Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

Grade Level/Subject: 4th/Science Topic: Minerals
NCSCOS Standard / Competency Goal 2: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of the composition and uses of rocks and minerals.
2.01 Describe and evaluate the properties of several minerals.
2.02 Recognize that minerals have a definite chemical composition and structure, resulting in specific physical properties including:
·  Hardness.
·  Streak color.
·  Luster.
·  Magnetism.
NETS-S Standard / 5.  Technology research tools
o  Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
Instructional Objective(s) / After viewing various minerals in class and reading about them on approved websites, students will generate categories to differentiate minerals and, in a group, correctly list at least 4 properties within these categories of 5 given minerals.
Objective Rationale / Students must know what minerals are before learning that rocks are composed of minerals. Identifying properties of minerals prepares students to list properties of rocks. An understanding of what minerals are is necessary to identify uses of and locations of different minerals and rocks. This prepares students for subsequent studies in earth science.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills/Key Terms and Vocabulary / rocks
Skills: categorizing, navigating websites
Vocabulary: element, inorganic, chemicals, properties, streak color, luster, magnetism, gravity
Materials / Rocks and Minerals Kit from library (samples of various minerals and rocks)
Computers and Internet
Resources /
Content and Strategies
Focus/Review / Have some rocks and mineral samples out on front table for everyone to view from their seats. Ask students to pick out the rocks and explain why they picked out the ones they did. (CFU) Ask what makes a rock a rock. Then note the minerals and explain that they are samples of minerals. Initiate discussion on what a mineral is, reviewing information from a previous lesson. (CFU) Discuss how to categorize something and new vocabulary (properties, streak color, luster, magnetism).
Objective (as stated for students) / Today we will learn about the properties of minerals. We will visit some pages on the Internet that will help us to learn more about how minerals are made and how to tell them apart from one another. Then we are going to look at the samples I have here and decide what makes them similar and different from one another. After that, you will get into your study groups to look at some minerals I give you and decide what properties they have.
Teacher Input / After discussing what a mineral is, begin a K-W-L chart on the board on or the computer (projected so that everyone can see) with things the class KNOWS about minerals. (CFU) Then complete the 2nd column of the chart with what the class WONDERS about minerals. Pass around samples while filling out chart.
Guided Practice / With the list of things the class WONDERS about minerals, journey to the computer lab to explore two websites on how minerals are formed and how to identify minerals. Students will bring paper and pencil to take notes. While monitoring students, ask each child a question about what is on their screen and what they have just learned about minerals. (CFU) Guide them in what to look for. (Backup plan: websites saved to project on board, copy printed off onto transparency and paper). After returning to the classroom, complete the K-W-L chart with the things they have LEARNED about minerals. (CFU) Discuss how to categorize minerals into different groups (hardness, streak color, luster, magnetism). As students name a property of minerals, model on a sample and label the specific property on the board. Sample will remain available to students under the list of properties.
Independent Practice / Break into study groups. Give each group 5 different minerals. Have students list at least 4 properties of each mineral. Teacher will circulate room to ensure that groups are remaining on task and understanding directions. (CFU) Groups will report their findings to the teacher who will input the data into a spreadsheet to share with the class. If needed, extra practice will be given for each individual student to identify four properties of his or her own mineral after another demonstration by teacher.
Closure / Using the computer and projector, display the spreadsheet for the whole class to see. Compare and contrast the various minerals in a group discussion. (CFU) Review the properties of minerals. Speculate on how minerals might be used and where they might be found. Inform students that later in the week they will learn more about the purpose and location of minerals.
Assessment / Group and individual lists will be evaluated for four correct properties for each mineral.
Plans for Individual Differences / Webpage content may be magnified if needed. Teacher may read content aloud if needed. Group work during independent practice allows for assistance from fellow classmates. The lesson will address the needs of various learning styles. Students will hear information on minerals. On the K-W-L chart, the computer, and board, students will see information on minerals. During class discussion and in independent practice, students will physically hold and manipulate minerals. Every student will be provided with equal opportunities for learning and assistance.
Justification/purpose for use of technology / The websites provide a chance for students to discover how minerals are formed and how they are identified. They further explain the properties of minerals and appropriate words to use when describing these properties. Use of the spreadsheet will aid students in analysis of the properties of the minerals.

Content Analysis

Subject Matter Outline: Properties of Minerals

§  Color: color or colors of mineral

§  Luster: what the surface looks like in the light

§  Streak color: color of streaks in mineral

§  Magnetism: does it attract metal

§  Gravity: how heavy it is

§  Odor: smell

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