Principles of Floral Design
Mrs. Whisenant
SummerCreekHigh School
Contact Information
Room: 1805
Phone: 281-641-5520
Course Goals
During the course of this school year we will be learning about the exciting field of floral design. This semester we will begin by identifying the common tools and plants used in designs, we will learn how to make homecoming corsages, how to make a number of fresh flower arrangements, and how to successfully start your own business. In addition, you will develop a SAE project that you will keep records on using hardcopy record keeping and our online record keeping program.
Guidelines for Success
Being a member of the floral design classroom, you will be required to maintain a professional and courteous attitude toward your classmates, any guests of the class, and the instructor. Participation and preparation are also big keys to success in this class; therefore participate in class discussions, complete class assignments, and be prepared when you come to class. Lastly, if you will follow the district code of conduct and class rules, you should have no problem being a success in floral design!
Class Supplies
- $30.00 lab fee
- 1 - 1 inch binder with hard covers and no outside pockets (for this class only)
- 1 package of dividers
- Notebook Paper or Spiral Notebook
- Pens/Pencils
- You may possibly need other items throughout the school year, however you will be informed ahead of time of when the items are needed.
**I also kindly accept donations of Extra Class Supplies, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer, Ribbon & Magazines**
Classroom Rules
You will be expected to follow the following rules every time you come to class:
- Be on time to class
- Be prepared for class
- Be courteous to others (no profanity, horseplay, bullying)
- If it is not yours, don’t touch it
- Have cell phones put away at all times
*In addition to these rules, you will be required to obey all school policies, as posted*
Classroom Consequences
When you do not follow the classroom rules the following consequences will be delivered:
- Warning
- Parent Contact
- Pre-Referral
- Office Referral
**Please note that I, the teacher, have the right to skip any consequences as I see fit, dependent upon the rule broken, attitude of the student, or seriousness of the offense**
Grading Policy
60% - Summative Grades (Tests/Projects)
40% - Formative Grades (Homework/Quizzes/Daily Assignments)
Cheating or Plagiarizing will not be tolerated on any assignment. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing work you will receive a grade of 0 for the assignment and a discipline referral.
*There will be a minimum of 3 summative grades and 9 formative grades per grading period*
Classroom Procedures
Entering the classroom:
When you enter the classroom you are expected to have ready any homework assignments/supplies so that class may begin when the bell rings. You should enter class and sit down; you should not wander around the room or touch things that do not belong to you.
Leaving the classroom:
You should know that the bell does not release you at the end of the class period, the instructor does. I will release the class when all supplies/trash are picked up and put in the proper location. If you finish early, remain in your seat - DO NOT STAND AT THE DOOR!
Good Things:
Once class begins we will share “Good Things” with each other before instruction begins. This activity is meant to reflect on the positive things that are happening in your life. “Good Things” are not meant to take up the whole class period or to share things that are inappropriate with the class. Keep in mind that “Good Things” are a time to share, but also I time to listen to others, so do not expect to share your story everyday.
Working on Designs/Projects:
During this class we will complete floral designs and projects that take more than one day to complete. When you come to class, please wait for the directions and goals for the day before you attempt to retrieve your designs/projects or materials.
Group Work:
When you complete group assignments, every person in the group is responsible for participating in the activity and knowing the material covered during the assignment. Do not depend on your group mates to do your part; everyone in the group should participate equally.
Tardies & Restroom Breaks:
SummerCreekHigh School enforces the policy “Operation Start on Time”. This policy requires ALL teachers on campus to close their classroom doors when the tardy bell rings. If you are not inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings you will be required to go to the nearest “Sweep Station” and get a pass. It is my suggestion to you that if you do not want to visit the “Sweep Station” that you come to class before going to the restroom. After I take class attendance I will allow students to go to the restroom one at a time during “Good Things” to avoid being tardy. However, if you do not come to class first and wait until after attendance, you will be subject to the consequences at the “Sweep Station”.
Sign Out Book:
If you leave the classroom for any reason (restroom, called to office, nurse, etc.) you must sign out in the Sign Out Book. The purpose of this book is to have a record of when a student leaves the classroom in case of an emergency situation. This book can also help you if you are ever in a situation where you may need to prove where you were at a certain time. In addition to signing out of class, if you return to class during the class period you must sign back in as well.
