Mad River Community Hospital

Safety Fair Quiz, 2017 Online Version


Your Name(please print) Department Date
For more instructions about completion of the online Safety Fair and this quiz, please see the 2017 online Safety Fair power point (first few and last slides for instructions). Please compete this quiz and turn it in to Staff Development prior to January 1, 2018. Thank you.

The following includes true-false, fill-in, and multiple-choicequestions.
Please circle TRUE or FALSE or multiples choice answers. For fill-ins, please write clearly. Thank you!!! (And if you have any questions, please ask Staff Development, x3119.)

  1. Standards of Excellence

A. According to the MRCH Mission and Vision Statement, who is the hospital’s main concern?______

B. Please name two Standards of Excellence categories you have the opportunity to read, understand, and follow as an employee at MRCH:

1. ______

2. ______

  1. Quality Care & Patient Safety

Please list three tips that will assist you in working with Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) surveyors:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______


A. You should not access any information on a patient (or yourself) if you do not have a “need to know” to do your job.


B. Before leaving a computer workstation, you should always log off.


C. It is never appropriate to have discussions about patients in public areas, such as hallways, the cafeteria, or outside the hospital while off-duty.


D. Computer usernames/passwords should never be shared or written/stored in “plain sight.”


4. Patient Rights & Compliance

A. Attestation: I have read the MRCH “Code of Conduct/Work Rules” policy (which is on the MRCH Intranet, under Policies & Procedures, in the Human Resources Manual ).

B. What is the name and number of the phone line you call if you have a concern regarding MRCH and any compliance issue?


C. Who is the MRCH Compliance Officer, and what is this person’s MRCH extension number? ______

D. Employees and others can report compliance concerns without fear of retaliation.

5. Patient Satisfaction Surveys

A. What priorities, identified by our patients and listed below (1-11), can you focus on in your work?Please think about your job and then mark all you might affect in your work at MRCH.


  1. Nurses listen carefully
  2. Pleasantness of room décor
  3. Explanation about what would happen during test and treatment
  4. Time physician spent with you
  5. Speed of discharge process
  6. Staff concern for your privacy
  7. Attention to specific/personal needs
  8. Nurses treat with courtesy/respect
  9. Overall rating of care given
  10. Friendliness/courtesy of physician
  11. Friendliness/courtesy of the nurses.


B. Please write one HCAHPS category that relates to your work: ______

6. Cultural Awareness

A. Please list 2-3 culturally-influenced items you might ask a patient about, in order to provide optimal care:



B. Optional Bonus: Please write a question you might ask a patient regarding one of these culturally-influenced items:


C. If a patient needs an interpreter not directly available at MRCH, MRCH uses the following for interpreter services: ______


7. Age-Specific Competencies

A. Age-specific competencies are skills used to ensure communication and care based on understanding individual needs at different stages in life.


B. Each age group has different communication styles and needs.


8. Social Services/Abuse Reporting/Infant Surrender

A. It is the responsibility of any employee, volunteer,or other staff who observes or is notified of suspected or documented abuse to initiate the reporting process.


B. MRCH is a designated “Safe Surrender” site, with physicians and RNs authorized to accept a surrendered newborn.


9. Organ/Tissue Donation

A. If you have questions regarding organ or tissue donation, what is one donor network website you can access to try to answer those questions?______

B. What is the referral number for calling about a potential organ or tissue donation?


10. Employee Safety

A. Harassment or discrimination in any form in our work environment is unlawful and prohibited. If you feel you are experiencing harassment, who should you contact immediately? ______

B. MRCH must have a drug- and alcohol-free work environment in order to protect the health and safety of employees and patients.


C. Per MRCH policy and as part of its commitment to being a healthcare institution, the hospital seeks “to provide a smoke-free environment.” The single designated smoking area is located:

____ at the rear of the Environmental Services hangar

____ at the entrance of the Emergency Department

11. Ergonomics

A. Please identify one way to prepare your back for working safely before you come to work: ______

B. Which of the following are ways to take care of your back and necksafely while at work?

Please mark all that apply.

_____ Push instead of pull whenever you can.

_____ When sitting at a desk, keep head and neck in-line with torso and elbows
close to body.

_____ Workstation safety: Take frequent, short breaks to stretch (about every hour).

_____ When lifting, keep the load in your “power zone” or “green zone” area.

_____ Don’t twist your back as you lift (common cause of injuries).

12. Employee Injury

A. Pretend you accidentally hurt your back while lifting a box at work.

Who do you need to notify of your injury ASAP?


B. If your back injury occurred during routine work hours, where are you assessed ASAP, and what is their phone number?
C. Now pretend your back injury occurred during the night shift (when Occupational Health is closed). After you notify the appropriate people, where would you go?


