Friday, January 8, 2016

One Simple Change Facebook Party!

Slide 1-intro:

Welcome to the one simple change Facebook party! We are so excited you chose to join us tonight and it is our prayer that you leave this party encouraged, with some simple solutions to help you and your family enjoy wellness this winter. So we really want you to learn how you can look and feel your best this holiday season and strengthen your immune systems as we get ready to go into the cold and flu seasons. So you are going to learn about how one simple change can make all the difference in your health. I learned this information about 13 years ago and it has totally transformed my family’s health.

So we are going to start with the first slide:

Slide 2 : Want to be a real hero to your family? Be a Healthier You.

-We have a lot of women on the line and you know, we women just tend to take care of everybody else first and oftentimes we find ourselves not having the health and the energy that we need because you know, we sometimes forget to put that oxygen mask on our self first like they tell us on the airplane, so tonight is really all about you, taking great care of yourself so that you can then serve your family and the people that you love with the vitality and the health that is going to help you serve them really well!

-So I am so thankful you are on the call. If you go to the next slide you see the children

Slide 3: Children- Fuel their bodies. Fuel their futures.

-its all about fueling their bodies and fueling their futures

-So I know we have some parents on the line and we come to this event tonight with different things happening in our life and so I want to ask you a few questions and have you think about what is motivating you right now:

•Would you like to be healthier than you are right now? Would you like to look and feel your best? Do you have any picky eaters? Would it be a blessing to you and your family if your children were sick less often? Would you maybe worry less if they ate more fruits and vegetables? How about more energy; would you like to have more energy and vitality? Are you in the midst of a health challenge or have a loved one who is? And is anyone on the line interested in slimming down or having better health and vitality as we go into the New Year?

•If you answered yes to any of those questions you are at the right place at the right time.

-So if you go to the next slide:

Slide 4: “75% of all Chronic Disease is Preventable”- Dr. William Sears

150 doctors researched 4500 studies and the only common denominator to prevent degenerative diseases was a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

-I love this really good news because 75% of all chronic disease is preventable says Dr. William Sears and many other health experts.

-We know that the health in our country is really much more of a disease care system than a health care system. We have a lot of chronic degenerative diseases that are occurring younger and younger. 1 in 3 people live with some form of cardiovascular disease. 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men will develop some sort of cancer in their lifetime. 1 in 3 people will develop diabetes by the time of 2050. These kinds of chronic diseases are happening younger and younger ages.

-We as a team are really on a mission to see the next generation be healthy. You may have heard Dr. David Katz say this may be the first generation of children to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. We just say, not on our watch! We are on a mission to see that change. Right now we know that we’ve got a lot of obesity in children. 1 in 3 children is obese, 1 in 3 children today will develop diabetes in their lifetime, more than 25% of our kids are taking prescription drugs on a regular basis, and the American Academy of Pediatrics has started to recommend that children as young as 8 can be treated with cholesterol lowering statin drugs.

-We are just so excited to share with you tonight the power of nutrition to really reverse all of that. To prevent those chronic diseases and also to heal.

-So if you go to the next slide:

Slide 5: Experts agree we should be eating 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables daily but why so many? To help close nutritional gaps, the USDA recommends you make half of your plate fruits and vegetables at every meal.

-Experts agree that we should be eating 7-13 servings of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables every day and that is half your plate at every meal, filled with a rainbow of different fruits, vegetables, and berries.

-Why do we need to eat so many? Well if you go to the next slide:

Slide 6: Everyday living causes free radicals and oxidative stress which damages healthy cells. Antioxidants from fruits and vegetables neutralize free radicals and protect your cells.

-This just shows you a process that is happening every day in our bodies called oxidative stress and it’s really just a part of normal metabolism when we breathe in oxygen and have normal metabolism we do produce oxidative stress. There are certain things that increase that oxidative stress, things like emotional stress, obesity, prescription drugs, any type of chronic health condition. Even flying on airplanes, exercising or training can increase that oxidative stress so athletes in training need even more fruits and vegetables (Dr Phillips says 16-18 servings). That is why we really need all these fruits and vegetables because the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables actually protect our cells and neutralize oxidative stress. That is the science behind why fruits and vegetables are so powerful and so important to our health.