Notebook/Portfolio Grades:
Each 9 weeks, I will give a notebook/portfolio grade. This grade will count as a summative (test) grade for each 9 week period. The purpose of this grade is to ensure that you understand how to stay organized and that you keep your notebooks/portfolios up-to-date as the class continues.
Absences & Make up Work:
If a student is absent, he or she must get make-up work BEFORE or AFTER class ONLY. It is inappropriate to come to the regularly scheduled class period after missing and ask the teacher for work. When a student misses class time, he or she must make up that class time before or after school. Students will not disrupt the learning environment because of an absence. Also note that if you are absent the day an assignment is due, you must turn in the assignment when you returns to class to receive full credit.
Late Work:
The Summer Creek High School Handbook policy for late work is strictly enforced. Late work will be accepted through the end of the week in which the assignment was due. The grade penalty for late work, regardless of the number of days late, is 25 points. Any work turned in after the end of the week will not be accepted. This policy also refers to assignments where supplies are needed in class. If you are asked to bring in supplies to complete a project and you fail to complete the project on time because of the lack of supplies, your grade will be penalized. However, if you come to me before the supplies are due in class and explain any hardships in getting supplies, I will arrange to have the supplies in class for you when needed.
Cell Phones:
As stated in the Summer Creek High School Handbook, students are allowed to have and use cell phones before or after school only. Under no circumstances are you allowed to have your cell phone on or out for any reason during class. You may not call, text, surf the web, take pictures, play games, etc. on your cell phone while in this class. If you are caught with your cell phone out (whether it be on or off), it will be taken up and turned in to the principal.
Ag Office:
No student at any time, unless specifically requested by me or another teacher, shall enter the Ag Office. This office is for teachers only! If I am in the Ag Office and you need me, you MUST knock on the door and wait for permission before opening the door and entering.
Summer Creek FFA
What is FFA?
FFA is a dynamic student-led leadership development organization for students of agricultural education. The FFA changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. At Summer Creek the FFA chapter activities are planned and coordinated by the members with the assistance of two advisors, Mr. Laird & Mrs. Whisenant.
How do I join FFA?
First, you must be enrolled in an agriculture science class, which you are! Next, you must pay your FFA dues which are $30.00. This payment is for a one year membership and includes the money for your local, district, area, state, and national FFA dues; it also includes the cost of your chapter t-shirt. This money must be turned in no later than September 28, 2012 and can be in the form of cash or check; checks should be made out to Summer Creek FFA Booster Club.
Why should I join FFA?
One thing all students should do in high school is get involved in something; FFA is an organization that is for anyone and everyone. By becoming a member of the FFA chapter you have the opportunity to compete in leadership and career oriented competitions like public speaking, livestock judging, or the Ag Science Fair. Members can also serve on committees and plan community service or fundraising activities for chapter members to participate in. Members are also able to participate in shooting sports and raise and exhibit livestock projects for the Humble ISD Livestock Show. If leadership and service is what you are looking for FFA provides multiple opportunities for you to run for chapter, district, area, and even state FFA office; allowing you to serve the FFA members by giving back. Last but definitely not least, the Texas and National FFA organizations offer millions of dollars in scholarships to members who join the FFA and participate in events and stay active.
Biggest misconceptions about FFA members:
- You have to raise and animal. This just simply isn’t the case; well over half of our members do not have livestock projects. Members may participate in lots of activities with the FFA and not raise and show livestock projects.
- I am not going to be a farmer. The FFA is not just for farmers anymore! Members study things like landscaping, floriculture, animal science, computer applications, accounting, environmental science, mechanics and engineering. Regardless of an FFA member’s career choice, the FFA provides opportunities to build and apply math, science, technology and leadership skills to their life.
Cut Here
I have read and understand the policies out lined above for the Principles of Floral Design class. By signing below, I am acknowledging that I will abide by the rules and policies outlined.
Printed Student Name: Period:
Student Signature: Date:
Teacher Use Only
Turned in Lab Fee:Have Standard Class Supplies: