more than one. The band director will make any exceptions to this rule on a yearly basis. All uniforms and outfits must be approved by the band director and are purchased at the expense of the student. A projected list of expenses must be drawn up after auditions and given to the parents and band director for approval BEFORE the items are ordered. All purchase orders must be obtained in advance. A deadline date will be set. A $250 deposit must be paid to the band before ordering. Ms. Wildes may require additional deposits for field uniforms. All bills should be paid by September 15th each year. The previous year’s bill must be paid before a student may audition again.

Reasons for Removal

1. The band director and/or principal shall remove a person from this position if she fails to comply with all rules that are part of the audition application or for any reason they feel would be in the best interest of the student, the band or the school. She may also be removed from her position for the failure to comply with all school rules and policies. In addition, a member may be removed from this position for insubordination, failure to carry out the directions of the band director, sponsor, or other appointed instructor and chaperone, or for incompetence. You must be able to do the routines or you will sit out.

2. A majorette may be removed from this position immediately for misconduct, such as improper language, drinking, use of drugs or other controlled substances, smoking, or disrespect of the band director or any other teacher or adult chaperone. In addition, because of the rehearsal time factor, as well as the prominence and leadership factors inherent in the position, pregnancy will result in suspension. This rule is for the safety and well being of both the baby and the mother to be.

3. Any decision not covered in this document will be made at the discretion of the principal and band director.