-So if you go to this next slide:

Slide 7: Phytonutrients create synergy

-Most people intuitively know that aren't getting as many fruits and vegetables as they need so a lot of people turn to vitamins. I love this slide because it really shows you the difference between an apple and the amount of nutrients that are in one apple verses what is in a vitamin pill. So you see the images of the vitamin pill that has maybe 20 different things in it. One apple actually has 10,000-12,000 different phytonutrients. It is all those different phytonutrients working together in synergy that really creates health in our body. Even though an apple only has 5mg of vitamin C in it, that 5mg is absorbed and does as much for the body as 1,000 mg in a vitamin pill. That just shows you the power of synergy in our food.

-So if you go to the next slide:

Slide 8: Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: The average American consumes less than 2 servings per day.

-The problem we have is that the average American consumes less than 2 servings per day of fresh, raw, fruits and vegetables. We just aren't eating the quantity that we need, and the variety consistently

-Then, if you go to the next slide:

Slide 9: Is Your Produce Losing Health Power?

-The next issue is our produce is not as nutrient dense as it used to be. The broccoli today has 80% less nutrition than it did in 1940. The other issues and challenges that we have is that the nutrient value of each fruit and vegetable goes up at the very end of the ripening process, so if our produce is picked when it is green, then it never has the nutrient density in it that we want it to. Once it is picked, if it is transported miles and you don't actually get it until a week or two after it is picked, then it is losing its nutrient value the longer it is off the vine. All of that gives us the challenge for trying to get the quantity and quality consistently of that rainbow of fruits and vegetables.

Slide 10- Your Family-So I am just going to share my experience… (share your story)

Slide 11- And if you go to the next slide, (guest speaker) is going to share her story…

so if y'all go to the next slide, then you’ll see the variety of our JP products

Slide 12: Juice Plus+ Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World

-I love that our company’s mission is inspiring healthy living around the world and we really do that with three simple product lines. The fruit, vegetable, and berries in the capsule or chewable, and the “healthy fast food”- the Complete (shakes and bars), and then also the tower garden which you see in the right side of that slide. That is an aeroponic, vertical growing system and you can actually grow your own farmers market on your back porch, and you can even grow it in your garage or in your house now because we’ve got grow lights so you can grow all through the year, which is amazing. I know some of you are from Florida or Texas on the line and you can probably grow it all year long without the grow lights.

-I love that our product line is very simple and it is all about getting more whole food nutrition into your diet. You can bridge the gap between what your family is eating and what you are trying to eat with one simple change- adding Juice Plus to your nutritional plan

-So if you go to the next slide:

Slide 13: Bridge the gap with 45 fruits, vegetables, and berries

-This just shows you all the different plants that are in the capsules and the complete. The capsules or the chewables is eating 30 non-GMO fruits, vegetables, and berries every single day. It is really flooding your body with all those nutrients. It is amazing- you've heard (guest) story and my story and we really could be on the line all night if we shared stories of the health transformations that have occurred as people have begun to flood their bodies with fruits, vegetables, and berries and this healthy fast food packed with powerful plants.

-We are at the end of the day so I want each of you to just stop for a moment and think about what you've eaten today and I’m going to read what’s in juice plus and I just want you to think about if you and your family had these things today:

•apples, acerola cherries, oranges, pineapple, cranberries, papaya, peaches, pineapple, prunes, dates, beets, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, parsley, carrots, kale, garlic, two gluten free grains- oat bran and brown rice, concord grapes, cranberries, elderberries, blackberries, black currants, blueberries, raspberries, bilberries, pomegranate, red currant, and coco.

-I don’t know about y’all, but some of those things that we just mentioned- our family never ate! There were actually some of these things that we didn't even know about. Bellberries, elderberries were just not even on our radar and beets and kale, there was no way I was going to have children that were willing to eat those things. But now, as (guest) said, her kids began to crave fruits and vegetables, and I saw that very same thing in our family which was really a blessing as a mom, it does give you peace of mind.

