Weather Summative Remediation Sheet

Name ______Period _____

*The items on this remediation sheet are drawn from the data analysis of the test taken on 3/28/18. Data showed that S6E4c, local winds, specifically land and sea breezes and S6E4d, air masses and fronts, were the weakest areas. Students will be retaking a very similar test when they retake Friday March 30. This sheet is meant to serve as a supplement to warm ups, the Science notebook, the prior formative and summative assessment to help students prepare. It should not be the only tool of preparation.

Student Reflection Original Grade ____
There are a variety of factors that could impact how well a student performs when tested. Please answer the questions below honestly in order to help make future assessments a success.
Did I meet expectations on this assessment?
If you did, explain what you did to prepare that you feel contributed the most to your success.
If not, explain why. Were there barriers to your preparation? What would you do differently in the future that could eliminate the barriers? What might you do to increase your chances of success on future assessments?

Fronts and Air Masses

Open the following link:

What types of fronts do you see on the map?

For each front, identify what type of weather the affected locations should be experiencing.


Open the following link:

Fill in the blanks below with information from the website.

A tornado begins in a ______called a______. A supercell can last longer than a regular thunderstorm. The same property that keeps the storm going also produces most tornadoes. The ______coming into the storm starts to ______and forms a ______. The air in the funnel spins faster and faster and creates a very ______area which sucks more air (and possibly objects) into it. The severe thunderstorms which produce tornadoes form where ______meets ______. This is most common in a section of the United States calledTornado Alley. Also, the atmosphere needs to be very______. Tornadoes can form any time during the year, but most form in May. But, more severe ones form earlier because the most damage is caused in April. The more north you go, the later the peak tornado season is.

Answer the following questions on tornadoes:

Why do tornadoes occur during spring and early summer?

Where in the United States would a continental polar air mass and a maritime tropical air mass form?


Open the following link: and read about Hurricanes.

Shade in the area below where hurricanes are most likely to form.

Describe the locations on your map where hurricanes will form.

Why do hurricanes form there?

Parent Acknowledgement
I have reviewed my child’s reflection and understand that he/she will be allowed to retake the Atmosphere and Unequal Heating Summative on March 14th. Times are available before school at 8:10am. Students who can’t come in early or stay late will be afforded the opportunity to take the retake during class on that day. Those students who do so will be responsible for making up any missed work.
Parent Name(Please Print)______
Parent Signature ______