We are pleased to announce that this weekend we are celebrating our annual STRAWBERRY SUNDAY!!

We have the Coordinators of the St. Clement "Make your own Strawberry Shortcake Ministry” speaking at all the masses. We will then ask all the members of our faith community to make their annual stewardship commitment of time and talent to our strawberry project ministry.This year’s project FEB. 28 thru MARCH 12,2018 - PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!

This year 20local Publix stores will be selling St. Clement “Make your Own” advanced shortcake tickets for $3.50, a savings of .50¢

It is our hope and prayer that you, your family, and friends will once again respond by giving generously of your time as this has become a great tradition at St. Clement.

“StrawberryTime” is a wonderful time of sharing talent, seeing old friends, and making new ones. JOIN US!!


White button down front shirt with collar required for all booth workers. (We have a good supply of white shirtsask if needed just)

Dark long pants are required,hats will be provided for all male festival booth workers. **Wear comfortable shoes**.

Ladies will be provided with a skirt and apron. **Wear comfortable shoes**.


Standing is also required while in booth, no chairs in guest booth area. Transportation, Entry and Food tickets will be provided.

AGE REQUIREMENT - A volunteer worker at the booth must be 16 years or older.

Volunteers 16 years oldmust show the shift supervisor proof of being born before March 2, 2002, festival rules, and no exceptions!

*EARLY MORNING BOOTH SETUP- setup before9:00 every day, contact Marcy Cole 813-956-5896 for scheduling. Lifting required

BERRY GIRLS - Place berry topper on guest's shortcake. Remind each guest to take a napkin and a spoon.Standing required

SHORTCAKE GIRLS - Hands out bowl and biscuit or cake to guest.Standing required

SHORTCAKE STACKER - Stacks biscuits and cakes on trays for serving lines. Speed, efficiency and some lifting required

CASHIER - Sells tickets at booth during Festival. Speed and efficiency required.

COFFEE PERSON - Makes coffee. Keeps sugar, cream, stirrers supplied. Sells water and soft drinks.

CROWD CONTROL - Greets guests. Ensures that guests get on proper lines and stay out of the flow of traffic.**Standing and walking required. **Requires being out in sun at times.

CUSTOMER SERVICE - Clean tables and floor in eating area of any spills. Pick up trash left on tables. Wipe tables. Assist all guests if needed.

LIGHT DUTY FOOD HANDLERS- Keep the serving line stocked with bowls, napkin, spoons, etc. (Can be male or female)

HEAVY DUTY FOOD HANDLERS - Keep the serving lines stocked with biscuits, strawberries and whipped cream. Ensure floor and serving lines are always clean. A LOT of LIFTING REQUIRED UP TO 50 lbs.

KITCHEN HELPER - Keeps all utensils, buckets, etc., rinsed/washed. Help in kitchen as needed. SOME LIFTING REQUIRED.

RELIEF PERSON - Relieves all positions as needed. Needs to fully understand all positions they relieve.Standing required

STICKER PERSON - Applies sticker as guests exits booth area.Standing required, NO chairs allowed in booth area

TICKET TAKERS- Allows “advanced ticket” guestsentry, collects tickets, and directs guests to shortest serving lines.Standing required

WHIPPED CREAM PERSONS- Makes the whipped cream for the shortcakes. SOME LIFTING REQUIRED

NIGHTLY DAILY BUCKET WASHING – (March 1st- March 13th)-No age requirement - good opportunity for children and families to work together in the evenings around 6:00pm till completed.

DAILY HALL RESPONSIBILITIES 8:30am till completed (Feb 28th- March 11th)No age requirement

HALL WORKERS - Stem berries. Prepare berries for booth. Clean hall and setup for next day.

BERRY PRODUCTION - Work on production line that washes, slices and sugars berries. Wash and dry and grade topper berries. LIFTING REQUIRED

UNIFORM COMMITTEE - Remove uniforms from storage. Repair and replace existing uniforms. Daily wash, dry and fold uniforms for use by booth workers. Assist booth workers in getting dressed.

HEAVY DUTY WORKERS - Between ages of 16 - 99, capable of some heavy lifting (up to 50 lbs.). We need 3-4 men in the hall from 7:00 a.m. until about 1:00 p.m. and 1or 2 men from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. Distribute flats of fresh berries to tables, gather hulled berries for processing.

We need volunteers to drive the bus, refrigerated truck and pickup truckfor daily shifts. Call

Sprit of the living God, fall afresh on us.

Sprit of the living God, fall afresh on us.

Melt us, Mold us, Fill us, Useus.

Sprit of the living God, fall afresh on us. Amen.