D. You have just been punctured by a contaminated sharps here at the hospital. Where does your first/immediate evaluation occur?______

13. Occurrence Reports

A. Once you complete an Occurrence Report, who should you give it to?


B. Which of the following are occurrence categories listed on MRCH’s Occurrence Reports (you can see an Occurrence Report form on MRCH Intranet):
Please mark all that apply.

____ Harassment/Abuse

____ Medication Error

____ HIPAA Violation

14. Maintaining a Secure Environment

A. What are four effective words for the person who looks lost or suspicious?


B. What is the easiest method for you to help maintain a secure environment at MRCH?


C. Who is the central person in prevention strategies regarding security at MRCH?


15.Color-Coded Patient Wristbands

A. Please name one color-coded wristband used at MRCH that is most relevant to your work here: ______

B. Please match the color of the patient wristband with what it represents:

Wristband Color / What is Represents
  1. WHITE: ______
/ A. For patient identification - Used for those patients admitted in transmission-based precautions.
  1. GREEN: ______
/ B. Used to identify patients with a “Do Not Resuscitate” order written in the medical record in accordance with hospital policy.
  1. PURPLE: _____
/ C. For patient identification - Used for patients without a transmission-based precaution.
  1. RED: ______
/ D. Used to identify patients who are a high fall risk.
  1. YELLOW: ______
/ E. Used to identify patient allergies. “ALLERGY” is embossed on band [to differentiate between blood band].

16.Infection Control
A. What is the most effective way to prevent the transmission of microorganisms, no matter in which department you work? ______

B. Which of the following are effective ways to keep your germs to yourself?
Please mark all that apply.

____ Clean your hands often

____ Use a tissue to cover your sneezes and coughs (then wash your hands)

____ Use iodine hand gel before and after meals

____ Sneeze or cough into your sleeve if you do not have a tissue

C. What does CHAMPS stand for?


D. All MRCH hospital staff must sign a declination form if they do not wish to receive the annual flu vaccine.


17.Blood-Borne Pathogens
A. Nurses are the only employees who run the risk of getting stuck from a contaminated needle at MRCH.


B. To protect patient, staff, and others, and also as required by the Department of Public Health and other accrediting agencies, special precautions are needed in hospitals for contact, blood-borne, airborne, and droplet infections. Please name one of these precautions you may encounter, or need to be aware of, in your job.



18. Hazardous Materials & Waste Management

If you wanted to look up information on a chemical used here at MRCH, what are two places you could find the most current MSDS?



19. Medical Waste
A. Please fill in the letters that correspond to the correct disposal container for each type of waste. Each letter should only be used once.

_____ Clean packaging, paper towels, soiled diapers, and band aids or cotton balls with small amount of blood. /
  1. Sharps container

_____ Drug vials and IV bags containing
pharmaceuticals. /
  1. Black battery bucket

_____ Dressings or waste materials saturated with blood or body fluids. /
  1. Regular trash

_____ Used batteries. /
  1. Biohazard waste bag & container

_____ Broken glass, syringes, and needles. /
  1. Pharmaceutical container

B. If you have a question about medical waste from your department, who would you contact?______

20.Radiation Exposure

What are three safety factors for minimizing radiation exposure?


21.Equipment and Building Management/Plant Operations and Biomed

A. Biomed deals with patient equipment. Plant Ops primarily focuses on non-patient equipment and building-related items.


B. It is approximately 12 noon and you need assistance from Plant Operations for a “non-urgent” need to help you move very heavy boxes to another department. Please fill in the blanks below about steps you should take to contact Plant Ops:
a. Fill out a ______form (found on MRCH Intranet under “forms,” then “forms by department”).

b. To deliver this completed form to Plant Ops, take one of the following steps: ______, ______, or ______.

C. What should be placed inside the red and white floor tape adjacent to fire extinguishers and other safety-based access sites? ______

22. Electrical Safety Hazards

Please describe one of the hazardous situations shown on the slide, and explain briefly why it is dangerous. Please include the letter of the situation you are describing.



23. Utilities Management & Safety

A. Please name one person who needs to be notified in the event of a gas or water leak: ______

B. “House Supervisor” is another name for the person listed in some policies/procedures at the “Nursing Administrative Supervisor.”


24. Hospital Safety & Emergency Codes

A. Please fill in the appropriate letter that describes each code:

Code Blue______A. Internal Disaster

Code Red______B. Lock Down

Code Yellow______C. Infant Abduction

Code Purple______D. Combative Person

Code White ______E. Manpower needed.

Dr. Strong______F. Adverse alteration in a patient’s condition

Code Grey ______G. Child Abduction

Code Silver ______H. Fire

Code Orange______I. Cardiac/Medical Emergency

Code Pink ______J. Person with weapon and/or active shooter

Triage Internal ______K. Sealing of Building to outside air

Triage External ______L. Pediatric Medical Emergency

Shelter-in-Place ______M. Bomb Threat

Code Security ______N. Hazardous Material Spill/Release

Code Rapid Response Team______O. External Disaster
Code Trauma______P. Trauma arrival in ER
B. What phone numbers do you dial to call a code?