-if you go to this next slide:

Slide 14: Juice Plus+ is the largest whole food based product in the world

-This shows that JP is the largest whole food based nutritional product in the world. And it is food; there is a food label. As i mentioned, it is non-GMO, gluten free, dairy free, and kosher. There is third party certification on the JP products and I love that. The quality control is amazing: the measures that the company takes. I did have the opportunity to tour the plant where the products are encapsulated, and as a nurse, it was like being in an operating room. The degree of excellence they went to for quality control was really amazing to me and we have NSF certification (third party)that just really proves that there is no contamination- no herbicides, no stimulants, pesticides, chemicals in JP and it is what the label says it is. It is all of those 30 wonderful fruits, vegetables, and berries. Then I mentioned the clinical research.

-If you go to the next slide:

Slide 15: Most Researched Nutritional Product in the World (you can shorten)

-This is really my favorite slide, the science, because as a nurse, I felt responsible to share this with everyone that I know and loved. We know that our family and many people we know and loved struggled with getting enough produce in our diet and the fact that there is this type of research behind juice plus though, that really gave me the conviction that everybody I loved really needed to be able to hear this information and make an informed decision about it. Juice Plus is the most thoroughly researched name-brand nutritional product on the market today.

-Just very quickly, we know that Juice Plus, when you take the product, it is absorbed by the body- that means the important levels of vitamin C and E and keratin go up in the blood stream when you take it, it reduces oxidative stress and systemic inflammation, those are the two partners in crime I say that are at the root of chronic degenerative diseases so if you can reduce inflammation and reduce oxidative stress, you are going to reduce a lot of those illnesses that we talked about at the beginning of the call. It also supports a healthy immune system. We know that people tend to get sick less often and when they do it is shorter and milder. My youngest child was 7 when we started on JP and she graduated from high school with no sick days. It’s not that we never got a cold but when we did, it was shorter and milder and we just kinda pushed through it. I am so grateful to that. The other thing with the immune system is that JP balances the immune system, so people with autoimmune diseases tend to get better. Autoimmune disease really is becoming epidemic in our country and it has been such a blessing to see people with all kinds of autoimmune diseases get better from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS and of course, allergies and asthma are forms of autoimmune diseases too. It is a huge blessing in that way. It also helps protect DNA. There are 10 different studies that show that JP really supports cardiovascular wellness and Christine mentioned that. There is research showing improvement in cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol and she experienced that in her own health. It also supports healthy skin and gums. My dentist actually recommends JP because of the improvement in periodontal health that we see. The skin study, I love making sure that women know about the skin study. My daughter, as a teenager, saw a huge improvement in acne and we see a lot of children see improvement in eczema and other skin issues. Every age and stage of life you see improvement in skin with good nutrition. For those of us who are getting older, I love the fact that Juice Plus improves microcirculation to the skin by almost 40%. So you get more oxygen, more nutrients to the skin, better skin density, fewer fine lines and wrinkles, and that makes me really happy. We have a dermatologist on our team and we love that she is recommending JP and good nutrition to help people have the healthiest skin they can have. Our skin is one of our largest organs so it just makes good sense that as you fuel your body and feed your body well, your skin is going to be healthier. We know that beauty is much more from the inside out. We tend to spend a lot of money putting products on top of our skin and we want to take good care of our skin, but it’s really more about what we put inside of our body that makes all the difference.

-So if you go to the next slide:

Slide 16: Supported by leading health professionals around the world

-I love the fact that many forward thinking physicians are recommending Juice Plus. Thousands of leading health professionals around the world are supporting Juice Plus and recommending it.

-So if you go to the next slide:

Slide 17: Juice Plus Complete: Delicious whole food nutrition. Anytime. Anywhere.

-Christine mentioned the Complete shakes and I’m telling ya, we began using Complete at the very beginning of our JP+ journey 13 years ago- It was my solution for breakfast skipping, which I knew better then, I’m just not all that hungry when I wake up. This is a great solution to a quick breakfast that was nutritious and delicious that I could run out the door with. The Complete shakes come in French Vanilla and Chocolate. They are naturally low fat, low sugar, low glycemic index, gluten free, vegan, non-GMO; it is a plant-based protein blend of soy, chickpea, pea, and rice. It is a water washed soy that is not a processed soy. It has a great fiber blend, a rice blend, and an apple fiber and it has ancient grains and sprouts, broccoli, alfalfa, radish, amaranth, quinoa, millet. It really has got some ingredients that we just really don’t eat on a regular basis and it just tastes so good too.