Day by Day Spelling

Unit 1 – Review


This week is our END OF UNIT 1 test. Since our spelling will include words from our WHOLE unit, I am attaching a separate PINK sheet of those words. PLEASE be sure to practice all the words, all week long, so you are well prepared for the test on Friday.

Monday: Cut out the letters below. Have a parent or sibling call the word out to you. Then, use the letters to “build” the word. For the more difficult words that you don’t spell correctly, build the word, mix it up, and then quickly re-build the word.

Tuesday: Write your words in a creative way as a parent/ sibling, etc. reads them to you. Some examples: (type them on the computer, paint them, air spell them, ) It’s your choice.

Wednesday: Complete the word scramble. Unscramble each of your spelling words and write them correctly in the box.

awg / adh / xsi / llwi / ewnt
pte / jbo / utg / cpa / abek
cabk / apec / eta / cpki / desi
eppi / kehi / clok / poeh / lcki
hleo / ckud / lreu / buce / upbm
rseds / liesd / sllpe / pirsc / stka
imna / awit / tsay / lpya / ekli

Thursday: Take a practice test on the back of this paper. Write the words you got wrong like a pyramid.

Parent Signature______Date ______

*** Don’t forget to do your 20 minutes of reading and fill out your reading log! ***

a / b / c / d / e / f / g
h / i / j / k / l / l / m
n / o / p / p / r / s / s
t / u / v / w / x / y / z