Buildings and Works in a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO)

Contact Council on 5366 7100to establish whether a planning permit is required to constructbuildings and worksor remove vegetation on land in a BMO. Clauses referenced below are in the Moorabool Planning Scheme at

Exemptions may apply, including:

  • Alterations or extensions to an existing dwelling or dependent persons unit (DPU)less than 50% of the existing building’s gross floor area.
  • Buildings and works including (but not limited to) sheds ancillary to a dwelling if both the following apply:
  • The combined floor area of all buildings ancillary to the dwelling (existing and proposed) does not exceed 150 sqm;
  • The proposed buildings or works are located more than 10m from the dwelling.
  • Removal, destruction or lopping of vegetation to createthe prescribed defendable space for a proposed dwelling under Clause 52.47 Planning for Bushfire.

Note, while the above exemptions may not trigger a planning permit under the BMO, you should contact Council to establish whether there are any other triggers for the proposal.

Applications for works associated with an existing or proposed single dwelling in residential zones covered by the BMO(including the Township Zone and Rural Living Zone) must meet all the approved measures outlined in Clause 52.47-1Dwellings in existing settlements – Bushfire protection objective.

Clause 52.47-2 applies to all other applications requiring a permit under Clause 44.06-1 BMO (including the Farming Zone and Rural Conservation Zone), and those which do not meet all the approved measures in 52.47-1.

Is a planning permit required for buildings and works in a BMO?
No – there is a relevant exemptionat Clause ______
Yes – refer to following planning application requirements
For all planning applicationsthe following MUST be provided:
An Application form completed and signed
A full current copy of Title for the land, including the map showing current ownership details, title plan and a full copy of any registered covenants, restrictions or Section 173 Agreements that apply to the land. (The Copy of Title must be clearly legible and no older than 90 days.)
Titles are available at , select “Titles, Certificates and CrownLand Status “option and then follow the prompts
The prescribed application fee
3 copies of a Site Plan, Building Floor Plan and Building Elevations in accordance with Council’s guidelines forSubmission of Plans/Drawings
For aproposeddwelling or alterations to an existing dwelling:
A bushfire management statement(BMS)describing how the proposed developmentresponds to the requirements in clauses 44.06 and 52.47 of the Moorabool Planning Scheme. If the applicationproposes an alternative measure, the bushfire management statement must explain how the alternative measure meets the relevant objective
A bushfire hazard site assessment including a plan that describes the bushfire hazard within 150 metres of the proposed development. The description of the hazard must be prepared in accordance with Sections 2.2.3 to 2.2.5 of AS3959:2009 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas (Standards Australia) excluding paragraph (a) of section Photographs or other techniques may be used to assist in describing the bushfire hazard
For a development that does notinclude all of the approved measures specified in Clause 52.47-1,a bushfire hazard landscape assessment including a plan that describes the bushfire hazard of the general locality more than 150 metres from the site. Photographs or other techniques may be used to assist in describing the bushfire hazard
For a shedwhere the above exemption is not met, a bushfire management plan showing:
The shed is not to be used for accommodation
Standard compliant accessfor fire fighting vehicles
A 10,000 litre water supply in a compliant tank (i.e. steel, corrugated iron or concrete)
Setback ofat least 10m to the nearest boundary orfrom any other existing building. Justification for any lesser setbacks is required.

More information aboutPlanning and the Bushfire Management Overlay can be found on the CFA website at:

The Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning (DELWP) has a Bushfire planning resources page located at:

Pre-application Meetings:

Pre-application meetings are recommended as part of the application process. Council officers can provide specific advice to applicants on whether a proposal is generally consistent with the Moorabool Planning Scheme.

Council officers will also aim to assist applicants to become fully aware of the expected standard and extent of documentation they are required to provide with their application to reduce or avoid the need for Council to request further information.

To arrange an appointment for a pre-application meeting with a Planning Officer please contact the Statutory Planning Unit on (03) 53667100.

Online Application enquiry Greenlight services

Greenlight is Council’s online electronic status enquiry service. This service allows customers to view planning permit applications and current status via the internet. To access Greenlight go to and follow the link on the homepage.


Please note that this checklist is only for the standard information required for a pre-application meeting. Additional information may be required by the assessing planning officer upon or after registration.

Please check the planning scheme requirements by visiting the Moorabool Shire website at or

General Enquiries:

If you have any further enquiries please contact Council’s Customer Service Department on ph: (03) 53667100 or visit182 Halletts Way, Darley, from8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

Moorabool Shire Council Buildings and Works in a BMO