Therapist Interventions List

What it’s used for:

When writing notes, feel free to browse through this interventions list for easier writing.

How it works:

I recommend pulling out 2-3 interventions per session, depending on the length of the session and content covered.

How to personalize it:

Personalize your notes as much as possible, but the following interventions list does cover a wide variety of modalities and should easily fit into most sessions.

You can also use this list to adopt a checklist for your notes. If you’d like to create a checklist, my recommendation is to write free form notes (using one of the included templates) for at least six months. Then schedule a time to review your notes and pull out the most common 10-15 interventions you used during that time. That way your checklist is personalized.

Therapy Interventions List



Assigned homework/task regarding…

Assisted client in identifying a time when… (able to use a coping skill, did not isolate, etc.)

Assisted client in developing a list for…

Assisted client with accessing…

Assisted with labeling feelings related to…

Attempted to…

Challenged… (client’s cognitive distortions)

Clarified/sought clarification regarding…

Coached client in… (verbalizing feelings, making an apology, etc.)

Collaborated with client and developed a plan to…

Consulted regarding recommendations…

Consulted regarding changes in…

Created a behavior plan to assist with…

Created a list of…

De-escalated client by…


Developed problem-solving skills… (e.g. pro’s and con’s list, breaking tasks into smaller parts, etc.)

Developed a plan to…

Differentiated between… (wants and needs, thoughts and feelings, etc.)

Directed family to…

Discussed concepts of…



Evaluated consequences of…

Examined benefits/consequences of…

Explored client’s feelings related to…

Explored onset of…


Gathered history of…

Guided client in task of…


Inquired about client’s progress towards…

Identified alternative behaviors to ______such as…

Identified triggers associated with…

Identified coping strategies such as ______to assist with…

Introduced art project/game to assist client with… (labeling feelings, practicing communication, etc.)

Introduced strategy of…

Led client in… (practicing, problem-solving, etc.)




Pointed out… (consequences for, strengths of, etc.)

Prompted client to… (use relaxation skills, communication skills, etc.)

Practiced (thought stopping when)…

Problem-solved with client…

Processed fears related to…

Provided psychoeducation regarding…

Provided treatment recommendations regarding…

Questioned evidence for conclusions of…


Redirected client when…


Reflected back…


Reinforced client for…


Reviewed plan for… (relapse prevention, safety, etc.)

Reviewed progress related to…

Role modeled…

Role played…

Set goals for…

Set limits/boundaries regarding…



Used cues to…

Used scaling to identify… (level of anxiety, depression, etc.)