Call ______from 0700 to 2300.

Call ______from 2300 to 0700 -- and you’re “live.”

25. Fire Safety – “Code Red”

A. What does R A C E stand for? What does P A S S stand for?

R: P:

A: A:

C: S:

E: S:

B. What month is (or was) your department scheduled for a fire drill this year?


C. All hospital staff must respond to at least one fire drill each year.


26. Security: “Code Pink/Purple”

A. If a “Code Pink” or “Code Purple” is called, all personnel should move to the nearest exit and monitor it.


B. Does your department have an assigned exit to cover in the event of a Code Pink or Code Purple? If so, what exit is it? ______

27. Medical Emergency Codes

Please draw lines to match each following code with the appropriate medical emergency:


Code White NRP

Code Blue

Code White

Adult Medical Emergency

Pediatric Medical Emergency
Newborn Baby Medical Emergency


28. Code Blue/Code White

What is the first action you take if you find an unconscious person in your department or elsewhere on the hospital grounds?


29. Security: Management of Aggressive/Disruptive Behavior

A. Please list three tips for crisis prevention:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

B. Please complete the following statement: “If you can tell me what the ______is,I know I can find the ______to assist you in finding a ______and ______your ______.”

30. Security: “Dr. Strong” & “Code Security”

A. If “Doctor Strong” is called, all personnel able to do so should go to the location given.


B. In the event of a “Code Security,” the lock down will remain in effect until when?
Please circle one.

1.Until an appropriate period of time has passed.

2.Until “Code Security All Clear” is announced overhead.

3. Until you feel it is safe to resume your activities.

31.Emergency Preparedness

A. Please fill in: Information about Emergency Preparedness plans and other emergency responses can be found in the ______Manual on the MRCH Intranet, under “Emergency Preparation.”
B. What is “HICS”? ______

C. Please name the four primary sections of HICS, under the Incident Commander.





D. Please complete: The Incident Commander is the ______person on the scene of the incident, until replaced by a person of ______or ______qualifications. ______may serve in this capacity, if only temporarily.

32.Hospital Disaster Response Responsibilities:

A. What is your responsibility to MRCH and the Community if a local disaster occurs?


B. “Disaster Control Stations” are certain areas that manage aspects of work during a surge in care following an incident. Where will the MRCH Labor Pool (formerly People Power Pool) be located during a local disaster? ______

Congratulations: You have completed the 2017 annual Safety Fair Quiz, online version!

Please also complete the evaluation and annual education survey (both below).
Then turn the quiz, evaluation, and education survey into Staff Development, x3119.
Please turn in these items prior to January 1, 2018.

Annual Education Survey

Educational Item / Strongly
Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly
I favor short, monthly educational presentations/CEs at unit staff meetings.
I would attend educational lectures on current topics presented at MRCH.
I am skillful at using the MRCH Intranet
to find resources for policies/procedures and education.
I do fine using my own resources to
earn CEsand update my knowledge/skills.*
I have used MedCom to earn CEs.
BLS, ACLS, PALS, and NRP are being offered enough during the year (if disagree,
please indicate the need).
  1. Please list 3 educational topics you would like to see presented at MRCH in 2018:

1. ______2.______3. ______

  1. What days and times of day for in-service trainings would work best for you? ______
  1. Would you like to suggest potential educators/speakers, either from within MRCH or from the community? If so, who you would recommend as potential presenters?

4. In which of the following areas do you think more information is needed?
___Infection control ___Quality assessment/performance improvement (QAPI) ___Fire safety ___Equipment/device safety ___Hazardous materials safety ___Technology/computers ___Patient privacy ___Patient rights

5. What source(s)do you use to find out about upcoming MRCH educational events?

□ MRCH Intranet□ internet □ bulletin boards □ flyers□ meetings □other

* Please feel free to share with us non-MRCH-affiliated sources you have found useful for earning CEs:______

Comments/Other Suggestions (you may also use back of page):______


Your Department______Name (optional)______
O V E R for Evaluation

2017 Safety Fair Evaluation

Please rate the following areas as 5 (strongly agree) through 1 (strongly disagree):

1. Subject matter was clearly presented. 5 4 3 2 1

2. Test questions were relevant to

subject matter. 5 4 3 2 1

3. The information presented added to

my safety knowledge. 5 4 3 2 1

4. Overall, I enjoyed this Safety Fair. 5 4 3 2 1

Suggestions for future Safety Fairs: ______


Other comments:





Thank you for your hard work!

O V E Rfor Annual Education Survey

(excerpted from paper version 3)